LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - monetdb5/extras/rapi - rapi.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 345 423 81.6 %
Date: 2024-12-19 23:10:26 Functions: 14 15 93.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : /*
      14             :  * H. Muehleisen, M. Kersten
      15             :  * The R interface
      16             :  */
      17             : #include "monetdb_config.h"
      18             : #include "mal.h"
      19             : #include "mal_stack.h"
      20             : #include "mal_linker.h"
      21             : #include "gdk.h"
      22             : #include "sql_catalog.h"
      23             : #include "sql_execute.h"
      24             : #include "mutils.h"
      25             : 
      26             : #define RAPI_MAX_TUPLES 2147483647L
      27             : 
      28             : // R headers
      29             : #define R_INTERFACE_PTRS 1
      30             : #define CSTACK_DEFNS 1
      31             : 
      32             : /* R redefines these */
      33             : #undef SIZEOF_SIZE_T
      34             : #undef ERROR
      35             : 
      36             : #define USE_RINTERNALS 1
      37             : 
      38             : #include <Rversion.h>
      39             : #include <Rembedded.h>
      40             : #include <Rdefines.h>
      41             : #include <Rinternals.h>
      42             : #include <R_ext/Parse.h>
      43             : 
      44             : // other headers
      45             : #include <string.h>
      46             : 
      47             : //#define _RAPI_DEBUG_
      48             : 
      49             : // this macro blows up mmath.h pragmas
      50             : #ifdef warning
      51             : # undef warning
      52             : #endif
      53             : 
      54             : #define RSTR(somestr) mkCharCE(somestr, CE_UTF8)
      55             : 
      56             : //Element-wise conversion functions, use no-op as passthrough when no conversion required
      57             : #define M_TO_R_NOOP(v)               (v)
      58             : #define R_TO_M_NOOP(v)               (v)
      59             : #define M_TO_R_DATE(v)               mDate_to_rDate(v)
      60             : #define R_TO_M_DATE(v)               rDate_to_mDate(v)
      61             : 
      62             : #define BAT_TO_SXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,newfun,ptrfun,ctype,naval,memcopy,mapfun) \
      63             :         do {                                                                                                                            \
      64             :                 tpe v; size_t j;                                                                                                \
      65             :                 ctype *valptr = NULL;                                                                                   \
      66             :                 tpe* p = (tpe*) bati.base;                                                                              \
      67             :                 retsxp = PROTECT(newfun(bati.count));                                                   \
      68             :                 if (!retsxp) break;                                                                                             \
      69             :                 valptr = ptrfun(retsxp);                                                                                \
      70             :                 if (bati.nonil && !bati.nil) {                                                          \
      71             :                         if (memcopy) {                                                                                          \
      72             :                                 memcpy(valptr, p,                                                                               \
      73             :                                            bati.count * sizeof(tpe));                                           \
      74             :                         } else {                                                                                                        \
      75             :                                 for (j = 0; j < bati.count; j++) {                                           \
      76             :                                         valptr[j] = mapfun((ctype) p[j]);                                       \
      77             :                                 }                                                                                                               \
      78             :                         }                                                                                                                       \
      79             :                 } else {                                                                                                                \
      80             :                         for (j = 0; j < bati.count; j++) {                                                   \
      81             :                                 v = p[j];                                                                                               \
      82             :                                 if ( is_##tpe##_nil(v))                                                                 \
      83             :                                         valptr[j] = naval;                                                                      \
      84             :                                 else                                                                                                    \
      85             :                                         valptr[j] = mapfun((ctype) v);                                          \
      86             :                         }                                                                                                                       \
      87             :                 }                                                                                                                               \
      88             :         } while (0)
      89             : 
      90             : #define BAT_TO_INTSXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,memcopy)                                              \
      91             :         BAT_TO_SXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,NEW_INTEGER,INTEGER_POINTER,int,NA_INTEGER,memcopy,M_TO_R_NOOP)\
      92             : 
      93             : #define BAT_TO_REALSXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,memcopy)                                             \
      94             :         BAT_TO_SXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,NEW_NUMERIC,NUMERIC_POINTER,double,NA_REAL,memcopy,M_TO_R_NOOP)\
      95             : 
      96             : //DATE stored as integer in MonetDB with epoch 0, R uses double and epoch 1970
      97             : #define BAT_TO_DATESXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,memcopy)                                                     \
      98             :         BAT_TO_SXP(bat,bati,tpe,retsxp,NEW_NUMERIC,NUMERIC_POINTER,double,NA_REAL,memcopy, M_TO_R_DATE); \
      99             :         SEXP klass = mkString("Date");                                                                                \
     100             :         classgets(retsxp, klass);
     101             : 
     102             : #define SXP_TO_BAT(tpe, access_fun, na_check, mapfun)                                   \
     103             :         do {                                                                                                                            \
     104             :                 tpe *p, prev = tpe##_nil; size_t j;                                                             \
     105             :                 b = COLnew(0, TYPE_##tpe, cnt, TRANSIENT);                                              \
     106             :                 if (!b) break;                                                  \
     107             :                 b->tnil = false; b->tnonil = true; b->tkey = false;                            \
     108             :                 b->tsorted = true; b->trevsorted = true;                                          \
     109             :                 b->tseqbase = oid_nil;                                                                                       \
     110             :                 p = (tpe*) Tloc(b, 0);                                                                                  \
