LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - monetdb5/modules/kernel - mmath.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 60 99 60.6 %
Date: 2024-12-19 23:10:26 Functions: 35 69 50.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : /*
      14             :  * N.J. Nes, M. Kersten
      15             :  * 07/01/1996
      16             :  * The math module
      17             :  * This module contains the math commands. The implementation is very simply,
      18             :  * the c math library functions are called. See for documentation the
      19             :  * ANSI-C/POSIX manuals of the equally named functions.
      20             :  *
      21             :  * NOTE: the operand itself is being modified, rather than that we produce
      22             :  * a new BAT. This to save the expensive copying.
      23             :  */
      24             : #include "monetdb_config.h"
      25             : #include "mal.h"
      26             : #include "mal_exception.h"
      27             : #include <fenv.h>
      28             : #include "mmath_private.h"
      29             : 
      30             : double
      31          10 : cot(double x)
      32             : {
      33          10 :         return 1.0 / tan(x);
      34             : }
      35             : 
      36             : float
      37           0 : cotf(float x)
      38             : {
      39           0 :         return 1.0f / tanf(x);
      40             : }
      41             : 
      42             : double
      43          54 : radians(double x)
      44             : {
      45          54 :         return x * (M_PI / 180.0);
      46             : }
      47             : 
      48             : float
      49           0 : radiansf(float x)
      50             : {
      51           0 :         return x * (M_PIF / 180.0f);
      52             : }
      53             : 
      54             : double
      55          26 : degrees(double x)
      56             : {
      57          26 :         return x * (180.0 / M_PI);
      58             : }
      59             : 
      60             : float
      61           0 : degreesf(float x)
      62             : {
      63           0 :         return x * (180.0f / M_PIF);
      64             : }
      65             : 
      66             : double
      67           8 : logbs(double base, double x)
      68             : {
      69           8 :         if (base == 1) {
      70           2 :                 feraiseexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO);
      71           2 :                 return INFINITY;
      72             :         }
      73           6 :         return log(x) / log(base);
      74             : }
      75             : 
      76             : float
      77           0 : logbsf(float base, float x)
      78             : {
      79           0 :         if (base == 1) {
      80           0 :                 feraiseexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO);
      81           0 :                 return INFINITY;
      82             :         }
      83           0 :         return logf(x) / logf(base);
      84             : }
      85             : 
      86             : #define unopbaseM5(NAME, FUNC, TYPE)                                                            \
      87             : static str                                                                                                                      \
      88             : MATHunary##NAME##TYPE(TYPE *res, const TYPE *a)                                         \
      89             : {                                                                                                                                       \
      90             :         if (is_##TYPE##_nil(*a)) {                                                                              \
      91             :                 *res = TYPE##_nil;                                                                                      \
      92             :         } else {                                                                                                                \
      93             :                 int e = 0, ex = 0;                                                                                      \
      94             :                 errno = 0;                                                                                                      \
      95             :                 feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);                                                           \
      96             :                 *res = FUNC(*a);                                                                                        \
      97             :                 if ((e = errno) != 0 ||                                                                         \
      98             :                         (ex = fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO |                  \
      99             :                                                            FE_OVERFLOW)) != 0) {                                \
     100             :                         const char *err;                                                                                \
     101             :                         char buf[128];                                                                                  \
     102             :                         if (e) {                                                                                                \
     103             :                                 err = GDKstrerror(e, buf, 128);                                         \
     104             :                         } else if (ex & FE_DIVBYZERO)                                                       \
     105             :                                 err = "Divide by zero";                                                               \
     106             :                         else if (ex & FE_OVERFLOW)                                                          \
     107             :                                 err = "Overflow";                                                                     \
     108             :                         else                                                                                                    \
     109             :                                 err = "Invalid result";                                                               \
