Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 : *
4 : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5 : * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6 : * file, You can obtain one at
7 : *
8 : * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
9 : * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
10 : * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
11 : */
12 :
13 : /*
14 : * M.L. Kersten
15 : */
16 : #include "monetdb_config.h"
17 : #include "manifold.h"
18 : #include "mal_resolve.h"
19 : #include "mal_builder.h"
20 :
21 : /* The default iterator over known scalar commands.
22 : * It can be less efficient then the vector based implementations,
23 : * but saves quite some hacking in non-essential cases or
24 : * expensive user defined functions.
25 : *
26 : * To keep things simple and reasonably performant we limit the
27 : * implementation to those cases where a single BAT is returned.
28 : * Arguments may be of any type. The MAL signature should be a COMMAND.
29 : *
30 : * The functionality has been extended to also perform the manifold
31 : * over aligned BATs, provided the underlying scalar function carries
32 : * the 'manifold' property.
33 : */
34 :
35 : typedef struct {
36 : BAT *b;
37 : void *first;
38 : void *last;
39 : int size;
40 : int type;
41 : BUN cnt;
42 : BATiter bi;
43 : BUN o;
44 : BUN q;
45 : str *s;
46 : } MULTIarg;
47 :
48 : typedef struct {
49 : Client cntxt;
50 : MalBlkPtr mb;
51 : MalStkPtr stk;
52 : InstrPtr pci;
53 : int fvar, lvar;
54 : MULTIarg *args;
55 : } MULTItask;
56 :
57 :
58 : // Loop through the first BAT
59 : // keep the last error message received
60 : #define MALfcn1(Type) (str (*) (Type *, void *))
61 : #define MALfcn2(Type) (str (*) (Type *, void *, void *))
62 : #define MALfcn3(Type) (str (*) (Type *, void *, void *, void *))
63 : #define MALfcn4(Type) (str (*) (Type *, void *, void *, void *, void *))
64 : #define MALfcn5(Type) (str (*) (Type *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *))
65 : #define ManifoldLoop(N, Type, ...) \
66 : do { \
67 : Type *v = (Type *) mut->args[0].first; \
68 : for (;;) { \
69 : msg = (*(MALfcn##N(Type) mut->pci->fcn))(v, __VA_ARGS__); \
70 : if (msg) \
71 : break; \
72 : if (++oo == olimit) \
73 : break; \
74 : for (i = mut->fvar; i <= mut->lvar; i++) { \
75 : if (ATOMstorage(mut->args[i].type) == TYPE_void) { \
76 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].o; \
77 : mut->args[i].o++; \
78 : } else if (mut->args[i].size == 0) { \
79 : ; \
80 : } else if (ATOMstorage(mut->args[i].type) < TYPE_str) { \
81 : args[i] += mut->args[i].size; \
82 : } else if (ATOMvarsized(mut->args[i].type)) { \
83 : mut->args[i].o++; \
84 : mut->args[i].s = (str *) BUNtvar(mut->args[i].bi, mut->args[i].o); \
85 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].s; \
86 : } else { \
87 : mut->args[i].o++; \
88 : mut->args[i].s = (str *) BUNtloc(mut->args[i].bi, mut->args[i].o); \
89 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].s; \
90 : } \
91 : } \
92 : v++; \
93 : } \
94 : } while (0)
95 :
96 : // The target BAT tail type determines the result variable
97 : #ifdef HAVE_HGE
98 : #define Manifoldbody_hge(N,...) \
99 : case TYPE_hge: ManifoldLoop(N,hge,__VA_ARGS__); break
100 : #else
101 : #define Manifoldbody_hge(N,...)