     111             :                 for( j = 0; j < cnt; j++, p++){                                                                  \
     112             :                         *p = mapfun((tpe) access_fun(s)[j]);                                            \
     113             :                         if (na_check){ b->tnil = true; b->tnonil = false; *p= tpe##_nil;} \
     114             :                         if (j > 0){                                                                                                  \
     115             :                                 if (b->trevsorted && !is_##tpe##_nil(*p) && (is_##tpe##_nil(prev) || *p > prev)){ \
     116             :                                         b->trevsorted = false;                                                               \
     117             :                                 } else                                                                                                  \
     118             :                                         if (b->tsorted && !is_##tpe##_nil(prev) && (is_##tpe##_nil(*p) || *p < prev)){ \
     119             :                                                 b->tsorted = false;                                                          \
     120             :                                         }                                                                                                       \
     121             :                         }                                                                                                                       \
     122             :                         prev = *p;                                                                                                      \
     123             :                 }                                                                                                                               \
     124             :                 BATsetcount(b, cnt);                                                                                    \
     125             :         } while (0)
     126             : 
     127             : // DATE epoch differs between MonetDB (00-01-01) and R (1970-01-01)
     128             : // no c API for R date handling so use fixed offset
     129             : // >>`-as.double(as.Date(0, origin="0-1-1"))`
     130             : static const int days0To1970 = 719528;
     131             : 
     132             : static int
     133           4 : mDate_to_rDate(int v)
     134             : {
     135           4 :         return v-days0To1970;
     136             : }
     137             : 
     138             : static int
     139           3 : rDate_to_mDate(int v)
     140             : {
     141           3 :         return v+days0To1970;
     142             : }
     143             : 
     144             : static SEXP
     145          88 : bat_to_sexp(BAT* b, int type)
     146             : {
     147          88 :         SEXP varvalue = NULL;
     148          88 :         BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
     149             :         // TODO: deal with SQL types (DECIMAL/TIME/TIMESTAMP)
     150          88 :         switch (ATOMstorage(bi.type)) {
     151           0 :         case TYPE_void: {
     152           0 :                 size_t i = 0;
     153           0 :                 varvalue = PROTECT(NEW_LOGICAL(BATcount(b)));
     154           0 :                 if (!varvalue) {
     155           0 :                         bat_iterator_end(&bi);
     156           0 :                         return NULL;
     157             :                 }
     158           0 :                 for (i = 0; i < BATcount(b); i++) {
     159           0 :                         LOGICAL_POINTER(varvalue)[i] = NA_LOGICAL;
     160             :                 }
     161             :                 break;
     162             :         }
     163           2 :         case TYPE_bte:
     164          13 :                 BAT_TO_INTSXP(b, bi, bte, varvalue, 0);
     165             :                 break;
     166           1 :         case TYPE_sht:
     167           7 :                 BAT_TO_INTSXP(b, bi, sht, varvalue, 0);
     168             :                 break;
     169          46 :         case TYPE_int:
     170             :                 //Storage is int but the actual defined type may be different
     171          46 :                 switch (type) {
     172             :                 case TYPE_int:
     173             :                         //Storage is int but the actual defined type may be different
     174          42 :                         switch (type) {
     175          42 :                         case TYPE_int:
     176             :                                 // special case: memcpy for int-to-int conversion without NULLs
     177          90 :                                 BAT_TO_INTSXP(b, bi, int, varvalue, 1);
     178             :                                 break;
     179             :                         default:
     180             :                                 if (type == ATOMindex("date")) {
     181             :                                         BAT_TO_DATESXP(b, bi, int, varvalue, 0);
     182             :                                 } else {
     183             :                                         //Type stored as int but no implementation to decode into native R type
     184             :                                         BAT_TO_INTSXP(b, bi, int, varvalue, 1);
     185             :                                 }
     186             :                         }
     187             :                         break;
     188           4 :                 default:
     189           4 :                         if (type == TYPE_date) {
     190           6 :                                 BAT_TO_DATESXP(b, bi, int, varvalue, 0);
     191             :                         } else {
     192             :                                 //Type stored as int but no implementation to decode into native R type
     193           2 :                                 BAT_TO_INTSXP(b, bi, int, varvalue, 1);
     194             :                         }
     195             :                         break;
     196             :                 }
     197             :                 break;
     198             : #ifdef HAVE_HGE
     199           1 :         case TYPE_hge: /* R's integers are stored as int, so we cannot be sure hge will fit */
     200           5 :                 BAT_TO_REALSXP(b, bi, hge, varvalue, 0);
     201             :                 break;
     202             : #endif
     203           2 :         case TYPE_flt:
     204           7 :                 BAT_TO_REALSXP(b, bi, flt, varvalue, 0);
     205             :                 break;
     206          18 :         case TYPE_dbl:
     207             :                 // special case: memcpy for double-to-double conversion without NULLs
     208         492 :                 BAT_TO_REALSXP(b, bi, dbl, varvalue, 1);
     209             :                 break;
     210          11 :         case TYPE_lng: /* R's integers are stored as int, so we cannot be sure long will fit */
     211      201003 :                 BAT_TO_REALSXP(b, bi, lng, varvalue, 0);
     212             :                 break;
     213           7 :         case TYPE_str: { // there is only one string type, thus no macro here
     214           7 :                 BUN p, q, j = 0;
     215           7 :                 varvalue = PROTECT(NEW_STRING(BATcount(b)));
     216           7 :                 if (varvalue == NULL) {
     217           0 :                         bat_iterator_end(&bi);
     218           0 :                         return NULL;
     219             :                 }
     220             :                 /* special case where we exploit the duplicate-eliminated string heap */
     221           7 :                 if (GDK_ELIMDOUBLES(b->tvheap)) {
     222           7 :                         SEXP* sexp_ptrs = GDKzalloc(b->tvheap->free * sizeof(SEXP));
     223           7 :                         if (!sexp_ptrs) {
     224           0 :                                 bat_iterator_end(&bi);
     225           0 :                                 return NULL;
     226             :                         }
     227         490 :                         BATloop(b, p, q) {
     228         483 :                                 const char *t = (const char *) BUNtvar(bi, p);
