LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - clients/odbc/driver - SQLSpecialColumns.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 86 149 57.7 %
Date: 2024-12-20 21:24:02 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : /*
      14             :  * This code was created by Peter Harvey (mostly during Christmas 98/99).
      15             :  * This code is LGPL. Please ensure that this message remains in future
      16             :  * distributions and uses of this code (that's about all I get out of it).
      17             :  * - Peter Harvey
      18             :  *
      19             :  * This file has been modified for the MonetDB project.  See the file
      20             :  * Copyright in this directory for more information.
      21             :  */
      22             : 
      23             : /**********************************************************************
      24             :  * SQLSpecialColumns()
      25             :  * CLI Compliance: X/Open
      26             :  *
      27             :  * Author: Martin van Dinther, Sjoerd Mullender
      28             :  * Date  : 30 aug 2002
      29             :  *
      30             :  **********************************************************************/
      31             : 
      32             : #include "ODBCGlobal.h"
      33             : #include "ODBCStmt.h"
      34             : #include "ODBCUtil.h"
      35             : #include "ODBCQueries.h"
      36             : 
      37             : 
      38             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
      39             : static char *
      40          10 : translateIdentifierType(SQLUSMALLINT IdentifierType)
      41             : {
      42          10 :         switch (IdentifierType) {
      43             :         case SQL_BEST_ROWID:
      44             :                 return "SQL_BEST_ROWID";
      45           2 :         case SQL_ROWVER:
      46           2 :                 return "SQL_ROWVER";
      47           0 :         default:
      48           0 :                 return "unknown";
      49             :         }
      50             : }
      51             : 
      52             : static char *
      53          10 : translateScope(SQLUSMALLINT Scope)
      54             : {
      55          10 :         switch (Scope) {
      56             :         case SQL_SCOPE_CURROW:
      57             :                 return "SQL_SCOPE_CURROW";
      58           0 :         case SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION:
      59           0 :                 return "SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION";
      60          10 :         case SQL_SCOPE_SESSION:
      61          10 :                 return "SQL_SCOPE_SESSION";
      62           0 :         default:
      63           0 :                 return "unknown";
      64             :         }
      65             : }
      66             : 
      67             : static char *
      68          10 : translateNullable(SQLUSMALLINT Nullable)
      69             : {
      70          10 :         switch (Nullable) {
      71             :         case SQL_NO_NULLS:
      72             :                 return "SQL_NO_NULLS";
      73           0 :         case SQL_NULLABLE:
      74           0 :                 return "SQL_NULLABLE";
      75           0 :         default:
      76           0 :                 return "unknown";
      77             :         }
      78             : }
      79             : #endif
      80             : 
      81             : static SQLRETURN
      82          10 : MNDBSpecialColumns(ODBCStmt *stmt,
      83             :                    SQLUSMALLINT IdentifierType,
      84             :                    const SQLCHAR *CatalogName,
      85             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
      86             :                    const SQLCHAR *SchemaName,
      87             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
      88             :                    const SQLCHAR *TableName,
      89             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength3,
      90             :                    SQLUSMALLINT Scope,
      91             :                    SQLUSMALLINT Nullable)
      92             : {
      93          10 :         RETCODE rc;
      94             : 
      95             :         /* buffer for the constructed query to do meta data retrieval */
      96          10 :         char *query = NULL;
      97          10 :         size_t pos = 0;
      98          10 :         char *sch = NULL, *tab = NULL;
      99             : 
     100          10 :         fixODBCstring(CatalogName, NameLength1, SQLSMALLINT, addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
     101          10 :         fixODBCstring(SchemaName, NameLength2, SQLSMALLINT, addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
     102          10 :         fixODBCstring(TableName, NameLength3, SQLSMALLINT, addStmtError, stmt, return SQL_ERROR);
     103             : 
     104             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
     105          21 :         ODBCLOG("\"%.*s\" \"%.*s\" \"%.*s\" %s %s\n",
     106             :                 (int) NameLength1, CatalogName ? (char *) CatalogName : "",
     107             :                 (int) NameLength2, SchemaName ? (char *) SchemaName : "",
     108             :                 (int) NameLength3, TableName ? (char *) TableName : "",
     109             :                 translateScope(Scope), translateNullable(Nullable));
     110             : #endif
     111             : 
     112             :         /* check for valid IdentifierType argument */
     113          10 :         switch (IdentifierType) {
     114             :         case SQL_BEST_ROWID:
     115             :         case SQL_ROWVER:
     116          10 :                 break;
     117           0 :         default:
     118             :                 /* Column type out of range */
     119           0 :                 addStmtError(stmt, "HY097", NULL, 0);
     120           0 :                 return SQL_ERROR;
     121             :         }
     122             : 
