Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 : *
4 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6 : * file, You can obtain one at
7 : *
8 : * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
9 : * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
10 : * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
11 : */
12 :
13 : #include "monetdb_config.h"
14 : #include "mal.h"
15 : #include "mal_exception.h"
16 : #include "group.h"
17 :
18 : str
19 57377 : GRPsubgroup5(bat *ngid, bat *next, bat *nhis, const bat *bid, const bat *sid,
20 : const bat *gid, const bat *eid, const bat *hid)
21 : {
22 57377 : BAT *b, *s, *g, *e, *h, *gn, *en, *hn;
23 57377 : gdk_return r;
24 :
25 57377 : b = BATdescriptor(*bid);
26 57377 : s = sid ? BATdescriptor(*sid) : NULL;
27 57378 : g = gid ? BATdescriptor(*gid) : NULL;
28 57373 : e = eid ? BATdescriptor(*eid) : NULL;
29 57371 : h = hid ? BATdescriptor(*hid) : NULL;
30 57372 : if (b == NULL ||
31 57372 : (sid != NULL && s == NULL) ||
32 57372 : (gid != NULL && g == NULL) ||
33 57372 : (eid != NULL && e == NULL) || (hid != NULL && h == NULL)) {
34 0 : BBPreclaim(b);
35 0 : BBPreclaim(s);
36 0 : BBPreclaim(g);
37 0 : BBPreclaim(e);
38 0 : BBPreclaim(h);
39 0 : throw(MAL, gid ? "group.subgroup" : "",
41 : }
42 104936 : if ((r = BATgroup(&gn, next ? &en : NULL, nhis ? &hn : NULL, b, s, g, e, h)) == GDK_SUCCEED) {
43 57375 : *ngid = gn->batCacheid;
44 57375 : BBPkeepref(gn);
45 57372 : if (next) {
46 57372 : *next = en->batCacheid;
47 57372 : BBPkeepref(en);
48 : }
49 57372 : if (nhis) {
50 9807 : *nhis = hn->batCacheid;
51 9807 : BBPkeepref(hn);
52 : }
53 : }
54 57371 : BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
55 57369 : BBPreclaim(s);
56 57374 : BBPreclaim(g);
57 57370 : BBPreclaim(e);
58 57370 : BBPreclaim(h);
59 57371 : return r == GDK_SUCCEED ? MAL_SUCCEED : createException(MAL,
60 : gid ?
61 : "group.subgroup" :
62 : "",
64 : }
65 :
66 : static str
67 0 : GRPsubgroup9(bat *ngid, bat *next, const bat *bid, const bat *sid,
68 : const bat *gid, const bat *eid, const bat *hid)
69 : {
70 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, NULL, bid, sid, gid, eid, hid);
71 : }
72 :
73 : static str
74 0 : GRPsubgroup8(bat *ngid, bat *next, const bat *bid, const bat *gid,
75 : const bat *eid, const bat *hid)
76 : {
77 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, NULL, bid, NULL, gid, eid, hid);
78 : }
79 :
80 : static str
81 0 : GRPsubgroup7(bat *ngid, bat *next, const bat *bid, const bat *sid,
82 : const bat *gid)
83 : {
84 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, NULL, bid, sid, gid, NULL, NULL);
85 : }
86 :
87 : static str
88 15736 : GRPsubgroup6(bat *ngid, bat *next, const bat *bid, const bat *gid)
89 : {
90 15736 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, NULL, bid, NULL, gid, NULL, NULL);
91 : }
92 :
93 : static str
94 1 : GRPsubgroup4(bat *ngid, bat *next, bat *nhis, const bat *bid, const bat *gid,
95 : const bat *eid, const bat *hid)
96 : {
97 1 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, nhis, bid, NULL, gid, eid, hid);
98 : }
99 :
100 : static str
101 0 : GRPsubgroup3(bat *ngid, bat *next, bat *nhis, const bat *bid, const bat *sid,
102 : const bat *gid)
103 : {
104 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, nhis, bid, sid, gid, NULL, NULL);
105 : }
106 :
107 : str
108 292 : GRPsubgroup2(bat *ngid, bat *next, bat *nhis, const bat *bid, const bat *gid)
109 : {
110 292 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, nhis, bid, NULL, gid, NULL, NULL);
111 : }
112 :
113 : static str
114 0 : GRPgroup4(bat *ngid, bat *next, const bat *bid, const bat *sid)
115 : {
116 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, NULL, bid, sid, NULL, NULL, NULL);
117 : }
118 :
119 : str
120 31834 : GRPgroup3(bat *ngid, bat *next, const bat *bid)
121 : {
122 31834 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, NULL, bid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
123 : }
124 :
125 : static str
126 0 : GRPgroup2(bat *ngid, bat *next, bat *nhis, const bat *bid, const bat *sid)
127 : {
128 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, nhis, bid, sid, NULL, NULL, NULL);
129 : }
130 :
131 : str
132 9504 : GRPgroup1(bat *ngid, bat *next, bat *nhis, const bat *bid)
133 : {
134 9504 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, next, nhis, bid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
135 : }
136 :
137 : static str
138 0 : GRPgroup11(bat *ngid, const bat *bid)
139 : {
140 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, NULL, NULL, bid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
141 : }
142 :
143 : static str
144 0 : GRPgroup21(bat *ngid, const bat *bid, const bat *sid)
145 : {
146 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, NULL, NULL, bid, sid, NULL, NULL, NULL);
147 : }
148 :
149 : static str
150 0 : GRPsubgroup51(bat *ngid, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, const bat *gid,
151 : const bat *eid, const bat *hid)
152 : {
153 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, NULL, NULL, bid, sid, gid, eid, hid);
154 : }
155 :
156 : static str
157 0 : GRPsubgroup41(bat *ngid, const bat *bid, const bat *gid, const bat *eid,
158 : const bat *hid)
159 : {
160 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, NULL, NULL, bid, NULL, gid, eid, hid);
161 : }
162 :
163 : static str
164 0 : GRPsubgroup31(bat *ngid, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, const bat *gid)
165 : {
166 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, NULL, NULL, bid, sid, gid, NULL, NULL);
