Announcement: New Aug2024 Feature release of MonetDB suite

The MonetDB Foundation is pleased to announce the Aug2024 feature release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at For details on this release, please see the release notes at As usual, the download location is The Aug2024 documentation can be found [here]( ## Aug2024 Feature Release (11.51.3) ### - The CMake configuration files for building extensions have now been included in the various MonetDB development RPMs and debs. - Removed upgrade code for versions before Jul2021. - The shared library (.dll aka .so files) now have the version number as part of the name. This should allow the building of compatibility versions that can be installed in parallel to the latest version. - Some of the Debian/Ubuntu packages have been renamed. The old monetdb5 names have been changed to plain monetdb, and libmonetdb5-server-* packages have been renamed monetdb-*. - The names of some of the provided RPM files have been changed. References to the old MonetDB5 name have been removed. All packages are now just MonetDB. ### Client Package - Msqldump now accepts --output and --outputdir options. When the --outputdir option is used, the dump is placed in the file dump.sql in the specified directory and all tables are dumped to separate CSV files. In this way it is feasible to edit the dump script by hand if needed, even for a large database. - The --table (-t) option of msqldump now accepts SQL-style % wildcard characters to dump all tables that match the pattern. E.g. -t %test%.%test% dumps all tables with 'test' in both the schema and table name. - Implemented interrupt handling in mclient. When using mclient interactively, an interrupt (usually control-C) stops whatever the client is doing. When editing a line, the line is discarded; when editing a second or later line of a query, the whole query is discarded; when a query is being executed, the server is asked to stop the query at its earliest convenience. Stopping a running query can only be done with an up-to-date server. All of this does not work on Windows. ### Mapi Library - Add new columns to sys.sessions. Column 'language' is usually 'sql'. Column 'peer' is the network address of the client (something like '[::1]:46558' or '<UNIX SOCKET>'). Columns 'hostname', 'application', 'client', 'clientpid' and 'remark' can be set by the client. Libmapi/mclient, pymonetdb and monetdb-java have been modified to fill in sensible default values. ### ODBC Driver - Extended ODBC Data Source Setup program on Windows with fields to specify optional Client Information such as Application Name and Client Remark. - Extended ODBC Data Source Setup program on Windows with fields to specify new TLS Connection settings. - Extended ODBC Data Source Setup program on Windows with a Test-button to quickly test connectivity to a MonetDB server. - ODBC now supports TLS. It can be configured through the following DSN- or Connection String attributes (canonical name / user friendly name): TLS / Encrypt = ON/OFF CERT / Server Certificate = PATH CERTHASH / Server Certificate Hash = sha256:HEXDIGITS CLIENTKEY / Client Key = PATH CLIENTCERT / Client Certificate = PATH - Several more connection properties have been made configurable: SCHEMA / Schema = NAME TIMEZONE / Time Zone = Minutes East Of UTC REPLYSIZE / Reply Size = NUMBER LOGFILE / Log File = PATH LOGINTIMEOUT / Login Timeout = MILLISECONDS CONNECTIONTIMEOUT / Connection Timeout = MILLISECONDS AUTOCOMMIT / Autocommit = ON/OFF SOCK / Unix Socket = PATH (unix only) - SQLBrowseConnect() adds On/Off suggestions to boolean settings and prioritizes the DATABASE attribute if it notices monetdbd requires one. Apart from that only UID/User and PWD/Password are required, all others have sensible defaults. ### Stream Library - ICONV support has been removed from the stream library. The server itself only needs UTF-8 support. The client (mclient) does have iconv support. - CURL support has been removed from the stream library. If support is needed, look at the source code in either streamcat.c or mclient.c. ### MonetDB Common - Various changes were made having to do with things like case-insensitive comparisons and converting to upper or lower case. Case insensitive comparison (i.e. the ILIKE operator) uses case folding which is similar to converting to lower case, but changes more characters, also sometimes to multiple characters (e.g. German sharp s (ß) compares equal to SS). - Made some changes to how BAT descriptors are allocated. They are now allocated in bulk, meaning fewer malloc/free calls during processing. - Removed macro BBP_cache and its associated code. Checking whether a BAT is cached (loaded in memory) can be done by checking the BBPLOADED bit in the BBP_status value. Getting a pointer to the BAT descriptor can be done by using BBP_desc. - The SQL transaction ID is no longer saved in the BBP.dir file. - Made some changes to the TIMEOUT macros. Most importantly, they now get a pointer to a QryCtx structure as argument instead of the timeout value. ### SQL Frontend - The "phash" column in the table now indicates whether a hash exists. If the hash is not loaded but there is a hash available on disk, the phash value is "true", but the "hashes" value is 0. - Added execution privilege on all sys.generate_series(first, limit) and sys.generate_series(first, limit, stepsize) functions to public, so all users can now call these table producing generator functions. - Extend CREATE USER MAX_MEMORY and ALTER USER MAX_MEMORY to accept strings of the form '10MiB', '10G', etc. - Extended view sys.sessions and function sys.sessions() with new columns: language, peer, hostname, application, client, clientpid and remark. - All users now have SELECT privilege on view sys.sessions, but non-admin users only see their own sessions. - Added procedure sys.setclientinfo(property string, value string) to allow the client application to set a specific client info property. - Added system table sys.clientinfo_properties that