     123             :         /* check for valid Scope argument */
     124          10 :         switch (Scope) {
     125             :         case SQL_SCOPE_CURROW:
     126             :         case SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION:
     127             :         case SQL_SCOPE_SESSION:
     128          10 :                 break;
     129           0 :         default:
     130             :                 /* Scope type out of range */
     131           0 :                 addStmtError(stmt, "HY098", NULL, 0);
     132           0 :                 return SQL_ERROR;
     133             :         }
     134             : 
     135             :         /* check for valid Nullable argument */
     136          10 :         switch (Nullable) {
     137             :         case SQL_NO_NULLS:
     138             :         case SQL_NULLABLE:
     139          10 :                 break;
     140           0 :         default:
     141             :                 /* Nullable type out of range */
     142           0 :                 addStmtError(stmt, "HY099", NULL, 0);
     143           0 :                 return SQL_ERROR;
     144             :         }
     145             : 
     146             :         /* check if a valid (non null, not empty) table name is supplied */
     147          10 :         if (TableName == NULL) {
     148             :                 /* Invalid use of null pointer */
     149           0 :                 addStmtError(stmt, "HY009", NULL, 0);
     150           0 :                 return SQL_ERROR;
     151             :         }
     152          10 :         if (NameLength3 == 0) {
     153             :                 /* Invalid string or buffer length */
     154           0 :                 addStmtError(stmt, "HY090", NULL, 0);
     155           0 :                 return SQL_ERROR;
     156             :         }
     157             : 
     158             :         /* SQLSpecialColumns returns a table with the following columns:
     159             :            SMALLINT     SCOPE
     160             :            VARCHAR      COLUMN_NAME NOT NULL
     161             :            SMALLINT     DATA_TYPE NOT NULL
     162             :            VARCHAR      TYPE_NAME NOT NULL
     163             :            INTEGER      COLUMN_SIZE
     164             :            INTEGER      BUFFER_LENGTH
     165             :            SMALLINT     DECIMAL_DIGITS
     166             :            SMALLINT     PSEUDO_COLUMN
     167             :         */
     168          10 :         if (IdentifierType == SQL_BEST_ROWID) {
     169           8 :                 size_t querylen;
     170             : 
     171             :                 /* determine if we need to add a query against the tmp.* tables */
     172          16 :                 bool inclTmpKey = (SchemaName == NULL)
     173           8 :                                 || (SchemaName != NULL
     174           8 :                                  && (strcmp((const char *) SchemaName, "tmp") == 0
     175           4 :                                   || strchr((const char *) SchemaName, '%') != NULL
     176           4 :                                   || strchr((const char *) SchemaName, '_') != NULL));
     177             : 
     178             :                 /* Select from the key table the (smallest) primary/unique key */
     179           8 :                 if (stmt->Dbc->sql_attr_metadata_id == SQL_FALSE) {
     180           8 :                         if (NameLength2 > 0) {
     181           8 :                                 sch = ODBCParseOA("s", "name",
     182             :                                                   (const char *) SchemaName,
     183             :                                                   (size_t) NameLength2);
     184           8 :                                 if (sch == NULL)
     185           0 :                                         goto nomem;
     186             :                         }
     187           8 :                         if (NameLength3 > 0) {
     188           8 :                                 tab = ODBCParseOA("t", "name",
     189             :                                                   (const char *) TableName,
     190             :                                                   (size_t) NameLength3);
     191           8 :                                 if (tab == NULL)
     192           0 :                                         goto nomem;
     193             :                         }
     194             :                 } else {
     195           0 :                         if (NameLength2 > 0) {
     196           0 :                                 sch = ODBCParseID("s", "name",
     197             :                                                   (const char *) SchemaName,
     198             :                                                   (size_t) NameLength2);
     199           0 :                                 if (sch == NULL)
     200           0 :                                         goto nomem;
     201             :                         }
     202           0 :                         if (NameLength3 > 0) {
     203           0 :                                 tab = ODBCParseID("t", "name",
     204             :                                                   (const char *) TableName,
     205             :                                                   (size_t) NameLength3);
     206           0 :                                 if (tab == NULL)
     207           0 :                                         goto nomem;
     208             :                         }
     209             :                 }
     210             : 
     211             :                 /* construct the query */
     212           8 :                 querylen = 6130 + (sch ? strlen(sch) : 0) + (tab ? strlen(tab) : 0);
     213           8 :                 query = malloc(querylen);
     214           8 :                 if (query == NULL)
     215           0 :                         goto nomem;
     216             : 
     217             :                 /* When there is a PK for the table we return the pkey columns.