102 : #endif
103 : #define Manifoldbody(N,...) \
104 : do { \
105 : switch (ATOMstorage(mut->args[0].b->ttype)) { \
106 : case TYPE_bte: ManifoldLoop(N,bte,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
107 : case TYPE_sht: ManifoldLoop(N,sht,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
108 : case TYPE_int: ManifoldLoop(N,int,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
109 : case TYPE_lng: ManifoldLoop(N,lng,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
110 : Manifoldbody_hge(N,__VA_ARGS__); \
111 : case TYPE_oid: ManifoldLoop(N,oid,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
112 : case TYPE_flt: ManifoldLoop(N,flt,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
113 : case TYPE_dbl: ManifoldLoop(N,dbl,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
114 : case TYPE_uuid: ManifoldLoop(N,uuid,__VA_ARGS__); break; \
115 : case TYPE_str: \
116 : default: { \
117 : for (;;) { \
118 : msg = (*(MALfcn##N(str) mut->pci->fcn))(&y, __VA_ARGS__); \
119 : if (msg) \
120 : break; \
121 : if (bunfastapp(mut->args[0].b, (void*) y) != GDK_SUCCEED) \
122 : goto bunins_failed; \
123 : GDKfree(y); \
124 : y = NULL; \
125 : if (++oo == olimit) \
126 : break; \
127 : for (i = mut->fvar; i <= mut->lvar; i++) { \
128 : if (ATOMstorage(mut->args[i].type) == TYPE_void) { \
129 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].o; \
130 : mut->args[i].o++; \
131 : } else if(mut->args[i].size == 0) { \
132 : ; \
133 : } else if (ATOMstorage(mut->args[i].type) < TYPE_str) { \
134 : args[i] += mut->args[i].size; \
135 : } else if (ATOMvarsized(mut->args[i].type)) { \
136 : mut->args[i].o++; \
137 : mut->args[i].s = (str *) BUNtvar(mut->args[i].bi, mut->args[i].o); \
138 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].s; \
139 : } else { \
140 : mut->args[i].o++; \
141 : mut->args[i].s = (str *) BUNtloc(mut->args[i].bi, mut->args[i].o); \
142 : args[i] = (void*) &mut->args[i].s; \
143 : } \
144 : } \
145 : } \
146 : break; \
147 : } \
148 : } \
149 : mut->args[0].b->theap->dirty = true; \
150 : } while (0)
151 :
152 : // single argument is preparatory step for GDK_mapreduce
153 : // Only the last error message is returned, the value of
154 : // an erroneous call depends on the operator itself.
155 : static str
156 795 : MANIFOLDjob(MULTItask *mut)
157 : {
158 795 : int i;
159 795 : char **args;
160 795 : str y = NULL, msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
161 795 : oid oo = 0, olimit = mut->args[mut->fvar].cnt;
162 :
163 795 : if (olimit == 0)
164 : return msg; /* nothing to do */
165 :
166 722 : args = (char **) GDKzalloc(sizeof(char *) * mut->pci->argc);
167 725 : if (args == NULL)
168 0 : throw(MAL, "mal.manifold", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
169 :
170 : // the mod.fcn arguments are ignored from the call
171 2149 : for (i = mut->pci->retc + 2; i < mut->pci->argc; i++) {
172 1428 : if (mut->args[i].b) {
173 952 : if (ATOMstorage(mut->args[i].type) < TYPE_str) {
174 67 : args[i] = (char *) mut->args[i].first;
175 885 : } else if (ATOMvarsized(mut->args[i].type)) {
176 867 : mut->args[i].s = BUNtvar(mut->args[i].bi, mut->args[i].o);
177 863 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].s;
178 : } else {
179 18 : mut->args[i].s = BUNtloc(mut->args[i].bi, mut->args[i].o);
180 18 : args[i] = (void *) &mut->args[i].s;
181 : }
182 : } else {
183 476 : args[i] = (char *) getArgReference(mut->stk, mut->pci, i);
184 : }
185 : }
186 :
187 : /* TRC_DEBUG(MAL_SERVER, "fvar %d lvar %d type %d\n", mut->fvar,mut->lvar, ATOMstorage(mut->args[mut->fvar].b->ttype)); */
188 :
189 : // use limited argument list expansion.
