Text type vs JDBC driver

I just started looking at MonetDB today, so please excuse me if I've missed something. I'm using the JDBC driver in Clojure. I have a table which has one column of type TEXT. The docs mention TEXT [0] and I have no problem with it from the database CLI. When I'm inserting with JDBC, I get an error message : "Conversion not allowed", pointing to MonetPreparedStatement.java line 1775. Looking at the switch statement it doesn't look like the driver has a mapping of String to TEXT (and possibly others). I'm aware that using Clojure might introduce issues, but I've checked and the type of objects I'm passing in are definitely java.lang.Strings. I don't want to raise a ticket because I'm not confident that is is a bug. But it does look like a mismatch between the MonetDB types and the JDBC driver. A quick look at the bug tracker doesn't mention anything about 'text'. (FWIW I've got my code working by using VARCHAR.) Joe [0] https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/BuiltinTypes [1] http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB/file/tip/java/src/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/Mone...
participants (1)
Joe Wass