     229         483 :                                 ptrdiff_t offset = t - b->tvheap->base;
     230         483 :                                 if (!sexp_ptrs[offset]) {
     231          21 :                                         if (strNil(t)) {
     232           1 :                                                 sexp_ptrs[offset] = NA_STRING;
     233             :                                         } else {
     234          20 :                                                 sexp_ptrs[offset] = RSTR(t);
     235             :                                         }
     236             :                                 }
     237         483 :                                 SET_STRING_ELT(varvalue, j++, sexp_ptrs[offset]);
     238             :                         }
     239           7 :                         GDKfree(sexp_ptrs);
     240             :                 }
     241             :                 else {
     242           0 :                         if (bi.nonil) {
     243           0 :                                 BATloop(b, p, q) {
     244           0 :                                         SET_STRING_ELT(varvalue, j++, RSTR(
     245             :                                                                            (const char *) BUNtvar(bi, p)));
     246             :                                 }
     247             :                         }
     248             :                         else {
     249           0 :                                 BATloop(b, p, q) {
     250           0 :                                         const char *t = (const char *) BUNtvar(bi, p);
     251           0 :                                         if (strNil(t)) {
     252           0 :                                                 SET_STRING_ELT(varvalue, j++, NA_STRING);
     253             :                                         } else {
     254           0 :                                                 SET_STRING_ELT(varvalue, j++, RSTR(t));
     255             :                                         }
     256             :                                 }
     257             :                         }
     258             :                 }
     259             :                 break;
     260             :         }
     261             :         }
     262          88 :         bat_iterator_end(&bi);
     263          88 :         return varvalue;
     264             : }
     265             : 
     266          69 : static BAT* sexp_to_bat(SEXP s, int type) {
     267          69 :         BAT* b = NULL;
     268          69 :         BUN cnt = LENGTH(s);
     269          69 :         switch (type) {
     270          32 :         case TYPE_int:
     271          32 :                 if (!IS_INTEGER(s)) {
     272             :                         return NULL;
     273             :                 }
     274      402306 :                 SXP_TO_BAT(int, INTEGER_POINTER, *p==NA_INTEGER, R_TO_M_NOOP);
     275             :                 break;
     276           1 :         case TYPE_lng:
     277           1 :                 if (!IS_INTEGER(s)) {
     278             :                         return NULL;
     279             :                 }
     280           6 :                 SXP_TO_BAT(lng, INTEGER_POINTER, *p==NA_INTEGER, R_TO_M_NOOP);
     281             :                 break;
     282             : #ifdef HAVE_HGE
     283           1 :         case TYPE_hge:
     284           1 :                 if (!IS_INTEGER(s)) {
     285             :                         return NULL;
     286             :                 }
     287           6 :                 SXP_TO_BAT(hge, INTEGER_POINTER, *p==NA_INTEGER, R_TO_M_NOOP);
     288             :                 break;
     289             : #endif
     290           3 :         case TYPE_bte:
     291             :         case TYPE_bit:                   // only R logical types fit into bit BATs
     292           3 :                 if (!IS_LOGICAL(s)) {
     293             :                         return NULL;
     294             :                 }
     295        1008 :                 SXP_TO_BAT(bit, LOGICAL_POINTER, *p==NA_LOGICAL, R_TO_M_NOOP);
     296             :                 break;
     297          25 :         case TYPE_dbl:
     298          25 :                 if (!IS_NUMERIC(s)) {
     299             :                         return NULL;
     300             :                 }
     301        1057 :                 SXP_TO_BAT(dbl, NUMERIC_POINTER, (ISNA(*p) || isnan(*p) || isinf(*p)), R_TO_M_NOOP);
     302             :                 break;
     303           6 :         case TYPE_str: {
     304           6 :                 SEXP levels;
     305           6 :                 size_t j;
     306           6 :                 if (!IS_CHARACTER(s) && !isFactor(s)) {
     307             :                         return NULL;
     308             :                 }
     309           6 :                 b = COLnew(0, TYPE_str, cnt, TRANSIENT);
     310           6 :                 if (!b) return NULL;
     311           6 :                 b->tnil = false;
     312           6 :                 b->tnonil = true;
     313           6 :                 b->tkey = false;
     314           6 :                 b->tsorted = false;
     315           6 :                 b->trevsorted = false;
     316             :                 /* get levels once, since this is a function call */
     317           6 :                 levels = GET_LEVELS(s);
     318             : 
     319          38 :                 for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
     320          26 :                         SEXP rse;
     321          26 :                         if (isFactor(s)) {
     322           5 :                                 int ii = INTEGER(s)[j];
     323           5 :                                 if (ii == NA_INTEGER) {
     324           1 :                                         rse = NA_STRING;
     325             :                                 } else {
     326           4 :                                         rse = STRING_ELT(levels, ii - 1);
     327             :                                 }
     328             :                         } else {
     329          21 :                                 rse = STRING_ELT(s, j);
     330             :                         }
     331          26 :                         if (rse == NA_STRING) {
     332           2 :                                 b->tnil = true;
     333           2 :                                 b->tnonil = false;
     334           2 :                                 if (BUNappend(b, str_nil, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     335           0 :                                         BBPreclaim(b);
     336           0 :                                         return NULL;
     337             :                                 }
     338             :                         } else {
     339          24 :                                 if (BUNappend(b, CHAR(rse), false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     340           0 :                                         BBPreclaim(b);
     341           0 :                                         return NULL;
     342             :                                 }
     343             :                         }
     344             :                 }
     345           6 :                 BATsetcount(b, cnt);
     346           6 :                 break;
     347             :         }
     348           1 :         default:
     349           1 :                 if (type == TYPE_date) {
     350           1 :                         if (!IS_NUMERIC(s)) {
     351             :                                 return NULL;
     352             :                         }
     353           4 :                         SXP_TO_BAT(date, NUMERIC_POINTER, *p==NA_REAL, R_TO_M_DATE);
     354             :                 }
     355             :         }
     356             : 
     357             :         return b;
     358             : }
     359             : 
     360             : const char rapi_enableflag[] = "embedded_r";
     361             : 
     362          65 : static bool RAPIEnabled(void) {
     363          65 :         return (GDKgetenv_istrue(rapi_enableflag)
     364          65 :                         || GDKgetenv_isyes(rapi_enableflag));
     365             : }
     366             : 
     367             : // The R-environment should be single threaded, calling for some protective measures.