190 721 : switch (mut->pci->argc) {
191 174 : case 4:
192 220642 : Manifoldbody(1, args[3]);
193 175 : break;
194 426 : case 5:
195 1746 : Manifoldbody(2, args[3], args[4]);
196 425 : break;
197 91 : case 6:
198 57569 : Manifoldbody(3, args[3], args[4], args[5]);
199 90 : break;
200 27 : case 7:
201 474 : Manifoldbody(4, args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]);
202 27 : break;
203 3 : case 8:
204 45 : Manifoldbody(5, args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]);
205 3 : break;
206 0 : default:
207 0 : msg = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold", "manifold call limitation ");
208 : }
209 720 : if (ATOMextern(mut->args[0].type) && y)
210 0 : GDKfree(y);
211 720 : bunins_failed:
212 720 : GDKfree(args);
213 720 : return msg;
214 : }
215 :
216 : /* The manifold optimizer should check for the possibility
217 : * to use this implementation instead of the MAL loop.
218 : */
219 : MALfcn
220 12414 : MANIFOLDtypecheck(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, InstrPtr pci, int checkprops)
221 : {
222 12414 : int i, k, tpe = 0;
223 12414 : InstrPtr q = 0;
224 12414 : MalBlkPtr nmb;
225 12414 : MALfcn fcn;
226 :
227 12414 : if (mb->errors)
228 : return NULL;
229 12414 : if (getArgType(mb, pci, pci->retc) == TYPE_lng) {
230 : // TODO: trivial case
231 : return NULL;
232 : }
233 :
234 12414 : if (pci->retc > 1 || pci->argc > 8 || getModuleId(pci) == NULL) // limitation on MANIFOLDjob
235 : return NULL;
236 : // We need a private MAL context to resolve the function call
237 12372 : nmb = newMalBlk(2);
238 12379 : if (nmb == NULL) {
239 0 : mb->errors = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
240 0 : return NULL;
241 : }
242 : // the scalar function
243 24758 : q = newStmt(nmb,
244 12379 : getVarConstant(mb, getArg(pci, pci->retc)).val.sval,
245 12379 : getVarConstant(mb, getArg(pci, pci->retc + 1)).val.sval);
246 12379 : if (q == NULL) {
247 0 : goto bailout;
248 : }
249 : // Prepare the single result variable
250 12379 : tpe = getBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, 0));
251 12379 : k = getArg(q, 0);
252 12379 : setVarType(nmb, k, tpe);
253 12379 : if (isVarFixed(nmb, k))
254 0 : setVarFixed(nmb, k);
255 :
256 : // extract their scalar argument type
257 36584 : for (i = pci->retc + 2; i < pci->argc; i++) {
258 24206 : tpe = getBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, i));
259 24206 : k = newTmpVariable(nmb, tpe);
260 24203 : if (k < 0) {
261 0 : freeInstruction(q);
262 0 : goto bailout;
263 : }
264 24203 : q = pushArgument(nmb, q, k);
265 24205 : setVarFixed(nmb, k);
266 : }
267 12378 : pushInstruction(nmb, q);
268 :
269 12378 : if (nmb->errors)
270 0 : goto bailout;
271 :
272 : /*
273 : TRC_DEBUG(MAL_SERVER, "Manifold operation\n");
274 : traceInstruction(MAL_SERVER, mb, 0, pci, LIST_MAL_ALL);
275 : traceInstruction(MAL_SERVER, nmb, 0, q, LIST_MAL_ALL);
276 : */
277 : // Localize the underlying scalar operator
278 12378 : typeChecker(cntxt->usermodule, nmb, q, getPC(nmb, q), TRUE);
279 12372 : if (nmb->errors)
280 0 : goto bailout;
281 12372 : if (q->fcn == NULL || q->token != CMDcall ||
282 1526 : (checkprops && q->blk && q->blk->unsafeProp))
283 : fcn = NULL;
284 : else {
285 3830 : fcn = q->fcn;
286 : // retain the type detected
