[MonetDB-users] Space measurement and data compression in monetdb

I have two queries regarding monetdb: Is it possible to measure that how much space/memory each table has occupied? and Is is possible to compress the data (by using a command...)? Regards, Iftikhar -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Space-measurement-and-data-compression-in-monetdb-tp17... Sent from the monetdb-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Iftikharn wrote:
I have two queries regarding monetdb:
Is it possible to measure that how much space/memory each table has occupied?
I was also wondering about this. Also, after dropping all tables, my dbfarm/<dbname>/bat directory is 3GB. Can I safely delete its contents? Is there any way of making Monet release all unused space? Klem fra Nils
Is is possible to compress the data (by using a command...)?
participants (2)
Nils Grimsmo