     368             : static MT_Lock rapiLock = MT_LOCK_INITIALIZER(rapiLock);
     369             : static bool rapiInitialized = false;
     370             : #if 0
     371             : static char* rtypenames[] = { "NIL", "SYM", "LIST", "CLO", "ENV", "PROM",
     372             :                 "LANG", "SPECIAL", "BUILTIN", "CHAR", "LGL", "unknown", "unknown",
     373             :                 "INT", "REAL", "CPLX", "STR", "DOT", "ANY", "VEC", "EXPR", "BCODE",
     374             :                 "EXTPTR", "WEAKREF", "RAW", "S4" };
     375             : #endif
     376             : 
     377             : static Client rapiClient = NULL;
     378             : 
     379             : 
     380             : #if 0
     381             : // helper function to translate R TYPEOF() return values to something readable
     382             : char* rtypename(int rtypeid) {
     383             :         if (rtypeid < 0 || rtypeid > 25) {
     384             :                 return "unknown";
     385             :         } else
     386             :                 return rtypenames[rtypeid];
     387             : }
     388             : #endif
     389             : 
     390           0 : static void writeConsoleEx(const char * buf, int buflen, int foo) {
     391           0 :         (void) buflen;
     392           0 :         (void) foo;
     393           0 :         (void) buf; // silence compiler
     394             : #ifdef _RAPI_DEBUG_
     395             :         printf("# %s", buf);
     396             : #endif
     397           0 : }
     398             : 
     399          65 : static void writeConsole(const char * buf, int buflen) {
     400          65 :         writeConsoleEx(buf, buflen, -42);
     401          65 : }
     402             : 
     403           3 : static void clearRErrConsole(void) {
     404             :         // Do nothing?
     405           3 : }
     406             : 
     407             : static char *RAPIinstalladdons(void);
     408             : 
     409             : /* UNIX-like initialization */
     410             : #ifndef WIN32
     411             : 
     412             : #define R_INTERFACE_PTRS 1
     413             : #define CSTACK_DEFNS 1
     414             : #include <Rinterface.h>
     415             : 
     416           6 : static char *RAPIinitialize(void) {
     417             : // TODO: check for header/library version mismatch?
     418           6 :         char *e;
     419             : 
     420             :         // set R_HOME for packages etc. We know this from our configure script
     421           6 :         putenv("R_HOME=" RHOME);
     422             : 
     423             :         // set some command line arguments
     424             :         {
     425           6 :                 structRstart rp;
     426           6 :                 char *rargv[] = { "R",
     427             : #if R_VERSION >= R_Version(4,0,0)
     428             :                                                   "--no-echo",
     429             : #else
     430             :                                                   "--slave",
     431             : #endif
     432             :                                                   "--vanilla" };
     433           6 :                 int stat = 0;
     434             : 
     435           6 :                 R_DefParams(&rp);
     436             : #if R_VERSION >= R_Version(4,0,0)
     437           6 :                 rp.R_NoEcho = (Rboolean) TRUE;
     438             : #else
     439             :                 rp.R_Slave = (Rboolean) TRUE;
     440             : #endif
     441           6 :                 rp.R_Quiet = (Rboolean) TRUE;
     442           6 :                 rp.R_Interactive = (Rboolean) FALSE;
     443           6 :                 rp.R_Verbose = (Rboolean) FALSE;
     444           6 :                 rp.LoadSiteFile = (Rboolean) FALSE;
     445           6 :                 rp.LoadInitFile = (Rboolean) FALSE;
     446           6 :                 rp.RestoreAction = SA_NORESTORE;
     447           6 :                 rp.SaveAction = SA_NOSAVE;
     448           6 :                 rp.NoRenviron = TRUE;
     449           6 :                 stat = Rf_initialize_R(2, rargv);
     450           6 :                 if (stat < 0) {
     451           0 :                         return "Rf_initialize failed";
     452             :                 }
     453           6 :                 R_SetParams(&rp);
     454             :         }
     455             : 
     456             :         /* disable stack checking, because threads will throw it off */
     457           6 :         R_CStackLimit = (uintptr_t) -1;
     458             :         /* redirect input/output and set error handler */
     459           6 :         R_Outputfile = NULL;
     460           6 :         R_Consolefile = NULL;
     461             :         /* we do not want R to handle any signal, will interfere with monetdbd */
     462           6 :         R_SignalHandlers = 0;
     463             :         /* we want control R's output and input */
     464           6 :         ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx = writeConsoleEx;
     465           6 :         ptr_R_WriteConsole = writeConsole;
     466           6 :         ptr_R_ReadConsole = NULL;
     467           6 :         ptr_R_ClearerrConsole = clearRErrConsole;
     468             : 
     469             :         // big boy here
     470           6 :         setup_Rmainloop();
     471             : 
     472           6 :         if ((e = RAPIinstalladdons()) != 0) {
     473             :                 return e;
     474             :         }
     475             : #if R_VERSION < R_Version(4,2,0)
     476             :         // patch R internals to disallow quit and system. Setting them to NULL produces an error.