     218             :                  * When there is No PK but there are multiple unique constraints, we need to pick one.
     219             :                  * In the current implementation we return the first uc (lowest
     220             :                  * When there is no PK or unique constraints and it is not a
     221             :                  * view, we return all the columns of the table.
     222             :                  *
     223             :                  * Instead of the first uc (in case of multiple) we could potentially use the uc which has
     224             :                  *  a) the least number of columns and
     225             :                  *  b) the most efficient datatype (integers) or smallest total(size in bytes).
     226             :                  * That's much more complex to do in SQL than the current implementation.
     227             :                  * The current implementation (picking first uc) is fast and
     228             :                  * gives a correct result, hence preferred.
     229             :                  */
     230             : 
     231             :                 /* 1st cte: syskeys */
     232           8 :                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     233             :                         "with syskeys as ("
     234             :                         /* all pkeys */
     235             :                         "SELECT \"id\", \"table_id\" FROM \"sys\".\"keys\" WHERE \"type\" = 0 "
     236             :                         "UNION ALL "
     237             :                         /* and first unique constraint of a table when table has no pkey */
     238             :                         "SELECT \"id\", \"table_id\" FROM \"sys\".\"keys\" WHERE \"type\" IN (1, 3) "
     239             :                         "AND \"table_id\" NOT IN (select \"table_id\" from \"sys\".\"keys\" where \"type\" = 0) "
     240             :                         "AND (\"table_id\", \"id\") IN (select \"table_id\", min(\"id\") from \"sys\".\"keys\" where \"type\" IN (1, 3) group by \"table_id\"))",
     241             :                         querylen - pos);
     242           8 :                 if (inclTmpKey) {
     243             :                         /* we must also include the primary key or unique constraint of local temporary tables which are stored in tmp.keys */
     244             :                         /* 2nd cte: tmpkeys */
     245           4 :                         pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     246             :                         ", tmpkeys as ("
     247             :                         "SELECT \"id\", \"table_id\" FROM \"tmp\".\"keys\" WHERE \"type\" = 0 "
     248             :                         "UNION ALL "
     249             :                         "SELECT \"id\", \"table_id\" FROM \"tmp\".\"keys\" WHERE \"type\" IN (1, 3) "
     250             :                         "AND \"table_id\" NOT IN (select \"table_id\" from \"tmp\".\"keys\" where \"type\" = 0) "
     251             :                         "AND (\"table_id\", \"id\") IN (select \"table_id\", min(\"id\") from \"tmp\".\"keys\" where \"type\" IN (1, 3) group by \"table_id\"))",
     252             :                         querylen - pos);
     253             :                 }
     254             :                 /* 3rd cte: tableids */
     255           8 :                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     256             :                         ", tableids as ("
     257             :                         "SELECT t.\"id\" "
     258             :                         "FROM \"sys\".\"tables\" t "
     259             :                         "JOIN \"sys\".\"schemas\" s ON t.\"schema_id\" = s.\"id\" "
     260             :                         "WHERE t.\"type\" NOT IN (1, 11)",  /* exclude all VIEWs and SYSTEM VIEWs */
     261             :                         querylen - pos);
     262             :                 /* add the selection condition */
     263           8 :                 if (NameLength1 > 0 && CatalogName != NULL) {
     264             :                         /* filtering requested on catalog name */
     265           0 :                         if (strcmp((char *) CatalogName, msetting_string(stmt->Dbc->settings, MP_DATABASE)) != 0) {
     266             :                                 /* catalog name does not match the database name, so return no rows */
     267           0 :                                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos, " and 1=2", querylen - pos);
     268             :                         }
     269             :                 }
     270           8 :                 if (sch) {
     271             :                         /* filtering requested on schema name */
     272           8 :                         pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos, " and %s", sch);
     273             :                 }
     274           8 :                 if (tab) {
     275             :                         /* filtering requested on table name */
     276           8 :                         pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos, " and %s", tab);
     277             :                 }
     278             :                 /* 4th cte: cols, this unions 2 (or 4 when inclTmpKey == true) select queries */
     279           8 :                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     280             :                         "), cols as ("
