LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gdk - gdk_unique.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 172 197 87.3 %
Date: 2024-10-04 20:04:04 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : #include "monetdb_config.h"
      14             : #include "gdk.h"
      15             : #include "gdk_private.h"
      16             : #include "gdk_calc_private.h"
      17             : 
      18             : #define VALUE(x)        (vars ? vars + VarHeapVal(vals, (x), width) : vals + (x) * width)
      19             : /* BATunique returns a bat that indicates the unique tail values of
      20             :  * the input bat.  This is essentially the same output as the
      21             :  * "extents" output of BATgroup.  The difference is that BATunique
      22             :  * does not return the grouping bat.
      23             :  *
      24             :  * The first input is the bat from which unique rows are selected, the
      25             :  * second input is an optional candidate list.
      26             :  *
      27             :  * The return value is a candidate list.
      28             :  */
      29             : BAT *
      30        1443 : BATunique(BAT *b, BAT *s)
      31             : {
      32        1443 :         BAT *bn;
      33        1443 :         const void *v;
      34        1443 :         const char *vals;
      35        1443 :         const char *vars;
      36        1443 :         int width;
      37        1443 :         oid i, o, hseq;
      38        1443 :         const char *nme;
      39        1443 :         Hash *hs = NULL;
      40        1443 :         BUN hb;
      41        1443 :         int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *);
      42        1443 :         struct canditer ci;
      43        1443 :         const char *algomsg = "";
      44        1443 :         lng t0 = 0;
      45             : 
      46        1443 :         QryCtx *qry_ctx = MT_thread_get_qry_ctx();
      47             : 
      48        1443 :         TRC_DEBUG_IF(ALGO) t0 = GDKusec();
      49             : 
      50        1443 :         BATcheck(b, NULL);
      51        1443 :         canditer_init(&ci, b, s);
      52             : 
      53        1443 :         (void) BATordered(b);
      54        1443 :         (void) BATordered_rev(b);
      55        1443 :         BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
      56        1443 :         if (bi.key || ci.ncand <= 1 || BATtdensebi(&bi)) {
      57             :                 /* trivial: already unique */
      58         945 :                 bn = canditer_slice(&ci, 0, ci.ncand);
      59         945 :                 bat_iterator_end(&bi);
      60         945 :                 TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, "b=" ALGOBATFMT
      61             :                           ",s=" ALGOOPTBATFMT " -> " ALGOOPTBATFMT
      62             :                           " (already unique, slice candidates -- "
      63             :                           LLFMT "usec)\n",
      64             :                           ALGOBATPAR(b), ALGOOPTBATPAR(s),
      65             :                           ALGOOPTBATPAR(bn), GDKusec() - t0);
      66         945 :                 return bn;
      67             :         }
      68             : 
      69         498 :         if ((bi.sorted && bi.revsorted) ||
      70         433 :             (bi.type == TYPE_void && is_oid_nil(b->tseqbase))) {
      71             :                 /* trivial: all values are the same */
      72          65 :                 bn = BATdense(0, ci.seq, 1);
      73          65 :                 bat_iterator_end(&bi);
      74          65 :                 TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, "b=" ALGOBATFMT
      75             :                           ",s=" ALGOOPTBATFMT " -> " ALGOOPTBATFMT
      76             :                           " (all equal -- "
      77             :                           LLFMT "usec)\n",
      78             :                           ALGOBATPAR(b), ALGOOPTBATPAR(s),
      79             :                           ALGOOPTBATPAR(bn), GDKusec() - t0);
      80          65 :                 return bn;
      81             :         }
      82             : 
      83         433 :         assert(bi.type != TYPE_void);
      84             : 
      85         433 :         BUN initsize = BUN_NONE;
      86         433 :         if (s == NULL) {
      87         271 :                 MT_rwlock_rdlock(&b->thashlock);
      88         271 :                 if (b->thash != NULL && b->thash != (Hash *) 1)
      89           5 :                         initsize = b->thash->nunique;
      90         271 :                 MT_rwlock_rdunlock(&b->thashlock);
      91         271 :                 if (initsize == BUN_NONE && bi.unique_est != 0)
      92         154 :                         initsize = (BUN) bi.unique_est;
      93             :         }
      94         266 :         if (initsize == BUN_NONE)
      95             :                 initsize = 1024;
      96         433 :         bn = COLnew(0, TYPE_oid, initsize, TRANSIENT);