     477             :         SET_INTERNAL(install("quit"), R_NilValue);
     478             :         // install.packages() uses system2 to call gcc etc., so we cannot disable it (perhaps store the pointer somewhere just for that?)
     479             :         //SET_INTERNAL(install("system"), R_NilValue);
     480             : #endif
     481             : 
     482           6 :         rapiInitialized = true;
     483           6 :         return NULL;
     484             : }
     485             : #else
     486             : 
     487             : #define S_IRWXU         0000700
     488             : 
     489             : static char *RAPIinitialize(void) {
     490             :         return "Sorry, no R API on Windows";
     491             : }
     492             : 
     493             : #endif
     494             : 
     495             : 
     496           6 : static char *RAPIinstalladdons(void) {
     497           6 :         int evalErr;
     498           6 :         ParseStatus status;
     499           6 :         char rlibs[FILENAME_MAX];
     500           6 :         char rapiinclude[BUFSIZ];
     501           6 :         SEXP librisexp;
     502           6 :         int len;
     503             : 
     504             :         // r library folder, create if not exists
     505           6 :         len = snprintf(rlibs, sizeof(rlibs), "%s%c%s", GDKgetenv("gdk_dbpath"), DIR_SEP, "rapi_packages");
     506           6 :         if (len == -1 || len >= FILENAME_MAX)
     507             :                 return "cannot create rapi_packages directory because the path is too large";
     508             : 
     509           6 :         if (MT_mkdir(rlibs) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
     510             :                 return "cannot create rapi_packages directory";
     511             :         }
     512             : #ifdef _RAPI_DEBUG_
     513             :         printf("# R libraries installed in %s\n",rlibs);
     514             : #endif
     515             : 
     516           6 :         PROTECT(librisexp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
     517           6 :         SET_STRING_ELT(librisexp, 0, mkChar(rlibs));
     518           6 :         Rf_defineVar(Rf_install(".rapi.libdir"), librisexp, R_GlobalEnv);
     519           6 :         UNPROTECT(1);
     520             : 
     521             :         // run rapi.R environment setup script
     522             :         {
     523           6 :                 char *f = locate_file("rapi", ".R", 0);
     524           6 :                 snprintf(rapiinclude, sizeof(rapiinclude), "source(\"%s\")", f);
     525           6 :                 GDKfree(f);
     526             :         }
     527             : #if DIR_SEP != '/'
     528             :         {
     529             :                 char *p;
     530             :                 for (p = rapiinclude; *p; p++)
     531             :                         if (*p == DIR_SEP)
     532             :                                 *p = '/';
     533             :         }
     534             : #endif
     535           6 :         R_tryEvalSilent(
     536             :                 VECTOR_ELT(
     537             :                         R_ParseVector(mkString(rapiinclude), 1, &status,
     538             :                                                   R_NilValue), 0), R_GlobalEnv, &evalErr);
     539             : 
     540             :         // of course the script may contain errors as well
     541           6 :         if (evalErr != FALSE) {
     542           0 :                 return "failure running R setup script";
     543             :         }
     544             :         return NULL;
     545             : }
     546             : 
     547             : static str
     548           2 : empty_return(MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci, size_t retcols, oid seqbase)
     549             : {
     550           2 :         str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
     551           2 :         void **res = GDKzalloc(retcols * sizeof(void*));
     552             : 
     553           2 :         if (!res) {
     554           0 :                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     555           0 :                 goto bailout;
     556             :         }
     557             : 
     558           4 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < retcols; i++) {
     559           2 :                 if (isaBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, i))) {
     560           1 :                         BAT *b = COLnew(seqbase, getBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, i)), 0, TRANSIENT);
     561           1 :                         if (!b) {
     562           0 :                                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     563           0 :                                 goto bailout;
     564             :                         }
     565           1 :                         ((BAT**)res)[i] = b;
     566             :                 } else { // single value return, only for non-grouped aggregations
     567             :                         // return NULL to conform to SQL aggregates
     568           1 :                         int tpe = getArgType(mb, pci, i);
     569           1 :                         if (!VALinit(&stk->stk[pci->argv[i]], tpe, ATOMnilptr(tpe))) {
     570           0 :                                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     571           0 :                                 goto bailout;
     572             :                         }
     573           1 :                         ((ValPtr*)res)[i] = &stk->stk[pci->argv[i]];
     574             :                 }
     575             :         }
     576             : 
     577           2 : bailout:
     578           2 :         if (res) {
     579           4 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < retcols; i++) {
     580           2 :                         if (isaBatType(getArgType(mb, pci, i))) {
     581           1 :                                 BAT *b = ((BAT**)res)[i];
     582             : 
     583           1 :                                 if (b && msg) {
     584           0 :                                         BBPreclaim(b);
     585           1 :                                 } else if (b) {
     586           1 :                                         *getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, i) = b->batCacheid;
     587           1 :                                         BBPkeepref(b);
     588             :                                 }
     589           1 :                         } else if (msg) {
     590           0 :                                 ValPtr pt = ((ValPtr*)res)[i];
     591             : 
     592           0 :                                 if (pt)
     593           0 :                                         VALclear(pt);
     594             :                         }
     595             :                 }
     596           2 :                 GDKfree(res);
     597             :         }
     598           2 :         return msg;
     599             : }
     600             : 
     601          59 : static str RAPIeval(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci, bit grouped) {
     602          59 :         sql_func * sqlfun = NULL;
     603          59 :         SEXP x, env, retval;
     604          59 :         SEXP varname = R_NilValue;
     605          59 :         SEXP varvalue = R_NilValue;
     606          59 :         ParseStatus status;
     607          59 :         int i = 0;
     608          59 :         char argbuf[64];
     609          59 :         char *argnames = NULL;
     610          59 :         size_t argnameslen;
     611          59 :         size_t pos;
     612          59 :         char* rcall = NULL;
     613          59 :         size_t rcalllen;
     614          59 :         int ret_cols = 0; /* int because pci->retc is int, too*/
     615          59 :         str *args;
     616          59 :         int evalErr;
     617          59 :         char *msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
     618          59 :         BAT *b;
     619          59 :         node * argnode;
     620          59 :         int seengrp = FALSE;
     621             : 
     622          59 :         rapiClient = cntxt;
     623             : 
     624             :         // If the first input argument is of type lng, this is a cardinality-only bulk operation.
