strange bug different count(*) two terminals

I have the same request that I run on the same server, the same database in two different mclient .
The results are not the same.
There is no activity on the server , no other query running.
pcoustillas@groupelemonde:~$ mclient lemonde
Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Oct2014-SP1)
Database: MonetDB v11.19.7 (Oct2014-SP1), 'mapi:monetdb://groupelemonde:50000/lemonde'
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
auto commit mode: on
sql>TRACE SELECT count(*) FROM ref__cookies__lemonde__os;
| L1 |
| 97 |
1 tuple (14.885ms)
| ticks | stmt |
| 2 | X_2 := sql.mvc(); |
| 13 | X_3:bat[:oid,:oid] =

On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 06:16:25PM +0100, Pierre-Adrien Coustillas wrote:
I have the same request that I run on the same server, the same database in two different mclient. The results are not the same. There is no activity on the server, no other query running.
This is strange indeed. Does the problem disappear with a mserver5 restart? I assume the correct result is 97? Niels
pcoustillas@groupelemonde:~$ mclient lemonde Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Oct2014-SP1) Database: MonetDB v11.19.7 (Oct2014-SP1), 'mapi:monetdb:// groupelemonde:50000/lemonde' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>TRACE SELECT count(*) FROM ref__cookies__lemonde__os; +------+ | L1 | +======+ | 97 | +------+ 1 tuple (14.885ms) +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ticks | stmt | +=======+============================================================== =======================================================+ | 2 | X_2 := sql.mvc(); | | 13 | X_3:bat[:oid,:oid] =
[97] := sql.tid(X_2= 0,"sys","ref__cookies__lemonde__os"); | | 32 | X_6:bat[:oid,:int] = [97] := sql.bind(X_2= 0,"sys","ref__cookies__lemonde__os","id",0); | | 9 | X_9= [97] := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_3= :bat [:oid,:oid][97],X_6= :bat[:oid,:int][97]); | | 1 | X_10 := aggr.count(X_9= [97]); | | 503 | barrier X_31 := language.dataflow(); | | 4 | sql.exportValue(1,"sys.L1","L1","wrd",64,0,6,X_10=97:wrd,""); | | 0 | end s2_4; | | 555 | function user.s2_4(); | | 627 | X_5:void := user.s2_4(); | +-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 10 tuples (14.976ms) pcoustillas@groupelemonde:~$ mclient lemonde Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Oct2014-SP1) Database: MonetDB v11.19.7 (Oct2014-SP1), 'mapi:monetdb:// groupelemonde:50000/lemonde' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql>TRACE SELECT count(*) FROM ref__cookies__lemonde__os; +------+ | L1 | +======+ | 0 | +------+ 1 tuple (6.841ms) +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ticks | stmt | +=======+============================================================== ====================================================+ | 2 | X_2 := sql.mvc(); | | 13 | X_3:bat[:oid,:oid] =
[0] := sql.tid(X_2= 0,"sys","ref__cookies__lemonde__os"); | | 9 | X_6:bat[:oid,:int] = [0] := sql.bind(X_2= 0,"sys","ref__cookies__lemonde__os","id",0); | | 9 | X_9= [0] := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_3= :bat [:oid,:oid][0],X_6= :bat[:oid,:int][0]); | | 1 | X_10 := aggr.count(X_9= [0]); | | 531 | barrier X_29 := language.dataflow(); | | 21 | sql.exportValue(1,"sys.L1","L1","wrd",64,0,6,X_10=0:wrd,""); | | 0 | end s2_1; | | 727 | function user.s2_1(); | | 868 | X_5:void := user.s2_1(); | +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 10 tuples (6.951ms) any ideas ?
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participants (2)
Niels Nes
Pierre-Adrien Coustillas