     110             :                         throw(MAL, "mmath." #FUNC, "Math exception: %s", err);      \
     111             :                 }                                                                                                                       \
     112             :         }                                                                                                                               \
     113             :         return MAL_SUCCEED;                                                                                             \
     114             : }
     115             : 
     116             : #define unopM5(NAME, FUNC)                                              \
     117             :         unopbaseM5(NAME, FUNC, dbl)                                     \
     118             :         unopbaseM5(NAME, FUNC##f, flt)
     119             : 
     120             : #define binopbaseM5(NAME, FUNC, TYPE)                                                           \
     121             : static str                                                                                                                      \
     122             : MATHbinary##NAME##TYPE(TYPE *res, const TYPE *a, const TYPE *b)         \
     123             : {                                                                                                                                       \
     124             :         if (is_##TYPE##_nil(*a) || is_##TYPE##_nil(*b)) {                               \
     125             :                 *res = TYPE##_nil;                                                                                      \
     126             :         } else {                                                                                                                \
     127             :                 int e = 0, ex = 0;                                                                                      \
     128             :                 errno = 0;                                                                                                      \
     129             :                 feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);                                                           \
     130             :                 *res = FUNC(*a, *b);                                                                            \
     131             :                 if ((e = errno) != 0 ||                                                                         \
     132             :                         (ex = fetestexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO |                  \
     133             :                                                            FE_OVERFLOW)) != 0) {                                \
     134             :                         const char *err;                                                                                \
     135             :                         char buf[128];                                                                                  \
     136             :                         if (e) {                                                                                                \
     137             :                                 err = GDKstrerror(e, buf, 128);                                         \
     138             :                         } else if (ex & FE_DIVBYZERO)                                                       \
     139             :                                 err = "Divide by zero";                                                               \
     140             :                         else if (ex & FE_OVERFLOW)                                                          \
     141             :                                 err = "Overflow";                                                                     \
     142             :                         else                                                                                                    \
     143             :                                 err = "Invalid result";                                                               \
     144             :                         throw(MAL, "mmath." #FUNC, "Math exception: %s", err);      \
     145             :                 }                                                                                                                       \
     146             :         }                                                                                                                               \
     147             :         return MAL_SUCCEED;                                                                                             \
     148             : }
     149             : 
     150             : #define binopM5(NAME, FUNC)                                             \
     151             :   binopbaseM5(NAME, FUNC, dbl)                                  \
     152             :   binopbaseM5(NAME, FUNC##f, flt)
     153             : 
     154             : #define roundM5(TYPE)                                                                                   \
     155             : static str                                                                                                              \
     156             : MATHbinary_ROUND##TYPE(TYPE *res, const TYPE *x, const int *y)  \
     157             : {                                                                                                                               \
     158             :         if (is_##TYPE##_nil(*x) || is_int_nil(*y)) {                            \
     159             :                 *res = TYPE##_nil;                                                                              \
     160             :         } else {                                                                                                        \
     161             :                 dbl factor = pow(10,*y), integral;                                              \
     162             :                 dbl tmp = *y > 0 ? modf(*x, &integral) : *x;                     \
     163             :                                                                                                                                 \
     164             :                 tmp *= factor;                                                                                  \