     625          59 :         int has_card_arg = 0;
     626          59 :         lng card; // cardinality of non-bat inputs
     627          59 :         if (getArgType(mb, pci, pci->retc) == TYPE_lng) {
     628           1 :                 has_card_arg=1;
     629           1 :                 card = *getArgReference_lng(stk, pci, pci->retc);
     630             :         }
     631             :         else {
     632             :                 has_card_arg=0;
     633             :                 card = 1;
     634             :         }
     635          59 :         str exprStr = *getArgReference_str(stk, pci, pci->retc + 1 + has_card_arg);
     636             : 
     637          59 :         if (!RAPIEnabled()) {
     638           0 :                 throw(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     639             :                           "Embedded R has not been enabled. Start server with --set %s=true",
     640             :                           rapi_enableflag);
     641             :         }
     642          59 :         if (!rapiInitialized) {
     643           0 :                 throw(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     644             :                           "Embedded R initialization has failed");
     645             :         }
     646             : 
     647          59 :         sqlfun = *(sql_func**) getArgReference(stk, pci, pci->retc+has_card_arg);
     648          59 :         args = (str*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(str) * pci->argc);
     649          59 :         if (args == NULL) {
     650           0 :                 throw(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     651             :         }
     652             : 
     653             :         // get the lock even before initialization of the R interpreter, as this can take a second and must be done only once.
     654          59 :         MT_lock_set(&rapiLock);
     655             : 
     656          59 :         env = PROTECT(eval(lang1(install("new.env")), R_GlobalEnv));
     657          59 :         assert(env != NULL);
     658             : 
     659             :         // first argument after the return contains the pointer to the sql_func structure
     660             :         // NEW macro temporarily renamed to MNEW to allow including sql_catalog.h
     661             : 
     662          59 :         if (sqlfun != NULL && sqlfun->ops->cnt > 0) {
     663          23 :                 int carg = pci->retc + 2 + has_card_arg;
     664          23 :                 argnode = sqlfun->ops->h;
     665          70 :                 while (argnode) {
     666          47 :                         char* argname = ((sql_arg*) argnode->data)->name;
     667          47 :                         args[carg] = GDKstrdup(argname);
     668          47 :                         carg++;
     669          47 :                         argnode = argnode->next;
     670             :                 }
     671             :         }
     672             :         // the first unknown argument is the group, we don't really care for the rest.
     673          59 :         argnameslen = 2;
     674         148 :         for (i = pci->retc + 2 + has_card_arg; i < pci->argc; i++) {
     675          89 :                 if (args[i] == NULL) {
     676          42 :                         if (!seengrp && grouped) {
     677           6 :                                 args[i] = GDKstrdup("aggr_group");
     678           6 :                                 seengrp = TRUE;
     679             :                         } else {
     680          36 :                                 snprintf(argbuf, sizeof(argbuf), "arg%i", i - pci->retc - 1);
     681          36 :                                 args[i] = GDKstrdup(argbuf);
     682             :                         }
     683             :                 }
     684          89 :                 argnameslen += strlen(args[i]) + 2; /* extra for ", " */
     685             :         }
     686             : 
     687             :         // install the MAL variables into the R environment
     688             :         // we can basically map values to int ("INTEGER") or double ("REAL")
     689         144 :         for (i = pci->retc + 2 + has_card_arg; i < pci->argc; i++) {
     690          87 :                 int bat_type = getBatType(getArgType(mb,pci,i));
     691             :                 // check for BAT or scalar first, keep code left
     692          87 :                 if (!isaBatType(getArgType(mb,pci,i))) {
     693          18 :                         const ValRecord *v = &stk->stk[getArg(pci, i)];
     694          18 :                         b = BATconstant(0, v->vtype, VALptr(v), card, TRANSIENT);
     695          18 :                         if (b == NULL) {
     696           0 :                                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     697           0 :                                 goto wrapup;
     698             :                         }
     699             :                 } else {
     700          69 :                         b = BATdescriptor(*getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, i));
     701          69 :                         if (b == NULL) {
     702           0 :                                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     703           0 :                                 goto wrapup;
     704             :                         }
     705          69 :                         if (BATcount(b) == 0) { /* empty input, generate trivial return */
     706             :                                 /* I expect all inputs to have the same size, so this should be safe */
     707           2 :                                 msg = empty_return(mb, stk, pci, pci->retc, b->hseqbase);
     708           2 :                                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     709           2 :                                 goto wrapup;
     710             :                         }
     711             :                 }
     712             : 
     713             :                 // check the BAT count, if it is bigger than RAPI_MAX_TUPLES, fail
     714          85 :                 if (BATcount(b) > RAPI_MAX_TUPLES) {
     715           0 :                         msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     716             :                                                                   "Got "BUNFMT" rows, but can only handle "LLFMT". Sorry.",
     717             :                                                                   BATcount(b), (lng) RAPI_MAX_TUPLES);
     718           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     719           0 :                         goto wrapup;
     720             :                 }
     721          85 :                 varname = PROTECT(Rf_install(args[i]));
     722          85 :                 varvalue = bat_to_sexp(b, bat_type);
     723          85 :                 if (varvalue == NULL) {
     724           0 :                         msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", "unknown argument type ");
     725           0 :                         goto wrapup;
     726             :                 }
     727          85 :                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     728             : 
     729             :                 // install vector into R environment
     730          85 :                 Rf_defineVar(varname, varvalue, env);