287 3830 : if (!isVarFixed(mb, getArg(pci, 0)))
288 0 : setVarType(mb, getArg(pci, 0), newBatType(getArgType(nmb, q, 0)));
289 : }
290 :
291 : /*
292 : TRC_DEBUG(MAL_SERVER, "Success? %s\n", (fcn == NULL? "no":"yes"));
293 : traceInstruction(MAL_SERVER, nmb, 0, q, LIST_MAL_ALL);
294 : */
295 :
296 12372 : freeMalBlk(nmb);
297 12372 : return fcn;
298 :
299 0 : bailout:
300 : /* there was an error, perhaps it's in nmb->errors */
301 0 : assert(mb->errors == NULL);
302 0 : if ((mb->errors = nmb->errors) == NULL)
303 0 : mb->errors = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
304 0 : nmb->errors = NULL;
305 0 : freeMalBlk(nmb);
306 0 : return NULL;
307 : }
308 :
309 : /*
310 : * The manifold should support aligned BATs as well
311 : */
312 : static str
313 792 : MANIFOLDevaluate(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
314 : {
315 792 : MULTItask mut;
316 792 : MULTIarg *mat;
317 792 : int i, tpe = 0;
318 792 : BUN cnt = 0;
319 792 : oid o = 0;
320 792 : str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
321 792 : MALfcn fcn;
322 :
323 792 : fcn = MANIFOLDtypecheck(cntxt, mb, pci, 0);
324 796 : if (fcn == NULL) {
325 0 : if (mb->errors) {
326 0 : msg = mb->errors;
327 0 : mb->errors = NULL;
328 0 : return msg;
329 : }
330 0 : throw(MAL, "mal.manifold", "Illegal manifold function call");
331 : }
332 :
333 796 : mat = (MULTIarg *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(MULTIarg) * pci->argc);
334 799 : if (mat == NULL)
335 0 : throw(MAL, "mal.manifold", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
336 :
337 : // mr-job structure preparation
338 799 : mut.fvar = mut.lvar = 0;
339 799 : mut.cntxt = cntxt;
340 799 : mut.mb = mb;
341 799 : mut.stk = stk;
342 799 : mut.args = mat;
343 799 : mut.pci = pci;
344 :
345 : // prepare iterators
346 2345 : for (i = pci->retc + 2; i < pci->argc; i++) {
347 1546 : if (isaBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, i))) {
348 1047 : mat[i].b = BATdescriptor(*getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, i));
349 1048 : if (mat[i].b == NULL) {
350 0 : msg = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold",
352 0 : goto wrapup;
353 : }
354 1048 : mat[i].bi = bat_iterator(mat[i].b);
355 1047 : mat[i].type = tpe = getBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, i));
356 1047 : if (mut.fvar == 0) {
357 799 : mut.fvar = i;
358 799 : cnt = BATcount(mat[i].b);
359 248 : } else if (BATcount(mat[i].b) != cnt) {
360 0 : msg = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold",
361 : "Columns must be of same length");
362 0 : goto wrapup;
363 : }
364 1047 : mut.lvar = i;
365 1047 : mat[i].size = mat[i].bi.width;
366 1047 : mat[i].cnt = cnt;
367 1047 : if (mat[i].b->ttype == TYPE_void) {
368 0 : o = mat[i].b->tseqbase;
369 0 : mat[i].first = mat[i].last = (void *) &o;
370 : } else {
371 1047 : mat[i].first = (void *) mat[i].bi.base;
372 1047 : mat[i].last = (void *) ((char *) mat[i].bi.base + (BATcount(mat[i].b) << mat[i].bi.shift));
373 : }
374 1047 : mat[i].o = 0;
375 1047 : mat[i].q = BATcount(mat[i].b);
376 : } else {
377 499 : mat[i].last = mat[i].first = (void *) getArgReference(stk, pci, i);
378 499 : mat[i].type = getArgType(mb, pci, i);
379 : }
380 : }
381 :
382 : // Then iterator over all BATs
