These release notes are replicated for historical purposes only. The release is not supported anymore.
MonetDB 4.16, MonetDB/SQL 2.16, MonetDB/XQuery 0.16, MonetDB 5.0.0_beta1, MonetDB 5.0.0_beta1/SQL 2.16.
A bug fix release was made available on Feb 26, 2007. See the notes at the end of this paper.
The Venus release represents a major shift in functionality. First, we released the long awaited for XQuery Update Facility. As far as we know, it is the first W3C compliant XUF implementation available and provides full transaction control.
The next step was the
big bang
change in the packaging of the server layer. The successor, MonetDB Version 5 is moved to SourceForge. The MonetDB/SQL software line is available with both back-ends, but for Version 4 it is the final release. Finally, redesign over the website has lead to a better navigational structure and much more information on the product lines. A detailed list of changes can be found in the source code CVS change logs. A summary with the highlights is given below.
Source distribution MonetDB Version 5.0.0_beta1 was prepared and shipped to SourceForge.
SQL front-end The SQL functionality has been extended to support SQL triggers and fully functional Persistent Stored Modules. This extension was inspired by our ongoing port of the Skyserver application. Dependencies between SQL objects are stored now and dropping objects respect the ‘strict’ object dependency rule. Loading large tables have been significantly improved and the heuristic query optimizer covers a much larger space.
XQuery This release contains an implementation of XUF (XQuery Update Facility) based on the W3C working draft. In addition, the release adds a number of significant other features to XQuery:
Kernel improvements The memory mapped file functionality has been significantly changed to accomodate efficient processing of XQuery/XUF.
Documentation The revamped website became alive.
New versions of all components of the MonetDB suite are released.