     731          85 :                 UNPROTECT(2);
     732             :         }
     733             : 
     734             :         /* we are going to evaluate the user function within an anonymous function call:
     735             :          * ret <- (function(arg1){return(arg1*2)})(42)
     736             :          * the user code is put inside the {}, this keeps our environment clean (TM) and gives
     737             :          * a clear path for return values, namely using the builtin return() function
     738             :          * this is also compatible with PL/R
     739             :          */
     740          57 :         pos = 0;
     741          57 :         argnames = malloc(argnameslen);
     742          57 :         if (argnames == NULL) {
     743           0 :                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     744           0 :                 goto wrapup;
     745             :         }
     746          57 :         argnames[0] = '\0';
     747         142 :         for (i = pci->retc + 2 + has_card_arg; i < pci->argc; i++) {
     748         170 :                 pos += snprintf(argnames + pos, argnameslen - pos, "%s%s",
     749         128 :                                                 args[i], i < pci->argc - 1 ? ", " : "");
     750             :         }
     751          57 :         rcalllen = 2 * pos + strlen(exprStr) + 100;
     752          57 :         rcall = malloc(rcalllen);
     753          57 :         if (rcall == NULL) {
     754           0 :                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     755           0 :                 goto wrapup;
     756             :         }
     757          57 :         snprintf(rcall, rcalllen,
     758             :                          "ret <-{%s})(%s), nm=NA, stringsAsFactors=F)\n",
     759             :                          argnames, exprStr, argnames);
     760          57 :         free(argnames);
     761          57 :         argnames = NULL;
     762             : #ifdef _RAPI_DEBUG_
     763             :         printf("# R call %s\n",rcall);
     764             : #endif
     765             : 
     766          57 :         x = R_ParseVector(mkString(rcall), 1, &status, R_NilValue);
     767             : 
     768          57 :         if (LENGTH(x) != 1 || status != PARSE_OK) {
     769           0 :                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     770             :                                                           "Error parsing R expression '%s'. ", exprStr);
     771           0 :                 goto wrapup;
     772             :         }
     773             : 
     774          57 :         retval = R_tryEval(VECTOR_ELT(x, 0), env, &evalErr);
     775          57 :         if (evalErr != FALSE) {
     776           3 :                 char* errormsg = strdup(R_curErrorBuf());
     777           3 :                 size_t c;
     778           3 :                 if (errormsg == NULL) {
     779           0 :                         msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", "Error running R expression.");
     780           0 :                         goto wrapup;
     781             :                 }
     782             :                 // remove newlines from error message so it fits into a MAPI error (lol)
     783         513 :                 for (c = 0; c < strlen(errormsg); c++) {
     784         510 :                         if (errormsg[c] == '\r' || errormsg[c] == '\n') {
     785           8 :                                 errormsg[c] = ' ';
     786             :                         }
     787             :                 }
     788           3 :                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     789             :                                                           "Error running R expression: %s", errormsg);
     790           3 :                 free(errormsg);
     791           3 :                 goto wrapup;
     792             :         }
     793             : 
     794             :         // ret should be a data frame with exactly as many columns as we need from retc
     795          54 :         ret_cols = LENGTH(retval);
     796          54 :         if (ret_cols != pci->retc) {
     797           0 :                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     798             :                                                           "Expected result of %d columns, got %d", pci->retc, ret_cols);
     799           0 :                 goto wrapup;
     800             :         }
     801             : 
     802             :         // collect the return values
     803         122 :         for (i = 0; i < pci->retc; i++) {
     804          69 :                 SEXP ret_col = VECTOR_ELT(retval, i);
     805          69 :                 int bat_type = getBatType(getArgType(mb,pci,i));
     806          69 :                 if (bat_type == TYPE_any || bat_type == TYPE_void) {
     807           0 :                         getArgType(mb,pci,i) = bat_type;
     808           0 :                         msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     809             :                                                                   "Unknown return value, possibly projecting with no parameters.");
     810           0 :                         goto wrapup;
     811             :                 }
     812             : 
     813             :                 // hand over the vector into a BAT
     814          69 :                 b = sexp_to_bat(ret_col, bat_type);
     815          69 :                 if (b == NULL) {
     816           1 :                         msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     817             :                                                                   "Failed to convert column %i", i);
     818           1 :                         goto wrapup;
     819             :                 }
     820             : 
     821             :                 // bat return
     822          68 :                 if (isaBatType(getArgType(mb,pci,i))) {
     823          59 :                         *getArgReference_bat(stk, pci, i) = b->batCacheid;
     824          59 :                         BBPkeepref(b);
     825             :                 } else { // single value return, only for non-grouped aggregations
     826           9 :                         BATiter li = bat_iterator(b);
     827           9 :                         if (VALinit(&stk->stk[pci->argv[i]], bat_type,
     828           9 :                                                 BUNtail(li, 0)) == NULL) { // TODO BUNtail here
     829           0 :                                 msg = createException(MAL, "rapi.eval", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     830           0 :                                 bat_iterator_end(&li);
     831           0 :                                 goto wrapup;
     832             :                         }
     833           9 :                         bat_iterator_end(&li);
     834           9 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     835             :                 }
     836          68 :                 msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
     837             :         }
     838          53 :   wrapup:
     839             :         /* unprotect environment, so it will be eaten by the GC. */
     840          59 :         UNPROTECT(1);
     841          59 :         MT_lock_unset(&rapiLock);
