LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - clients/odbc/driver - SQLTablePrivileges.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 41 79 51.9 %
Date: 2024-10-07 21:21:43 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : /*
      14             :  * This code was created by Peter Harvey (mostly during Christmas 98/99).
      15             :  * This code is LGPL. Please ensure that this message remains in future
      16             :  * distributions and uses of this code (that's about all I get out of it).
      17             :  * - Peter Harvey
      18             :  *
      19             :  * This file has been modified for the MonetDB project.  See the file
      20             :  * Copyright in this directory for more information.
      21             :  */
      22             : 
      23             : /**********************************************************************
      24             :  * SQLTablePrivileges()
      25             :  * CLI Compliance: ODBC (Microsoft)
      26             :  *
      27             :  * Note: this function is not implemented (it only sets an error),
      28             :  * because MonetDB SQL frontend does not support table based authorization.
      29             :  *
      30             :  * Author: Martin van Dinther, Sjoerd Mullender
      31             :  * Date  : 30 aug 2002
      32             :  *
      33             :  **********************************************************************/
      34             : 
      35             : #include "ODBCGlobal.h"
      36             : #include "ODBCStmt.h"
      37             : #include "ODBCUtil.h"
      38             : 
      39             : 
      40             : static SQLRETURN
      41           8 : MNDBTablePrivileges(ODBCStmt *stmt,
      42             :                     const SQLCHAR *CatalogName,
      43             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
      44             :                     const SQLCHAR *SchemaName,
      45             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
      46             :                     const SQLCHAR *TableName,
      47             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength3)
      48             : {
      49           8 :         RETCODE rc;
      50           8 :         char *query = NULL;
      51           8 :         size_t querylen;
      52           8 :         size_t pos = 0;
      53           8 :         char *sch = NULL, *tab = NULL;
      54             : 
      55           8 :         fixODBCstring(CatalogName, NameLength1, SQLSMALLINT,
      56             :                       addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
      57           8 :         fixODBCstring(SchemaName, NameLength2, SQLSMALLINT,
      58             :                       addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
      59           8 :         fixODBCstring(TableName, NameLength3, SQLSMALLINT,
      60             :                       addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
      61             : 
      62             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
      63           8 :         ODBCLOG("\"%.*s\" \"%.*s\" \"%.*s\"\n",
      64             :                 (int) NameLength1, CatalogName ? (char *) CatalogName : "",
      65             :                 (int) NameLength2, SchemaName ? (char *) SchemaName : "",
      66             :                 (int) NameLength3, TableName ? (char *) TableName : "");
      67             : #endif
      68             : 
      69           8 :         if (stmt->Dbc->sql_attr_metadata_id == SQL_FALSE) {
      70           8 :                 if (NameLength2 > 0) {
      71           8 :                         sch = ODBCParsePV("s", "name",
      72             :                                           (const char *) SchemaName,
      73             :                                           (size_t) NameLength2,
      74             :                                           stmt->Dbc);
      75           8 :                         if (sch == NULL)
      76           0 :                                 goto nomem;
      77             :                 }
      78           8 :                 if (NameLength3 > 0) {
      79          16 :                         tab = ODBCParsePV("t", "name",
      80             :                                           (const char *) TableName,
      81             :                                           (size_t) NameLength3,
      82           8 :                                           stmt->Dbc);
      83           8 :                         if (tab == NULL)
      84           0 :                                 goto nomem;
      85             :                 }
      86             :         } else {
      87           0 :                 if (NameLength2 > 0) {
      88           0 :                         sch = ODBCParseID("s", "name",
      89             :                                           (const char *) SchemaName,
      90             :                                           (size_t) NameLength2);
      91           0 :                         if (sch == NULL)
      92           0 :                                 goto nomem;
      93             :                 }
      94           0 :                 if (NameLength3 > 0) {
      95           0 :                         tab = ODBCParseID("t", "name",
      96             :                                           (const char *) TableName,
      97             :                                           (size_t) NameLength3);
      98           0 :                         if (tab == NULL)
      99           0 :                                 goto nomem;
     100             :                 }
     101             :         }
     102             : 