      97         433 :         if (bn == NULL) {
      98           0 :                 bat_iterator_end(&bi);
      99           0 :                 return NULL;
     100             :         }
     101         433 :         vals = bi.base;
     102         433 :         if (bi.vh && bi.type)
     103          95 :                 vars = bi.vh->base;
     104             :         else
     105             :                 vars = NULL;
     106         433 :         width = bi.width;
     107         433 :         cmp = ATOMcompare(bi.type);
     108         433 :         hseq = b->hseqbase;
     109             : 
     110         433 :         if (ATOMbasetype(bi.type) == TYPE_bte ||
     111          55 :             (bi.width == 1 &&
     112          55 :              ATOMstorage(bi.type) == TYPE_str &&
     113          55 :              GDK_ELIMDOUBLES(bi.vh))) {
     114          70 :                 uint8_t val;
     115             : 
     116          70 :                 algomsg = "unique: byte-sized atoms";
     117          70 :                 uint32_t seen[256 >> 5];
     118          70 :                 memset(seen, 0, sizeof(seen));
     119      304270 :                 TIMEOUT_LOOP_IDX(i, ci.ncand, qry_ctx) {
     120      304118 :                         o = canditer_next(&ci);
     121      304118 :                         val = ((const uint8_t *) vals)[o - hseq];
     122      304118 :                         uint32_t m = UINT32_C(1) << (val & 0x1F);
     123      304118 :                         if (!(seen[val >> 5] & m)) {
     124         322 :                                 seen[val >> 5] |= m;
     125         322 :                                 if (bunfastappTYPE(oid, bn, &o) != GDK_SUCCEED)
     126           0 :                                         goto bunins_failed;
     127         322 :                                 if (bn->batCount == 256) {
     128             :                                         /* there cannot be more than
     129             :                                          * 256 distinct values */
     130             :                                         break;
     131             :                                 }
     132             :                         }
     133             :                 }
     134          70 :                 TIMEOUT_CHECK(qry_ctx,
     135             :                               GOTO_LABEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER(bunins_failed, qry_ctx));
     136         363 :         } else if (ATOMbasetype(bi.type) == TYPE_sht ||
     137          33 :                    (bi.width == 2 &&
     138          33 :                     ATOMstorage(bi.type) == TYPE_str &&
     139          33 :                     GDK_ELIMDOUBLES(bi.vh))) {
     140          40 :                 uint16_t val;
     141             : 
     142          40 :                 algomsg = "unique: short-sized atoms";
     143          40 :                 uint32_t seen[65536 >> 5];
     144          40 :                 memset(seen, 0, sizeof(seen));
     145       47470 :                 TIMEOUT_LOOP_IDX(i, ci.ncand, qry_ctx) {
     146       47390 :                         o = canditer_next(&ci);
     147       47390 :                         val = ((const uint16_t *) vals)[o - hseq];
     148       47390 :                         uint32_t m = UINT32_C(1) << (val & 0x1F);
     149       47390 :                         if (!(seen[val >> 5] & m)) {
     150        4591 :                                 seen[val >> 5] |= m;
     151        4591 :                                 if (bunfastappTYPE(oid, bn, &o) != GDK_SUCCEED)
     152           0 :                                         goto bunins_failed;
     153        4591 :                                 if (bn->batCount == 65536) {
     154             :                                         /* there cannot be more than
     155             :                                          * 65536 distinct values */
     156             :                                         break;
     157             :                                 }
     158             :                         }
     159             :                 }
     160          40 :                 TIMEOUT_CHECK(qry_ctx,
     161             :                               GOTO_LABEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER(bunins_failed, qry_ctx));
     162         323 :         } else if (bi.sorted || bi.revsorted) {
     163          43 :                 const void *prev = NULL;
     164          43 :                 algomsg = "unique: sorted";
     165      237483 :                 TIMEOUT_LOOP_IDX(i, ci.ncand, qry_ctx) {
     166      237342 :                         o = canditer_next(&ci);
     167      237342 :                         v = VALUE(o - hseq);
     168      237342 :                         if (prev == NULL || (*cmp)(v, prev) != 0) {
     169       22853 :                                 if (bunfastappTYPE(oid, bn, &o) != GDK_SUCCEED)
     170           0 :                                         goto bunins_failed;
     171             :                         }