167 : }
168 :
169 : static str
170 0 : GRPsubgroup21(bat *ngid, const bat *bid, const bat *gid)
171 : {
172 0 : return GRPsubgroup5(ngid, NULL, NULL, bid, NULL, gid, NULL, NULL);
173 : }
174 :
175 : #include "mel.h"
176 : mel_func group_init_funcs[] = {
177 : command("group", "group", GRPgroup1, false, "", args(3,4, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1))),
178 : command("group", "group", GRPgroup2, false, "", args(3,5, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid))),
179 : command("group", "group", GRPgroup3, false, "", args(2,3, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1))),
180 : command("group", "group", GRPgroup4, false, "", args(2,4, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid))),
181 : command("group", "group", GRPgroup11, false, "", args(1,2, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1))),
182 : command("group", "group", GRPgroup21, false, "", args(1,3, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid))),
183 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup2, false, "", args(3,5, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid))),
184 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup3, false, "", args(3,6, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid))),
185 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup4, false, "", args(3,7, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
186 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup5, false, "", args(3,8, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
187 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup6, false, "", args(2,4, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid))),
188 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup7, false, "", args(2,5, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid))),
189 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup8, false, "", args(2,6, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
190 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup9, false, "", args(2,7, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
191 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup21, false, "", args(1,3, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid))),
192 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup31, false, "", args(1,4, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid))),
193 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup41, false, "", args(1,5, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
194 : command("group", "subgroup", GRPsubgroup51, false, "", args(1,6, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
195 : command("group", "groupdone", GRPgroup1, false, "", args(3,4, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1))),
196 : command("group", "groupdone", GRPgroup2, false, "", args(3,5, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid))),
197 : command("group", "groupdone", GRPgroup3, false, "", args(2,3, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1))),
198 : command("group", "groupdone", GRPgroup4, false, "", args(2,4, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid))),
199 : command("group", "groupdone", GRPgroup11, false, "", args(1,2, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1))),
200 : command("group", "groupdone", GRPgroup21, false, "", args(1,3, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid))),
201 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup2, false, "", args(3,5, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid))),
202 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup3, false, "", args(3,6, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid))),
203 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup4, false, "", args(3,7, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
204 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup5, false, "", args(3,8, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batarg("histo",lng),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
205 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup6, false, "", args(2,4, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid))),
206 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup7, false, "", args(2,5, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid))),
207 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup8, false, "", args(2,6, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
208 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup9, false, "", args(2,7, batarg("groups",oid),batarg("extents",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
209 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup21, false, "", args(1,3, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid))),
210 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup31, false, "", args(1,4, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid))),
211 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup41, false, "", args(1,5, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
212 : command("group", "subgroupdone", GRPsubgroup51, false, "", args(1,6, batarg("",oid),batargany("b",1),batarg("s",oid),batarg("g",oid),batarg("e",oid),batarg("h",lng))),
213 : { .imp=NULL }
214 : };
215 : #include "mal_import.h"
216 : #ifdef _MSC_VER
217 : #undef read
218 : #pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read)
219 : #endif
220 323 : LIB_STARTUP_FUNC(init_group_mal)
221 323 : { mal_module("group", NULL, group_init_funcs); }