     103             :         /* construct the query now */
     104           8 :         querylen = 1000 + (sch ? strlen(sch) : 0) + (tab ? strlen(tab) : 0);
     105           8 :         query = malloc(querylen);
     106           8 :         if (query == NULL)
     107           0 :                 goto nomem;
     108             : 
     109             :         /* SQLTablePrivileges returns a table with the following columns:
     110             :            TABLE_CAT    VARCHAR
     111             :            TABLE_SCHEM  VARCHAR
     112             :            TABLE_NAME   VARCHAR NOT NULL
     113             :            GRANTOR      VARCHAR
     114             :            GRANTEE      VARCHAR NOT NULL
     115             :            PRIVILEGE    VARCHAR NOT NULL
     116             :            IS_GRANTABLE VARCHAR
     117             :          */
     118             : 
     119          16 :         pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos,
     120             :                 "select cast(null as varchar(1)) as \"TABLE_CAT\", "
     121             :                         " as \"TABLE_SCHEM\", "
     122             :                         " as \"TABLE_NAME\", "
     123             :                         "case "
     124             :                              "when s.owner then '_SYSTEM' "
     125             :                              "else "
     126             :                              "end as \"GRANTOR\", "
     127             :                         "case "
     128             :                              "when 'public' then 'PUBLIC' "
     129             :                              "else "
     130             :                              "end as \"GRANTEE\", "
     131             :                         "pc.privilege_code_name as \"PRIVILEGE\", "
     132             :                         "case p.grantable "
     133             :                              "when 1 then 'YES' "
     134             :                              "when 0 then 'NO' "
     135             :                              "end as \"IS_GRANTABLE\" "
     136             :                 "from sys.schemas s, "
     137             :                      /* next union all subquery is much more efficient than using sys.tables */
     138             :                      "(select,, t1.schema_id from sys._tables as t1"
     139             :                      " where not t1.system"   /* exclude system tables and views */
     140             :                      " union all"
     141             :                      " select,, t2.schema_id from tmp._tables as t2)"
     142             :                      " as t(id, name, schema_id), "
     143             :                      "sys.auths a, "
     144             :                      "sys.privileges p, "
     145             :                      "sys.auths g, "
     146             :                      "%s "
     147             :                 "where p.obj_id = and "
     148             :                       "p.auth_id = and "
     149             :                       "t.schema_id = and "
     150             :                       "p.grantor = and "
     151             :                       "p.privileges = pc.privilege_code_id",
     152             :                 /* a server that supports sys.comments also supports
     153             :                  * sys.privilege_codes */
     154           8 :                 stmt->Dbc->has_comment ? "sys.privilege_codes as pc" :
     155             :                      "(values (1, 'SELECT'), "
     156             :                              "(2, 'UPDATE'), "
     157             :                              "(4, 'INSERT'), "
     158             :                              "(8, 'DELETE'), "
     159             :                              "(16, 'EXECUTE'), "
     160             :                              "(32, 'GRANT')) as pc(privilege_code_id, privilege_code_name)");
     161           8 :         assert(pos < 900);
     162             : 
     163             :         /* Construct the selection condition query part */
     164           8 :         if (NameLength1 > 0 && CatalogName != NULL) {
     165             :                 /* filtering requested on catalog name */
     166           0 :                 if (strcmp((char *) CatalogName, msetting_string(stmt->Dbc->settings, MP_DATABASE)) != 0) {
     167             :                         /* catalog name does not match the database name, so return no rows */
     168           0 :                         pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos, " and 1=2");
     169             :                 }
     170             :         }
     171           8 :         if (sch) {
     172             :                 /* filtering requested on schema name */
     173           8 :                 pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos, " and %s", sch);
     174           8 :                 free(sch);
     175             :         }
     176           8 :         if (tab) {
     177             :                 /* filtering requested on table name */
     178           8 :                 pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos, " and %s", tab);
     179           8 :                 free(tab);
     180             :         }
     181             : 
     182             :         /* add the ordering (exclude table_cat as it is the same for all rows) */
     183           8 :         pos += strcpy_len(query + pos, " order by \"TABLE_SCHEM\", \"TABLE_NAME\", \"PRIVILEGE\", \"GRANTEE\"", querylen - pos);
     184           8 :         assert(pos < querylen);
     185             : 
     186             :         /* debug: fprintf(stdout, "SQLTablePrivileges query (pos: %zu, len: %zu):\n%s\n\n", pos, strlen(query), query); */