     165             :                 if (tmp >= 0)                                                                                        \
     166             :                         tmp = floor(tmp + 0.5);                                                         \
     167             :                 else                                                                                                    \
     168             :                         tmp = ceil(tmp - 0.5);                                                          \
     169             :                 tmp /= factor;                                                                                  \
     170             :                                                                                                                                 \
     171             :                 if (*y > 0)                                                                                          \
     172             :                         tmp += integral;                                                                        \
     173             :                                                                                                                                 \
     174             :                 *res = (TYPE) tmp;                                                                              \
     175             :         }                                                                                                                       \
     176             :         return MAL_SUCCEED;                                                                                     \
     177             : }
     178             : 
     179             : 
     180           3 : unopM5(_ACOS, acos)
     181           4 :                 unopM5(_ASIN, asin)
     182           3 :                 unopM5(_ATAN, atan)
     183          26 :                 unopM5(_COS, cos)
     184       10015 :                 unopM5(_SIN, sin)
     185           2 :                 unopM5(_TAN, tan)
     186           8 :                 unopM5(_COT, cot)
     187          42 :                 unopM5(_RADIANS, radians)
     188          12 :                 unopM5(_DEGREES, degrees)
     189           2 :                 unopM5(_COSH, cosh)
     190           2 :                 unopM5(_SINH, sinh)
     191           2 :                 unopM5(_TANH, tanh)
     192           6 :                 unopM5(_EXP, exp)
     193           4 :                 unopM5(_LOG, log)
     194           2 :                 unopM5(_LOG10, log10)
     195           1 :                 unopM5(_LOG2, log2)
     196           7 :                 unopM5(_SQRT, sqrt)
     197           4 :                 unopM5(_CBRT, cbrt)
     198           9 :                 unopM5(_CEIL, ceil)
     199          14 :                 unopM5(_FLOOR, floor)
     200           3 :                 binopM5(_ATAN2, atan2)
     201          15 :                 binopM5(_POW, pow)
     202           8 :                 binopM5(_LOG, logbs)
     203          20 :                 binopM5(_NEXTAFTER, nextafter)
     204             : 
     205             : static str
     206           0 : MATHunary_FABSdbl(dbl *res, const dbl *a)
     207             : {
     208           0 :         *res = is_dbl_nil(*a) ? dbl_nil : fabs(*a);
     209           0 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     210             : }
     211             : 
     212           0 : roundM5(dbl)
     213           0 : roundM5(flt)
     214             : static str
     215           0 : MATHunary_ISNAN(bit *res, const dbl *a)
     216             : {
     217           0 :         if (is_dbl_nil(*a)) {
     218           0 :                 *res = bit_nil;
     219             :         } else {
     220           0 :                 *res = isnan(*a) != 0;
     221             :         }
     222           0 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     223             : }
     224             : 
     225             : static str
     226           0 : MATHunary_ISINF(int *res, const dbl *a)
     227             : {
     228           0 :         if (is_dbl_nil(*a)) {
     229           0 :                 *res = int_nil;
     230             :         } else {
     231           0 :                 if (isinf(*a)) {
     232           0 :                         *res = (*a < 0.0) ? -1 : 1;
     233             :                 } else {
     234           0 :                         *res = 0;
     235             :                 }
     236             :         }
     237           0 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     238             : }
     239             : 
     240             : static str
     241           0 : MATHunary_FINITE(bit *res, const dbl *a)
     242             : {
     243           0 :         if (is_dbl_nil(*a)) {
     244           0 :                 *res = bit_nil;
     245             :         } else {
     246           0 :                 *res = isfinite(*a) != 0;
     247             :         }
     248           0 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     249             : }
     250             : 
     251             : /* global pseudo random generator state */
     252             : random_state_engine mmath_rse;
     253             : /* serialize access to state */
     254             : MT_Lock mmath_rse_lock = MT_LOCK_INITIALIZER(mmath_rse_lock);
     255             : 
     256             : static str
     257         352 : MATHprelude(void)
     258             : {
     259         352 :         init_random_state_engine(mmath_rse, (uint64_t) GDKusec());
     260         352 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     261             : }
     262             : 
     263             : static str
     264       10004 : MATHrandint(int *res)
     265             : {
     266             : #ifdef __COVERITY__
     267             :         *res = 0;
     268             : #else
     269       10004 :         MT_lock_set(&mmath_rse_lock);
     270       10004 :         *res = (int) (next(mmath_rse) >> 33);
     271       10004 :         MT_lock_unset(&mmath_rse_lock);
     272             : #endif
     273       10004 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     274             : }
     275             : 
     276             : static str
     277           0 : MATHrandintarg(int *res, const int *dummy)
     278             : {
     279           0 :         (void) dummy;
     280             : #ifdef __COVERITY__
     281             :         *res = 0;
     282             : #else