383 799 : if (mut.fvar == 0) {
384 0 : msg = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold",
385 : "At least one column required");
386 0 : goto wrapup;
387 : }
388 : // prepare result variable
389 1594 : mat[0].b = COLnew(mat[mut.fvar].b->hseqbase,
390 799 : getBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, 0)), cnt, TRANSIENT);
391 795 : if (mat[0].b == NULL) {
392 0 : msg = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold",
394 0 : goto wrapup;
395 : }
396 795 : mat[0].b->tnonil = false;
397 795 : mat[0].b->tsorted = false;
398 795 : mat[0].b->trevsorted = false;
399 795 : mat[0].b->tkey = false;
400 795 : mat[0].bi = (BATiter) {.b = NULL, };
401 795 : mat[0].first = (void *) Tloc(mat[0].b, 0);
402 795 : mat[0].last = (void *) Tloc(mat[0].b, BATcount(mat[0].b));
403 :
404 795 : mut.pci = copyInstruction(pci);
405 799 : if (mut.pci == NULL) {
406 0 : msg = createException(MAL, "mal.manifold",
408 0 : goto wrapup;
409 : }
410 799 : mut.pci->fcn = fcn;
411 799 : msg = MANIFOLDjob(&mut);
412 795 : freeInstruction(mut.pci);
413 :
414 799 : wrapup:
415 : // restore the argument types
416 3931 : for (i = pci->retc; i < pci->argc; i++) {
417 3135 : if (mat[i].b) {
418 1048 : bat_iterator_end(&mat[i].bi);
419 1048 : BBPunfix(mat[i].b->batCacheid);
420 : }
421 : }
422 796 : if (msg) {
423 6 : BBPreclaim(mat[0].b);
424 790 : } else if (!msg) {
425 : // consolidate the properties
426 790 : if (ATOMstorage(mat[0].b->ttype) < TYPE_str)
427 505 : BATsetcount(mat[0].b, cnt);
428 793 : BATsettrivprop(mat[0].b);
429 785 : *getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, 0) = mat[0].b->batCacheid;
430 785 : BBPkeepref(mat[0].b);
431 : }
432 791 : GDKfree(mat);
433 797 : return msg;
434 : }
435 :
436 : // The old code
437 : static str
438 1 : MANIFOLDremapMultiplex(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p)
439 : {
440 1 : (void) mb;
441 1 : (void) cntxt;
442 4 : throw(MAL, "mal.multiplex", "Function '%s.%s' not defined",
443 1 : *getArgReference_str(stk, p, p->retc),
444 1 : *getArgReference_str(stk, p, p->retc + 1));
445 : }
446 :
447 : #include "mel.h"
448 : mel_func manifold_init_funcs[] = {
449 : pattern("mal", "multiplex", MANIFOLDremapMultiplex, false, "", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("mod",str),arg("fcn",str),varargany("a",0))),
450 : pattern("mal", "multiplex", MANIFOLDremapMultiplex, false, "", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("card", lng), arg("mod",str),arg("fcn",str))),
451 : pattern("mal", "multiplex", MANIFOLDremapMultiplex, false, "", args(1,5, varargany("",0),arg("card", lng), arg("mod",str),arg("fcn",str),varargany("a",0))),
452 : pattern("batmal", "multiplex", MANIFOLDremapMultiplex, false, "", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("mod",str),arg("fcn",str),varargany("a",0))),
453 : pattern("mal", "manifold", MANIFOLDevaluate, false, "", args(1,4, batargany("",0),arg("mod",str),arg("fcn",str),varargany("a",0))),
454 : { .imp=NULL }
455 : };
456 : #include "mal_import.h"
457 : #ifdef _MSC_VER
458 : #undef read
459 : #pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read)
460 : #endif
461 323 : LIB_STARTUP_FUNC(init_manifold_mal)
462 323 : { mal_module("manifold", NULL, manifold_init_funcs); }