     172      237342 :                         prev = v;
     173             :                 }
     174          43 :                 TIMEOUT_CHECK(qry_ctx,
     175             :                               GOTO_LABEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER(bunins_failed, qry_ctx));
     176         280 :         } else if (BATcheckhash(b) ||
     177         275 :                    ((!bi.transient ||
     178          92 :                      (b->batRole == PERSISTENT && GDKinmemory(0))) &&
     179         257 :                     ci.ncand == bi.count &&
     180          74 :                     BAThash(b) == GDK_SUCCEED)) {
     181             :                 /* we already have a hash table on b, or b is
     182             :                  * persistent and we could create a hash table */
     183          79 :                 algomsg = "unique: existing hash";
     184          79 :                 MT_rwlock_rdlock(&b->thashlock);
     185          79 :                 hs = b->thash;
     186          79 :                 if (hs == NULL) {
     187           0 :                         MT_rwlock_rdunlock(&b->thashlock);
     188           0 :                         goto lost_hash;
     189             :                 }
     190       85042 :                 TIMEOUT_LOOP_IDX(i, ci.ncand, qry_ctx) {
     191       84884 :                         BUN p;
     192             : 
     193       84884 :                         o = canditer_next(&ci);
     194       84884 :                         p = o - hseq;
     195       84884 :                         v = VALUE(p);
     196       84884 :                         for (hb = HASHgetlink(hs, p);
     197      100299 :                              hb != BUN_NONE;
     198       15415 :                              hb = HASHgetlink(hs, hb)) {
     199       62100 :                                 assert(hb < p);
     200      108785 :                                 if (cmp(v, BUNtail(bi, hb)) == 0 &&
     201       46685 :                                     canditer_contains(&ci, hb + hseq)) {
     202             :                                         /* we've seen this value
     203             :                                          * before */
     204             :                                         break;
     205             :                                 }
     206             :                         }
     207       84884 :                         if (hb == BUN_NONE) {
     208       38199 :                                 if (bunfastappTYPE(oid, bn, &o) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     209           0 :                                         MT_rwlock_rdunlock(&b->thashlock);
     210           0 :                                         hs = NULL;
     211           0 :                                         goto bunins_failed;
     212             :                                 }
     213             :                         }
     214             :                 }
     215          79 :                 MT_rwlock_rdunlock(&b->thashlock);
     216          79 :                 TIMEOUT_CHECK(qry_ctx,
     217             :                               GOTO_LABEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER(bunins_failed, qry_ctx));
     218             :         } else {
     219         201 :                 BUN prb;
     220         201 :                 BUN p;
     221         201 :                 BUN mask;
     222             : 
     223         201 :           lost_hash:
     224         201 :                 GDKclrerr();    /* not interested in BAThash errors */
     225         201 :                 algomsg = "unique: new partial hash";
     226         201 :                 nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
     227         201 :                 if (ATOMbasetype(bi.type) == TYPE_bte) {
     228             :                         mask = (BUN) 1 << 8;
     229             :                         cmp = NULL; /* no compare needed, "hash" is perfect */
     230         201 :                 } else if (ATOMbasetype(bi.type) == TYPE_sht) {
     231             :                         mask = (BUN) 1 << 16;
     232             :                         cmp = NULL; /* no compare needed, "hash" is perfect */
     233             :                 } else {
     234         201 :                         mask = HASHmask(ci.ncand);
     235          18 :                         if (mask < ((BUN) 1 << 16))
     236         195 :                                 mask = (BUN) 1 << 16;
     237             :                 }
     238         201 :                 if ((hs = GDKzalloc(sizeof(Hash))) == NULL) {
     239           0 :                         GDKerror("cannot allocate hash table\n");
     240           0 :                         goto bunins_failed;
     241             :                 }
     242         201 :                 hs->heapbckt.parentid = b->batCacheid;
     243         201 :                 hs->heaplink.parentid = b->batCacheid;
     244         201 :                 if ((hs->heaplink.farmid = BBPselectfarm(TRANSIENT, bi.type, hashheap)) < 0 ||