     281             :                         "SELECT c.\"name\", c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", o.\"nr\" "
     282             :                         "FROM syskeys k "
     283             :                         "JOIN tableids t ON k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" "
     284             :                         "JOIN \"sys\".\"objects\" o ON k.\"id\" = o.\"id\" "
     285             :                         "JOIN \"sys\".\"_columns\" c ON (k.\"table_id\" = c.\"table_id\" AND o.\"name\" = c.\"name\")",
     286             :                         querylen - pos);
     287             :                 /* add an extra selection when SQL_NO_NULLS is requested */
     288           8 :                 if (Nullable == SQL_NO_NULLS) {
     289           8 :                         pos += strcpy_len(query + pos, " WHERE c.\"null\" = false", querylen - pos);
     290             :                 }
     291           8 :                 if (inclTmpKey) {
     292             :                         /* we must also include the primary key or unique constraint of local temporary tables
     293             :                          * which are stored in tmp.keys, tmp.objects, tmp._tables and tmp._columns */
     294           4 :                         pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     295             :                         " UNION ALL "
     296             :                         "SELECT c.\"name\", c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", o.\"nr\" "
     297             :                         "FROM tmpkeys k "
     298             :                         "JOIN tableids t ON k.\"table_id\" = t.\"id\" "
     299             :                         "JOIN \"tmp\".\"objects\" o ON k.\"id\" = o.\"id\" "
     300             :                         "JOIN \"tmp\".\"_columns\" c ON (k.\"table_id\" = c.\"table_id\" AND o.\"name\" = c.\"name\")",
     301             :                         querylen - pos);
     302             :                         /* add an extra selection when SQL_NO_NULLS is requested */
     303           4 :                         if (Nullable == SQL_NO_NULLS) {
     304           4 :                                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos, " WHERE c.\"null\" = false", querylen - pos);
     305             :                         }
     306             :                 }
     307             :                 /* when there is No PK and No unique constraints, we should return all columns of the table */
     308           8 :                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     309             :                         " UNION ALL "
     310             :                         "SELECT c.\"name\", c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", c.\"number\" "
     311             :                         "FROM tableids t "
     312             :                         "JOIN \"sys\".\"_columns\" c ON t.\"id\" = c.\"table_id\" "
     313             :                         "WHERE t.\"id\" NOT IN (SELECT \"table_id\" FROM \"sys\".\"keys\" WHERE \"type\" IN (0, 1, 3))",
     314             :                         querylen - pos);
     315             :                 /* add an extra selection when SQL_NO_NULLS is requested */
     316           8 :                 if (Nullable == SQL_NO_NULLS) {
     317           8 :                         pos += strcpy_len(query + pos, " AND c.\"null\" = false", querylen - pos);
     318             :                 }
     319           8 :                 if (inclTmpKey) {
     320           4 :                         pos += strcpy_len(query + pos,
     321             :                         " UNION ALL "
     322             :                         "SELECT c.\"name\", c.\"type\", c.\"type_digits\", c.\"type_scale\", c.\"number\" "
     323             :                         "FROM tableids t "
     324             :                         "JOIN \"tmp\".\"_columns\" c ON t.\"id\" = c.\"table_id\" "
     325             :                         "WHERE t.\"id\" NOT IN (SELECT \"table_id\" FROM \"tmp\".\"keys\" WHERE \"type\" IN (0, 1, 3))",
     326             :                         querylen - pos);
     327             :                         /* add an extra selection when SQL_NO_NULLS is requested */
     328           4 :                         if (Nullable == SQL_NO_NULLS) {
     329           4 :                                 pos += strcpy_len(query + pos, " AND c.\"null\" = false", querylen - pos);
     330             :                         }
     331             :                 }
     332             :                 /* the final select query */
     333             :                 /* Note: SCOPE is SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION */
     334             :                 /* Note: PSEUDO_COLUMN is SQL_PC_NOT_PSEUDO */
     335           8 :                 pos += snprintf(query + pos, querylen - pos,
     336             :                         ") SELECT "
     337             :                         "cast(%d AS smallint) AS \"SCOPE\", "
     338             :                         "c.\"name\" AS \"COLUMN_NAME\", "
     339             :                         DATA_TYPE(c) ", "
     340             :                         TYPE_NAME(c) ", "
     341             :                         COLUMN_SIZE(c) ", "
     342             :                         BUFFER_LENGTH(c) ", "
