[MonetDB-users] CompaSofT Xeno Domains System Console.
T+h,i's g e m is rea*lly mov-_able!! T'h,i's o'n+e is re ally profitab-le!!+! H.a'v'e y'o.u b_e.e_n watc-h ing t+h+i*s f_o'r t.h+e l_a,s't w e.e k-? T a_k+e a l o+o k at it: r'ecent n_e'w-s rele_ase+s s e*n t ge+neratin.g growin*g i'nt erest in C.Y T V Com+pany*: CH'INA YOU,TV C.O.R'P (,O-T+C BB:CYTV.O*B,) S t o c k: C*Y,T'V Cu*rrent Pric.e: $*.-4_9 4-t*h Straig'.ht d,a*y s we h,a_v-e s_e.e+n t,h.i s clim'b. (_S.e*e Yah,oo C-hart-N'ew N_e.w,s releas.e) T+h.i,s o_n_e h,a,s h a-d n+i+c,e retu*rns f o,r inve's*tors o v*e+r t+h'e sum+mer, and n o*w show+s prom+ise to beg*in a secon*d w*a'v+e of r*eturns. K'e-e,p a e.y-e o-u_t a*gain on Wedne,s*day A+u.g 15.. .. Bel_ow is r*-elevant co+des s-n+i.p.. Se'eing t*h.e glo*omy bearde-d f'a c*e b+e_n*t o+v_e_r h i.m+, t-h.e m a+n shu dde.red c+onvulsive-ly a n*d s.h+u*t h+i,s e+y,e's ag ain. To l_i s-t in-com'ing f,axes on+ly, clic'k on t-h+e F'a+x button-. R-,esource Descript_i'on Fr-amew ork (-Language)*. It a l+l sta+ys ther-e, a n'd y-o,u b,u-m p ag,ainst it a-l,l t_h,e t'i-m'e .
participants (1)
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