     245         201 :                     (hs->heapbckt.farmid = BBPselectfarm(TRANSIENT, bi.type, hashheap)) < 0 ||
     246         201 :                     snprintf(hs->heaplink.filename, sizeof(hs->heaplink.filename), "%s.thshunil%x", nme, (unsigned) MT_getpid()) >= (int) sizeof(hs->heaplink.filename) ||
     247         402 :                     snprintf(hs->heapbckt.filename, sizeof(hs->heapbckt.filename), "%s.thshunib%x", nme, (unsigned) MT_getpid()) >= (int) sizeof(hs->heapbckt.filename) ||
     248         201 :                     HASHnew(hs, bi.type, BATcount(b), mask, BUN_NONE, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     249           0 :                         GDKfree(hs);
     250           0 :                         hs = NULL;
     251           0 :                         GDKerror("cannot allocate hash table\n");
     252           0 :                         goto bunins_failed;
     253             :                 }
     254      508144 :                 TIMEOUT_LOOP_IDX(i, ci.ncand, qry_ctx) {
     255      507715 :                         o = canditer_next(&ci);
     256      481572 :                         v = VALUE(o - hseq);
     257      481572 :                         prb = HASHprobe(hs, v);
     258      481547 :                         for (hb = HASHget(hs, prb);
     259      507070 :                              hb != BUN_NONE;
     260       25523 :                              hb = HASHgetlink(hs, hb)) {
     261      455014 :                                 if (cmp == NULL || cmp(v, BUNtail(bi, hb)) == 0)
     262             :                                         break;
     263             :                         }
     264      507086 :                         if (hb == BUN_NONE) {
     265       52049 :                                 p = o - hseq;
     266       52049 :                                 if (bunfastappTYPE(oid, bn, &o) != GDK_SUCCEED)
     267           0 :                                         goto bunins_failed;
     268             :                                 /* enter into hash table */
     269       52049 :                                 HASHputlink(hs, p, HASHget(hs, prb));
     270       52225 :                                 HASHput(hs, prb, p);
     271             :                         }
     272             :                 }
     273         201 :                 TIMEOUT_CHECK(qry_ctx,
     274             :                               GOTO_LABEL_TIMEOUT_HANDLER(bunins_failed, qry_ctx));
     275         201 :                 HEAPfree(&hs->heaplink, true);
     276         201 :                 HEAPfree(&hs->heapbckt, true);
     277         201 :                 GDKfree(hs);
     278             :         }
     279         433 :         if (BATcount(bn) == bi.count) {
     280             :                 /* it turns out all values are distinct */
     281          77 :                 MT_lock_set(&b->theaplock);
     282          77 :                 if (BATcount(b) == bi.count) {
     283             :                         /* and the input hasn't changed in the mean
     284             :                          * time--the only allowed change being appends;
     285             :                          * updates not allowed since the candidate list
     286             :                          * covers the complete bat */
     287          77 :                         assert(b->tnokey[0] == 0);
     288          77 :                         assert(b->tnokey[1] == 0);
     289          77 :                         b->tkey = true;
     290             :                 }
     291          77 :                 MT_lock_unset(&b->theaplock);
     292             :         }
     293         433 :         bat_iterator_end(&bi);
     294             : 
     295         433 :         bn->theap->dirty = true;
     296         433 :         bn->tsorted = true;
     297         433 :         bn->trevsorted = BATcount(bn) <= 1;
     298         433 :         bn->tkey = true;
     299         433 :         bn->tnil = false;
     300         433 :         bn->tnonil = true;
     301         433 :         bn = virtualize(bn);
     302         433 :         MT_thread_setalgorithm(algomsg);
     303         433 :         TRC_DEBUG(ALGO, "b=" ALGOBATFMT
     304             :                   ",s=" ALGOOPTBATFMT " -> " ALGOOPTBATFMT
     305             :                   " (%s -- " LLFMT "usec)\n",
     306             :                   ALGOBATPAR(b), ALGOOPTBATPAR(s),
     307             :                   ALGOOPTBATPAR(bn), algomsg, GDKusec() - t0);
     308             :         return bn;
     309             : 
     310           0 :   bunins_failed:
     311           0 :         bat_iterator_end(&bi);
     312           0 :         if (hs != NULL) {
     313           0 :                 HEAPfree(&hs->heaplink, true);
     314           0 :                 HEAPfree(&hs->heapbckt, true);
     315           0 :                 GDKfree(hs);
     316             :         }
     317           0 :         BBPreclaim(bn);
     318           0 :         return NULL;
     319             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14