lists the supported client info properties and their associated column name in sys.sessions view. It contains property names: ClientHostname, ApplicationName, ClientLibrary, ClientPid and ClientRemark. - Extended sys.generate_series() to generate dates. Added 2 new functions: sys.generate_series(first date, "limit" date, stepsize interval month) and sys.generate_series(first date, "limit" date, stepsize interval day). - Added support for select exp, count(*) group by 1 order by 1; ie. using numeric references in group by clause. - Added support for GROUP BY ALL. This finds all expressions from the selections which aren't aggregations and groups on those. At least one aggregation must be specified. The ALL keyword can also be replaced by '*', so: GROUP BY *. - Added support for ORDER BY ALL. This orders on all columns of the selection. The ALL keyword can also be replaced by '*', so: ORDER BY *. - Removed the obsolete ANALYZE statement syntax options: SAMPLE nn and MINMAX. Both options have been ignored since release Jan2022. Now they are no longer accepted in the ANALYZE statement. - The ANALYZE statement can now be used in procedures, functions and triggers. - Make schema renaming more permissive. A schema can be renamed if it does not contain objects that are a dependency for objects outside the schema. If such dependencies exist, they are shown in the table sys.dependencies. - Add a DECIMAL AS clause to COPY INTO that configures the decimal separator and thousands separator for decimals, temporal types and floats. - Introduce IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM syntax. The syntax allows two values to be compared. The comparison always returns boolean FALSE or TRUE never NULL. - SQL2023 feature: Introduce UNIQUE NULLS [NOT] DISTINCT syntax which allows for NULLS to be treated as unique, i.e. a column with this constraint can have one NULL value at most. - SQL2023 feature: Allow project and ORDER BY expressions on UNIQUE constrained columns when the primary key column is used in a GROUP BY expression. ### Bug Fixes - [7045]( A value filtered in a subquery finds its way to a later filter in the outer query - [7097]( Add an 'ANY' or 'ARBITRARY' aggregate function - [7245]( monetdbe silently importing 0 rows, at random - [7265]( COPY INTO Not Reading in all records of fixed width delimited file - [7272]( Missed rewrite to bulk operators in simple SQL UDF - [7312]( Test Button for ODBC Driver - [7332]( Support IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM predicate - [7353]( INTERVAL SECOND columns become incorrect when an INTERVAL HOUR column is present - [7367]( Libraries linked more than once? - [7370]( timestamp_to_str function not aware of timezone - [7374]( Different date and time returns - [7392]( Evaluate Profile-Guided Optimization - [7424]( Performance issue in select-joins - [7459]( Crash when using `CONTAINS` in `ORDER BY` clause - [7460]( Crash when using `CAST` and `BETWEEN AND` - [7463]( Unexpected result when using `CONTAINS` and type casting - [7466]( Crash when `INNER JOIN` with `CONTAINS` - [7467]( Conversion TIMESTAMPTZ to TIME does not take session TZ into account - [7474]( MonetDB server crashes in `VLTgenerator_table_` - [7475]( MonetDB server crashes in `__nss_database_lookup` - [7476]( MonetDB server crashes in `subrel_bin` - [7477]( MonetDB server crashes in `atom_cmp` - [7480]( MonetDB server crashes in `get_rel_count` - [7481]( MonetDB server crashes in `mvc_row_result_wrap` - [7482]( MonetDB server crashes in `bin_find_smallest_column` - [7483]( MonetDB server crashes in `rel_get_statistics_` - [7484]( MonetDB server crashes in `rel_optimize_projections_` - [7485]( MonetDB server crashes in `exp_setalias` - [7486]( MonetDB server crashes in `ALGgroupby` - [7488]( MonetDB server crashes in `strCmp` - [7497]( Multi-column IN clause with value list produces syntax error - [7500]( request: ANALYZE statement should be allowed to be used in the body of a procedure or function or trigger. - [7514]( Nonexistent window function raises `ParseException:SQLparser:42000!Query too complex: running out of stack space` - [7517]( UNLOGGED tables don't get cleaned up properly when DROPped. - [7521]( Unexpected result when using `IS DISTINCT FROM` - [7522]( Crash when creating view with `HAVING` - [7523]( Assertion failure when using `CONTAINS` - [7524]( Unexpected error when using `NATURAL RIGHT JOIN` - [7525]( Related to bug #7422 (variadic arguments in aggregate UDFs) - [7527]( Unexpected result when using `IS DISTINCT FROM` with `RIGHT JOIN` - [7528]( Assertion failure when using `JAROWINKLER` in `ORDER BY` clause - [7529]( Finding minimum value in reverse sorted column with NULL values at the end gives wrong result. - [7530]( Assertion failure when using `JAROWINKLER` with empty string - [7533]( DROP of a schema with CASCADE option drops tables, but bats are not removed. - [7534]( Unexpected result when using `IS DISTINCT FROM` with `AND` - [7535]( Assertion failure when using `GROUP BY` when `CREATE VIEW` - [7538]( BUG with decimal values - [7539]( Crash when using `IS DISTINCT FROM` with `SIN` - [7540]( Assertion failure when using `STARTSWITH` - [7542]( Nested query triggers an assert - [7543]( Unexpected result when using `IS DISTINCT FROM` with constants - [7544]( Unexpected result when using `STARTSWITH` - [7545]( Crash when creating view with `GROUP BY` - [7547]( drop login trigger causes server crash - [7550]( non-admin user can no longer query sys.statistics or information_schema.tables - [7552]( Unexpected result when using `NULL` constant in comparison - [7553]( Assertion failure when using `INNER JOIN` on `STARTSWITH` - [7554]( Unexpected result when using range comparison with `NULL` - [7555]( Unexpected result when casting integer to boolean in comparison - [7556]( Assertion failure when using `STARTSWITH` with view - [7562]( Assertion failure when comparing `INTERVAL` value - [7566]( After a while, all new sessions (connections) may get refused
participants (1)
Sjoerd Mullender