     842          59 :         if (argnames)
     843           0 :                 free(argnames);
     844          59 :         if (rcall)
     845          57 :                 free(rcall);
     846         341 :         for (i = 0; i < pci->argc; i++)
     847         282 :                 GDKfree(args[i]);
     848          59 :         GDKfree(args);
     849             : 
     850          59 :         return msg;
     851             : }
     852             : 
     853          49 : static str RAPIevalStd(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk,
     854             :                                                         InstrPtr pci) {
     855          49 :         return RAPIeval(cntxt, mb, stk, pci, 0);
     856             : }
     857          10 : static str RAPIevalAggr(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk,
     858             :                                                          InstrPtr pci) {
     859          10 :         return RAPIeval(cntxt, mb, stk, pci, 1);
     860             : }
     861             : 
     862             : /* used for loopback queries from R
     863             :  * see test rapi10 in monetdb5/extras/rapi */
     864             : extern
     865             : #ifdef WIN32
     866             : __declspec(dllexport)
     867             : #endif
     868             : void *RAPIloopback(void *query);
     869             : 
     870             : void *
     871           3 : RAPIloopback(void *query) {
     872           3 :         res_table* output = NULL;
     873           3 :         char* querystr = (char*)CHAR(STRING_ELT(query, 0));
     874           3 :         char* err = SQLstatementIntern(rapiClient, querystr, "name", 1, 0, &output);
     875             : 
     876           3 :         if (err) { // there was an error
     877           0 :                 return ScalarString(RSTR(err));
     878             :         }
     879           3 :         if (output) {
     880           3 :                 int ncols = output->nr_cols;
     881           3 :                 if (ncols > 0) {
     882           3 :                         int i;
     883           3 :                         SEXP retlist, names, varvalue = R_NilValue;
     884           3 :                         retlist = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, ncols));
     885           3 :                         names = PROTECT(NEW_STRING(ncols));
     886           9 :                         for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
     887           3 :                                 BAT *b = BATdescriptor(output->cols[i].b);
     888           3 :                                 if (b == NULL || !(varvalue = bat_to_sexp(b, TYPE_any))) {
     889           0 :                                         UNPROTECT(i + 3);
     890           0 :                                         BBPreclaim(b);
     891           0 :                                         return ScalarString(RSTR("Conversion error"));
     892             :                                 }
     893           3 :                                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     894           3 :                                 SET_STRING_ELT(names, i, RSTR(output->cols[i].name));
     895           3 :                                 SET_VECTOR_ELT(retlist, i, varvalue);
     896             :                         }
     897           3 :                         res_table_destroy(output);
     898           3 :                         SET_NAMES(retlist, names);
     899           3 :                         UNPROTECT(ncols + 2);
     900           3 :                         return retlist;
     901             :                 }
     902           0 :                 res_table_destroy(output);
     903             :         }
     904           0 :         return ScalarLogical(1);
     905             : }
     906             : 
     907           6 : static str RAPIprelude(void) {
     908           6 :         if (RAPIEnabled()) {
     909           6 :                 MT_lock_set(&rapiLock);
     910             :                 /* startup internal R environment  */
     911           6 :                 if (!rapiInitialized) {
     912           6 :                         char *initstatus;
     913           6 :                         initstatus = RAPIinitialize();
     914           6 :                         if (initstatus != 0) {
     915           0 :                                 MT_lock_unset(&rapiLock);
     916           0 :                                 throw(MAL, "rapi.eval",
     917             :                                           "failed to initialize R environment (%s)", initstatus);
     918             :                         }
     919           6 :                         Rf_defineVar(Rf_install("MONETDB_LIBDIR"), ScalarString(RSTR(LIBDIR)), R_GlobalEnv);
     920           6 :                         Rf_defineVar(Rf_install("MONETDB_VERSION"), ScalarString(RSTR(MONETDB_VERSION)), R_GlobalEnv);
     921             : 
     922             :                 }
     923           6 :                 MT_lock_unset(&rapiLock);
     924           6 :                 printf("# MonetDB/R   module loaded\n");
     925           6 :                 fflush(stdout);
     926             :         }
     927             :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     928             : }
     929             : 
     930             : #include "mel.h"
     931             : static mel_func rapi_init_funcs[] = {
     932             :  pattern("rapi", "eval", RAPIevalStd, false, "Execute a simple R script returning a single value", args(1,3, argany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str))),
     933             :  pattern("rapi", "eval", RAPIevalStd, false, "Execute a simple R script value", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str),varargany("arg",0))),
     934             :  pattern("rapi", "subeval_aggr", RAPIevalAggr, false, "grouped aggregates through R", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str),varargany("arg",0))),
     935             :  pattern("rapi", "eval_aggr", RAPIevalAggr, false, "grouped aggregates through R", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str),varargany("arg",0))),
     936             :  pattern("batrapi", "eval", RAPIevalStd, false, "Execute a simple R script value", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str),varargany("arg",0))),
     937             :  pattern("batrapi", "eval", RAPIevalStd, false, "Execute a simple R script value", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("card", lng), arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str))),
     938             :  pattern("batrapi", "subeval_aggr", RAPIevalAggr, false, "grouped aggregates through R", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str),varargany("arg",0))),
     939             :  pattern("batrapi", "eval_aggr", RAPIevalAggr, false, "grouped aggregates through R", args(1,4, varargany("",0),arg("fptr",ptr),arg("expr",str),varargany("arg",0))),
     940             :  { .imp=NULL }
     941             : };
     942             : #include "mal_import.h"
     943             : #ifdef _MSC_VER
     944             : #undef read
     945             : #pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read)
     946             : #endif
     947           6 : LIB_STARTUP_FUNC(init_rapi_mal)
     948           6 : { mal_module2("rapi", NULL, rapi_init_funcs, RAPIprelude, NULL); }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14