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H.E R'E WE GO AGAI_N! T H E B.I*G O*N+E B'EFORE T-H E SEPT.EMBER.R_ALLY! T.H'E MA.RKET IS AB.OUT TO P*O P*, A+N D SO IS E'X-M*T_! Ti_ck: E,X_M+T 5.-day po.tentia-l: 0..*4.0 F.irm: EXCH_*ANGE MOB+ILE T'E+L_E (Oth er O*T'C': EXMT._PK) A-s k : 0+.-1-0 (+2,-5.00%) UP TO 2.5'% in 1 day N-o*t o,n+l y d+o-e's t h,i+s f.i-r_m h-a+v-e grea t fundam*en*tals, b_u.t gett+ing t-h_i+s oppo,rtunit.y at t h.e ri+ght t'i m_e,, rig ht bef_ore t'h-e ra_lly is w h'a,t m.akes t_h*i s d*e.a-l so sw_eet! T h*i s a g.reat o pportun,ity to at lea.st dou+ble up! T h.e gre_at major _ity of t+h+e proc,-urement organs*, t-h.e pro*v*iders of i+nform_ation, a*r,e cont..rolled by t.h-e firs,t d_eputy c_hief of t h_e G,R U*. S*h,e g*o,t o_u t on t-h*e b.oul.evard a'n'd w_alked e_a.s+t a.n.d rea_ched t-h'e e ntran-ce of T h_e B'l,u e Mir*ror. However_+, in ord,er to u*s e t-h.i*s in.f*ormation, y'o.u w*i l.l n.e,e+d s*pecial softw'a*re w_hich c-a,n co*llect a.n*d proces+s it. TLM DRichStora*ge Storag*e compo*nen't f+o r Ric-h'Text Item,s. He h,a d vi_sited t'h*e court-s of alm'ost ever_y land,, tra,v'eled w_i.t+h a smal'l li_bra_ry, a'n*d w.o'n or l.o*s't gam.bli'ng w*i't+h t+h.e s-a_m,e e-a*s y smile .
participants (1)
quynh Camphorst