These release notes are replicated for historical purposes only. The release is not supported anymore.
Oct 2012
Build Environment
- Removed –enable-noexpand configure option.
Java Module
Client Package
- mclient now accepts URIs as database to connect to.
- all strings returned by python2 are unicode, removed use_unicode option
- python2 and 3 type conversion speed improvements
- 3104)
- split python2 and python3
MonetDB5 Server
- Removed module attach since it wasn’t used or even tested.
- The MAL-to-C Compiler (mcc) was removed. The code wasn’t tested and most likely non-functional.
MonetDB Common
- Removed the gdk_embedded (and embedded) option. The code wasn’t tested and most likely non-functional.
- BAT-of-BATs is no longer allowed. It was already not allowed to make these types of BATs persistent, but now they can’t be created at all anymore.
Bug Fixes
- 3084: Timestamp arithmetic very slow (especially on Windows)
- 3125: Python tests fail after recent Python API changes
- 3155: Provide an option for setting discovery to false
- No Debian and Ubuntu packages were built for this release (i.e. Oct2012) due to a packaging failure. We expect to have resolved that problem by Oct2012-SP1. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Oct 2012-SP1
Bug Fixes
- 3155: Provide an option for setting discovery to false
- 3161: invalid tuple received from server, got 138 columns, expected 476, ignoring
- 3182: When using aggregate SQL functions, precision & decimal metadata for numeric/decimal type returned is 0,0
- For this release (i.e. Oct2012-SP1) there are once again Debian and Ubuntu packages. From this release onward, Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04) is no longer supported.
Oct 2012-SP2
Java Module
- Implemented type map support of Connection to allow custom mapping of UDTs to Java classes. By default the INET and URL UDTs are now mapped to nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.types.{INET,URL}. Most notably, ResultSet.getObject() and PreparedStatement.setObject() deal with the type map.
- 3192
Bug Fixes
- 2579: SQL: incorrect cast from double to int
- 2659: tuples INTERSECT vs count (… INTERSECT …) differs
- 2805: row_number doesn’t work in complex query
- 2886: warning: Catalog parameter ’’ ignored
- 2977: timestamp minus date results in program error
- 2978: now() + 1 results in illegal argument
- 2999: Up-cast from SQL drops order information?
- 3048: algebra.join undefined when using multiple arithmetic operations in SQL where-clause
- 3124: insert into table with two foreign keys crashes mserver5
- 3136: Memleak (in querycache?) while querying
- 3143: Type resolution error in SQL procedural code
- 3163: mserver5 crashes with large number of concurrent clients
- 3168: crash when insert varchar/char/clob with default NULL
- 3169: php driver uses call-time pass-by-reference
- 3173: SQL queries with limit and offset clauses are unable to use bind parameters for either
- 3181: Join query returns zero results when there is an index on the tables
- 3185: inconsistency between documentation and implementation of command line options
- 3186: case evaluated to early
- 3188: Storage of client history
- 3189: Overflow in calculation
- 3190: When subtracting two columns of type “timestamp”, no results are returned
- 3191: rel_optimizer.c:5596: _rel_optimizer: Assertion `0’ failed.
- 3192: “No such column with index” error if CASE in SELECT clause
- 3199: Inconspicuous sequence of prepare, execute, commit and close produces error
- 3205: Inet datatype handling inconsistent between int, cast( as inet) and string
Oct 2012-SP3
Bug Fixes
- 2579: SQL: incorrect cast from double to int
- 2659: tuples INTERSECT vs count (… INTERSECT …) differs
- 2805: row_number doesn’t work in complex query
- 2886: warning: Catalog parameter ’’ ignored
- 2977: timestamp minus date results in program error
- 2978: now() + 1 results in illegal argument
- 2999: Up-cast from SQL drops order information?
- 3048: algebra.join undefined when using multiple arithmetic operations in SQL where-clause
- 3124: insert into table with two foreign keys crashes mserver5
- 3136: Memleak (in querycache?) while querying
- 3143: Type resolution error in SQL procedural code
- 3163: mserver5 crashes with large number of concurrent clients
- 3168: crash when insert varchar/char/clob with default NULL
- 3169: php driver uses call-time pass-by-reference
- 3173: SQL queries with limit and offset clauses are unable to use bind parameters for either
- 3176: Same query and different results
- 3181: Join query returns zero results when there is an index on the tables
- 3185: inconsistency between documentation and implementation of command line options
- 3186: case evaluated to early
- 3188: Storage of client history
- 3189: Overflow in calculation
- 3190: When subtracting two columns of type “timestamp”, no results are returned
- 3191: rel_optimizer.c:5596: _rel_optimizer: Assertion `0’ failed.
- 3192: “No such column with index” error if CASE in SELECT clause
- 3199: Inconspicuous sequence of prepare, execute, commit and close produces error
- 3205: Inet datatype handling inconsistent between int, cast( as inet) and string
- 3208: Unable to execute prepared statements with a large number of arguments
- 3209: exp_bin: Assertion `0’ failed
- 3212: Query cache does not work properly