     283           0 :         MT_lock_set(&mmath_rse_lock);
     284           0 :         *res = (int) (next(mmath_rse) >> 33);
     285           0 :         MT_lock_unset(&mmath_rse_lock);
     286             : #endif
     287           0 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     288             : }
     289             : 
     290             : static str
     291           2 : MATHsrandint(void *ret, const int *seed)
     292             : {
     293           2 :         (void) ret;
     294           2 :         MT_lock_set(&mmath_rse_lock);
     295           2 :         init_random_state_engine(mmath_rse, (uint64_t) * seed);
     296           2 :         MT_lock_unset(&mmath_rse_lock);
     297           2 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     298             : }
     299             : 
     300             : static str
     301           2 : MATHsqlrandint(int *res, const int *seed)
     302             : {
     303             : #ifdef __COVERITY__
     304             :         (void) seed;
     305             :         *res = 0;
     306             : #else
     307           2 :         MT_lock_set(&mmath_rse_lock);
     308           2 :         init_random_state_engine(mmath_rse, (uint64_t) * seed);
     309           2 :         *res = (int) (next(mmath_rse) >> 33);
     310           2 :         MT_lock_unset(&mmath_rse_lock);
     311             : #endif
     312           2 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     313             : }
     314             : 
     315             : static str
     316          84 : MATHpi(dbl *pi)
     317             : {
     318          84 :         *pi = M_PI;
     319          84 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     320             : }
     321             : 
     322             : #include "mel.h"
     323             : mel_func mmath_init_funcs[] = {
     324             :  command("mmath", "acos", MATHunary_ACOSflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     325             :  command("mmath", "acos", MATHunary_ACOSdbl, false, "The acos(x) function calculates the arc cosine of x, that is the \nvalue whose cosine is x. The value is returned in radians and is \nmathematically defined to be between 0 and PI (inclusive).", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     326             :  command("mmath", "asin", MATHunary_ASINflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     327             :  command("mmath", "asin", MATHunary_ASINdbl, false, "The asin(x) function calculates the arc sine of x, that is the value \nwhose sine is x. The value is returned in radians and is mathematically \ndefined to be between -PI/20 and -PI/2 (inclusive).", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     328             :  command("mmath", "atan", MATHunary_ATANflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     329             :  command("mmath", "atan", MATHunary_ATANdbl, false, "The atan(x) function calculates the arc tangent of x, that is the value \nwhose tangent is x. The value is returned in radians and is mathematically \ndefined to be between -PI/2 and PI/2 (inclusive).", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     330             :  command("mmath", "atan2", MATHbinary_ATAN2flt, false, "", args(1,3, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     331             :  command("mmath", "atan2", MATHbinary_ATAN2dbl, false, "The atan2(x,y) function calculates the arc tangent of the two \nvariables x and y. It is similar to calculating the arc\ntangent of y / x, except that the signs of both arguments are \nused to determine the quadrant of the result. The value is \nreturned in radians and is mathematically defined to be between \n-PI/2 and PI/2 (inclusive).", args(1,3, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     332             :  command("mmath", "cos", MATHunary_COSflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     333             :  command("mmath", "cos", MATHunary_COSdbl, false, "The cos(x) function returns the cosine of x, where x is given in \nradians. The return value is between -1 and 1.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     334             :  command("mmath", "sin", MATHunary_SINflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     335             :  command("mmath", "sin", MATHunary_SINdbl, false, "The sin(x) function returns the cosine of x, where x is given in \nradians. The return value is between -1 and 1.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     336             :  command("mmath", "tan", MATHunary_TANflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     337             :  command("mmath", "tan", MATHunary_TANdbl, false, "The tan(x) function returns the tangent of x,\nwhere x is given in radians", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     338             :  command("mmath", "cot", MATHunary_COTflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     339             :  command("mmath", "cot", MATHunary_COTdbl, false, "The cot(x) function returns the Cotangent of x,\nwhere x is given in radians", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     340             :  command("mmath", "cosh", MATHunary_COSHflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     341             :  command("mmath", "cosh", MATHunary_COSHdbl, false, "The cosh() function returns the hyperbolic cosine of x, which is \ndefined mathematically as (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     342             :  command("mmath", "sinh", MATHunary_SINHflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     343             :  command("mmath", "sinh", MATHunary_SINHdbl, false, "The sinh() function returns the hyperbolic sine of x, which is \ndefined mathematically as (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     344             :  command("mmath", "tanh", MATHunary_TANHflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     345             :  command("mmath", "tanh", MATHunary_TANHdbl, false, "The tanh() function returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, which is \ndefined mathematically as sinh(x) / cosh(x).", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     346             :  command("mmath", "radians", MATHunary_RADIANSflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     347             :  command("mmath", "radians", MATHunary_RADIANSdbl, false, "The radians() function converts degrees into radians", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     348             :  