Re: [MonetDB-users] Tweaking performance

----- "Martin Kersten"
Garrett Smith wrote:
Does anyone have some guidance on approaches for optimizing database performance?
I realize this is a pretty broad question :)
More specifically, I'm running a simple query
select max(date) from metric
on a table with 21 million rows (or whatever you call them in Monet). It's taking quite a bit longer than I'd expect, given a typically indexed column.
Given the fact that there is no (b-tree) index, the underlying engine has to perform a scan to find the maximum. This entails a linear scan over 21M elements in the current implementation.
Thanks! After going back and reading the docs on MonetDB, I realized my question was pretty naive. The SQL interface triggered a Pavlovian response to think in terms of a relational database with b-tree indexes. It's pretty amazing how fast that linear scan is. Still, my application calls for something else. I took a look at FastBit, which is insanely adept at selects into huge data sets, but requires a relatively expensive index update to get that performance. As I have routine updates to deal with, that doesn't seem a good fit. We'll probably stick with MySQL+MyISAM for this particular component. Garrett
participants (1)
Garrett Smith