# MonetDB 5 server v11.52.0
# This is an unreleased version
# Serving database 'mTests_sql_test_2024', using 4 threads
# Compiled for amd64-pc-windows-msvc/64bit
# Found 7.997 GiB available main-memory of which we use 6.517 GiB
# Copyright (c) 2024 MonetDB Foundation, all rights reserved
# Visit https://www.monetdb.org/ for further information
# MonetDB/GIS module loaded
# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://win2k22:60690/
# MonetDB server is started. To stop server press Ctrl-C.
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table foo (i int , j int)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from foo where i > 1 returning i*2, j*j as k
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) from foo
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: truncate foo
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set j = -j where i < 3 returning j+5 as bla, i+i
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: truncate foo
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set j = -j returning j+5
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set i = -i returning -j
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set i = -i returning sum(j)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set i = -i where i >0 returning sum(j), count(j)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from foo returning i*i
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from foo returning sum(j)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from foo where i > 0 returning sum(j)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: truncate foo
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo(j,i) values (1,10), (-1,-10) returning j as bla
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1,10), (-1,-10) returning i+2*j
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo(j) values (10), (-10) returning i is not distinct from null
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) from foo
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1,10), (-1,10) returning sum(j)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo select * from foo returning sum(j)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function read_dump_rel(rel string) returns string external name sql.read_dump_rel
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: truncate table foo
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1, 10), (2, 10), (3, 10)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select read_dump_rel(
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select read_dump_rel(
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select read_dump_rel(
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select read_dump_rel(
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select read_dump_rel(
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0015: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select read_dump_rel(
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."foo" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop all function "sys"."read_dump_rel"
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-10-04 21:35:59: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table if not exists product (
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table if not exists product_part (
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into product values
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into product_part values
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0018: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select product.product_id, sum(product_part.num) as sum_num
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."product" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."product_part" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 10 is not distinct from 20
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 10 is distinct from 20
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 10 is distinct from null
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null is distinct from 20
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 10 is not distinct from null
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null is not distinct from 20
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null is distinct from null
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select not (null is distinct from null)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null is not distinct from null
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select not (null is not distinct from null)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table foo(s) as values (10), (20), (null)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s is not distinct from 20 from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s is distinct from 20 from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s is not distinct from null from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s is distinct from null from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 20 is not distinct from s from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 20 is distinct from s from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null is not distinct from s from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null is distinct from s from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s from foo where s is distinct from 20
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s from foo where s is not distinct from 20
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s from foo where s + 10 is distinct from s
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s from foo where s + 10 is not distinct from s
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table bar(s) as values (20), (30), (null)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select foo.s, bar.s, foo.s is distinct from bar.s, foo.s is not distinct from bar.s from foo, bar
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select foo.s, bar.s from foo, bar where foo.s is distinct from bar.s
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select foo.s, bar.s from foo, bar where foo.s is not distinct from bar.s
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table baz(s int)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from baz right join foo on true where (1 is distinct from baz.s)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."foo" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."bar" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."baz" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table foo (i int check (i > 0), j int check (j > 0))
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (1,10), (2, 20), (3, 30)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set j = -30 where i = 3
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update foo set j = -j
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo values (4, -40)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo select * from foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo select 4, -40
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table foo
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table bar (i int, j int, constraint check_i_j check (i < j))
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into bar values (30, 20)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into bar values (10,20), (20, 30), (30, 40)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update bar set i = 50 where i = 30
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update bar set i = 50, j = 40 where i = 30
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table bar
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3335(x integer check(x > 0 and x < 2))
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3335 values(1)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3335 values(0)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3335 values(2)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3335 values(-1)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3335 values(3)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t3335
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table bar(i int, j int check (i < 10))
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into bar(i) values(10)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into bar(i) values(0)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update bar set i = 10
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0020: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update bar set i = 1
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."bar" cascade
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(null,1)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(1,null)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(99, 1)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(cast(99.0 as double), cast(1.0 as double)) < 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(cast(99.0 as double), cast(99.0 as double)) = 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(cast(99.0 as double), cast(100.0 as double)) > 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(nextafter(cast(99.0 as double), cast(100.0 as double)),cast(0 as double)) = 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(cast(99.0 as float), cast(1.0 as float)) < 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(cast(99.0 as float), cast(100.0 as float)) > 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select nextafter(nextafter(cast(99.0 as float), cast(100.0 as float)),cast(0 as float)) = 99
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test (a float)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test values (10),(20),(30),(40)
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(nextafter(a, cast(0 as float)) as varchar(20)) from test
#2024-10-04 21:36:00: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test_twoc (a float, b float)
#2024-10-04 21:36:01: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test_twoc values (10,1),(20,21),(30,1),(40,41)
#2024-10-04 21:36:01: client0021: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(nextafter(a, b) as varchar(20)) from test_twoc
#2024-10-04 21:36:01: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*), max(id) from sys.bbp()