command("mmath", "degrees", MATHunary_DEGREESflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     349             :  command("mmath", "degrees", MATHunary_DEGREESdbl, false, "The degrees() function converts radians into degrees", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     350             :  command("mmath", "exp", MATHunary_EXPflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     351             :  command("mmath", "exp", MATHunary_EXPdbl, false, "The exp(x) function returns the value of e (the base of \nnatural logarithms) raised to the power of x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     352             :  command("mmath", "log", MATHunary_LOGflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     353             :  command("mmath", "log", MATHunary_LOGdbl, false, "The log(x) function returns the natural logarithm of x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     354             :  command("mmath", "log2arg", MATHbinary_LOGflt, false, "The log(x) function returns the logarithm of x in the given base.", args(1,3, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt),arg("base",flt))),
     355             :  command("mmath", "log2arg", MATHbinary_LOGdbl, false, "The log(x) function returns the logarithm of x in the given base.", args(1,3, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl),arg("base",dbl))),
     356             :  command("mmath", "log10", MATHunary_LOG10flt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     357             :  command("mmath", "log10", MATHunary_LOG10dbl, false, "The log10(x) function returns the base-10 logarithm of x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     358             :  command("mmath", "log2", MATHunary_LOG2flt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt))),
     359             :  command("mmath", "log2", MATHunary_LOG2dbl, false, "The log2(x) function returns the base-2 logarithm of x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl))),
     360             :  command("mmath", "pow", MATHbinary_POWflt, false, "", args(1,3, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     361             :  command("mmath", "pow", MATHbinary_POWdbl, false, "The pow(x,y) function returns the value of x raised to the power of y.", args(1,3, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     362             :  command("mmath", "nextafter", MATHbinary_NEXTAFTERflt, false, "The nextafter(x,y) function returns the next representable floating-point value of x in the direction of y.", args(1,3, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     363             :  command("mmath", "nextafter", MATHbinary_NEXTAFTERdbl, false, "The nextafter(x,y) function returns the next representable floating-point value of x in the direction of y.", args(1,3, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     364             :  command("mmath", "sqrt", MATHunary_SQRTflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     365             :  command("mmath", "sqrt", MATHunary_SQRTdbl, false, "The sqrt(x) function returns the non-negative root of x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     366             :  command("mmath", "cbrt", MATHunary_CBRTflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     367             :  command("mmath", "cbrt", MATHunary_CBRTdbl, false, "The cbrt(x) function returns the cube root of x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     368             :  command("mmath", "ceil", MATHunary_CEILflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     369             :  command("mmath", "ceil", MATHunary_CEILdbl, false, "The ceil(x) function rounds x upwards to the nearest integer.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     370             :  command("mmath", "fabs", MATHunary_FABSdbl, false, "The fabs(x) function returns the absolute value of the floating-point number x.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     371             :  command("mmath", "floor", MATHunary_FLOORflt, false, "", args(1,2, arg("",flt),arg("y",flt))),
     372             :  command("mmath", "floor", MATHunary_FLOORdbl, false, "The floor(x) function rounds x downwards to the nearest integer.", args(1,2, arg("",dbl),arg("y",dbl))),
     373             :  command("mmath", "round", MATHbinary_ROUNDflt, false, "", args(1,3, arg("",flt),arg("x",flt),arg("y",int))),
     374             :  command("mmath", "round", MATHbinary_ROUNDdbl, false, "The round(n, m) returns n rounded to m places to the right \nof the decimal point; if m is omitted, to 0 places. m can be \nnegative to round off digits left of the decimal point. \nm must be an integer.", args(1,3, arg("",dbl),arg("x",dbl),arg("y",int))),
     375             :  command("mmath", "isnan", MATHunary_ISNAN, false, "The isnan(x) function returns true if x is 'not-a-number' \n(NaN), and false otherwise.", args(1,2, arg("",bit),arg("d",dbl))),
     376             :  command("mmath", "isinf", MATHunary_ISINF, false, "The isinf(x) function returns -1 if x represents negative \ninfinity, 1 if x represents positive infinity, and 0 otherwise.", args(1,2, arg("",int),arg("d",dbl))),
     377             :  command("mmath", "finite", MATHunary_FINITE, false, "The finite(x) function returns true if x is neither infinite \nnor a 'not-a-number' (NaN) value, and false otherwise.", args(1,2, arg("",bit),arg("d",dbl))),
     378             :  command("mmath", "rand", MATHrandint, true, "return a random number", args(1,1, arg("",int))),
     379             :  command("mmath", "rand", MATHrandintarg, true, "return a random number", args(1,2, arg("",int),arg("v",int))),
     380             :  command("mmath", "srand", MATHsrandint, false, "initialize the rand() function with a seed", args(1,2, arg("",void),arg("seed",int))),
     381             :  command("mmath", "sqlrand", MATHsqlrandint, false, "initialize the rand() function with a seed and call rand()", args(1,2, arg("",int),arg("seed",int))),
     382             :  command("mmath", "pi", MATHpi, false, "return an important mathematical value", args(1,1, arg("",dbl))),
     383             :  { .imp=NULL }
     384             : };
     385             : #include "mal_import.h"
     386             : #ifdef _MSC_VER
     387             : #undef read
     388             : #pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read)
     389             : #endif
     390         345 : LIB_STARTUP_FUNC(init_mmath_mal)
     391         345 : { mal_module2("mmath", NULL, mmath_init_funcs, MATHprelude, NULL); }

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