     187             : 
     188             :         /* query the MonetDB data dictionary tables */
     189           8 :         rc = MNDBExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR *) query, (SQLINTEGER) pos);
     190             : 
     191           8 :         free(query);
     192             : 
     193           8 :         return rc;
     194             : 
     195           0 :   nomem:
     196             :         /* note that query must be NULL when we get here */
     197           0 :         if (sch)
     198           0 :                 free(sch);
     199           0 :         if (tab)
     200           0 :                 free(tab);
     201             :         /* Memory allocation error */
     202           0 :         addStmtError(stmt, "HY001", NULL, 0);
     203           0 :         return SQL_ERROR;
     204             : }
     205             : 
     206             : SQLRETURN SQL_API
     207             : SQLTablePrivileges(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
     208             :                    SQLCHAR *CatalogName,
     209             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
     210             :                    SQLCHAR *SchemaName,
     211             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
     212             :                    SQLCHAR *TableName,
     213             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength3)
     214             : {
     215           8 :         ODBCStmt *stmt = (ODBCStmt *) StatementHandle;
     216             : 
     217             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
     218           8 :         ODBCLOG("SQLTablePrivileges %p ", StatementHandle);
     219             : #endif
     220             : 
     221           8 :         if (!isValidStmt(stmt))
     222             :                  return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE;
     223             : 
     224           8 :         clearStmtErrors(stmt);
     225             : 
     226           8 :         return MNDBTablePrivileges(stmt,
     227             :                                    CatalogName, NameLength1,
     228             :                                    SchemaName, NameLength2,
     229             :                                    TableName, NameLength3);
     230             : }
     231             : 
     232             : SQLRETURN SQL_API
     233             : SQLTablePrivilegesA(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
     234             :                     SQLCHAR *CatalogName,
     235             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
     236             :                     SQLCHAR *SchemaName,
     237             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
     238             :                     SQLCHAR *TableName,
     239             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength3)
     240             : {
     241           0 :         return SQLTablePrivileges(StatementHandle,
     242             :                                   CatalogName, NameLength1,
     243             :                                   SchemaName, NameLength2,
     244             :                                   TableName, NameLength3);
     245             : }
     246             : 
     247             : SQLRETURN SQL_API
     248             : SQLTablePrivilegesW(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
     249             :                     SQLWCHAR *CatalogName,
     250             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
     251             :                     SQLWCHAR *SchemaName,
     252             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
     253             :                     SQLWCHAR *TableName,
     254             :                     SQLSMALLINT NameLength3)
     255             : {
     256           0 :         ODBCStmt *stmt = (ODBCStmt *) StatementHandle;
     257           0 :         SQLRETURN rc = SQL_ERROR;
     258           0 :         SQLCHAR *catalog = NULL, *schema = NULL, *table = NULL;
     259             : 
     260             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
     261           0 :         ODBCLOG("SQLTablePrivilegesW %p ", StatementHandle);
     262             : #endif
     263             : 
     264           0 :         if (!isValidStmt(stmt))
     265             :                  return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE;
     266             : 
     267           0 :         clearStmtErrors(stmt);
     268             : 
     269           0 :         fixWcharIn(CatalogName, NameLength1, SQLCHAR, catalog,
     270             :                    addStmtError, stmt, goto bailout);
     271           0 :         fixWcharIn(SchemaName, NameLength2, SQLCHAR, schema,
     272             :                    addStmtError, stmt, goto bailout);
     273           0 :         fixWcharIn(TableName, NameLength3, SQLCHAR, table,
     274             :                    addStmtError, stmt, goto bailout);
     275             : 
     276           0 :         rc = MNDBTablePrivileges(stmt,
     277             :                                  catalog, SQL_NTS,
     278             :                                  schema, SQL_NTS,
     279             :                                  table, SQL_NTS);
     280             : 
     281           0 :       bailout:
     282           0 :         if (catalog)
     283           0 :                 free(catalog);
     284           0 :         if (schema)
     285           0 :                 free(schema);
     286           0 :         if (table)
     287           0 :                 free(table);
     288             : 
     289             :         return rc;
     290             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14