These release notes are replicated for historical purposes only. The release is not supported anymore.
Release “Feb2008” consists of the following updated components MonetDB Common 1.22, MonetDB Clients 1.22, MonetDB4 Server 4.22, MonetDB4/XQuery 0.22, MonetDB5 Server 5.4, MonetDB5/SQL 2.22, and the jars for JDBC and XRPC.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The database format of this release is not compatible with that of any previous release. Before installing this release, make a dump of your database, and do a restore afterwards.
MonetDB Server This release marks the roll forward of the binary storage layout to a single column storage layout. This involved a major overhaul of the MonetDB Server code. Memory leaks have been addressed.
JDBC & XRPCwrapper The Java code (JDBC & XRPCwrapper) has been moved from the clients and pathfinder source trees to a dedicated java source tree in CVS, which can simply be compiled using “ant”. Pre-compiled “’.jar’” are available for Download.
SQL The functional extensions to SQL are limited. The mostly concern minor bugs and some of the optimizers have been improved to better exploit re-occurring joins. The core cracker code has been cleaned up for better inspection and sharing in the community.
XQuery Next to the original Pathfinder compiler (nick-named “milprint_summer” or simply “MPS”), the development of the new improved and enhanced Algebra-based Pathfinder compiler ("ALG") is progressing quickly. While the original MPS version remains the default in this release of MonetDB/XQuery, a preview of the new ALG version is now available without recompilation. For the stand-alone XQuery compiler, the MonetDB/XQuery server, and/or the MonetDB/XQuery client, simply use the following command line options to select the Algebra version as default:
In an interactive `
mclient -lxquery session, commands \G " / " \g " enable / disable the Algebra -based compiler in the MonetDB/XQuery server.
The Algebra -based version of Pathfinder will become the default in the next release of MonetDB/XQuery.
Additionally, the following features have been added:
Algebra & MPS:
XML import/export for logical algebra plans (‘pf -I’ / ‘pf -X’). There is however no official description of the used dialect.
New Feature: (Restricted) support for recursive functions in the algebra. If at query compile time the recursion depth is known the query can be extended with the following option:
‘declare option pf:recursion-depth “
which triggers the compiler to unfold recursive functions ‘
Implementations of the following functions have been added: ‘op:to’ (e.g., “‘1 to 10’”), ‘fn:concat’, ‘fn:string-join’, ‘fn:substring’, ‘fn:string-length’, ‘fn:normalize-space’, ‘fn:upper-case’, ‘fn:lower-case’, ‘fn:translate’, ‘fn:contains’, ‘fn:starts-with’, ‘fn:ends-with’, ‘fn:substring-before’, ‘fn:substring-after’, ‘fn:matches’, ‘fn:replace’, ‘fn:name’, ‘fn:local-name’, ‘fn:namespace-uri’, ‘fn:error’, ‘pf:add-doc’, ‘pf:del-doc’.
Bug fixes
A summary with the highlights is given below. A detailed list of closed bug reports can be found in the MonetDB Bug Tracker at SourceForge. The detailed list of changes can be found in the source code CVS change logs.
MonetDB Server