     343             :                         DECIMAL_DIGITS(c) ", "
     344             :                         "cast(%d AS smallint) AS \"PSEUDO_COLUMN\" "
     345             :                         "FROM cols c "
     346             :                         "ORDER BY \"SCOPE\", c.\"nr\", \"COLUMN_NAME\"",
     347             :                         /* scope: */
     348             :                         SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION,
     349             : #ifdef DATA_TYPE_ARGS
     350             :                         DATA_TYPE_ARGS,
     351             : #endif
     352             : #ifdef TYPE_NAME_ARGS
     353             :                         TYPE_NAME_ARGS,
     354             : #endif
     355             : #ifdef COLUMN_SIZE_ARGS
     356             :                         COLUMN_SIZE_ARGS,
     357             : #endif
     358             : #ifdef BUFFER_SIZE_ARGS
     359             :                         BUFFER_SIZE_ARGS,
     360             : #endif
     361             : #ifdef DECIMAL_DIGITS_ARGS
     362             :                         DECIMAL_DIGITS_ARGS,
     363             : #endif
     364             :                         /* pseudo_column: */
     365             :                         SQL_PC_NOT_PSEUDO);
     366             : 
     367           8 :                 if (sch)
     368           8 :                         free(sch);
     369           8 :                 if (tab)
     370           8 :                         free(tab);
     371             : 
     372           8 :                 if (pos >= querylen)
     373           0 :                         fprintf(stderr, "pos >= querylen, %zu > %zu\n", pos, querylen);
     374           8 :                 assert(pos < querylen);
     375             :         } else {
     376           2 :                 assert(IdentifierType == SQL_ROWVER);
     377             :                 /* The backend does not have such info available */
     378             :                 /* create just a query which results in zero rows */
     379             :                 /* Note: PSEUDO_COLUMN is SQL_PC_UNKNOWN is 0 */
     380           2 :                 query = strdup("select cast(null as smallint) as \"SCOPE\", "
     381             :                                       "cast('' as varchar(1)) as \"COLUMN_NAME\", "
     382             :                                       "cast(1 as smallint) as \"DATA_TYPE\", "
     383             :                                       "cast('char' as varchar(4)) as \"TYPE_NAME\", "
     384             :                                       "cast(1 as integer) as \"COLUMN_SIZE\", "
     385             :                                       "cast(1 as integer) as \"BUFFER_LENGTH\", "
     386             :                                       "cast(0 as smallint) as \"DECIMAL_DIGITS\", "
     387             :                                       "cast(0 as smallint) as \"PSEUDO_COLUMN\" "
     388             :                                "where 0 = 1");
     389           2 :                 if (query == NULL)
     390           0 :                         goto nomem;
     391           2 :                 pos = strlen(query);
     392             :         }
     393             : 
     394             :         /* debug: fprintf(stdout, "SQLSpecialColumns query (pos: %zu, len: %zu):\n%s\n\n", pos, strlen(query), query); */
     395             : 
     396             :         /* query the MonetDB data dictionary tables */
     397          10 :         rc = MNDBExecDirect(stmt, (SQLCHAR *) query, (SQLINTEGER) pos);
     398             : 
     399          10 :         free(query);
     400             : 
     401          10 :         return rc;
     402             : 
     403           0 :   nomem:
     404             :         /* note that query must be NULL when we get here */
     405           0 :         if (sch)
     406           0 :                 free(sch);
     407           0 :         if (tab)
     408           0 :                 free(tab);
     409             :         /* Memory allocation error */
     410           0 :         addStmtError(stmt, "HY001", NULL, 0);
     411           0 :         return SQL_ERROR;
     412             : }
     413             : 
     414             : SQLRETURN SQL_API
     415             : SQLSpecialColumns(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
     416             :                   SQLUSMALLINT IdentifierType,
     417             :                   SQLCHAR *CatalogName,
     418             :                   SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
     419             :                   SQLCHAR *SchemaName,
     420             :                   SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
     421             :                   SQLCHAR *TableName,
     422             :                   SQLSMALLINT NameLength3,
     423             :                   SQLUSMALLINT Scope,
     424             :                   SQLUSMALLINT Nullable)
     425             : {
     426          10 :         ODBCStmt *stmt = (ODBCStmt *) StatementHandle;
     427             : 
     428             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
     429          12 :         ODBCLOG("SQLSpecialColumns %p %s ",
     430             :                 StatementHandle,
     431             :                 translateIdentifierType(IdentifierType));
     432             : #endif
     433             : 
     434          10 :         if (!isValidStmt(stmt))
     435             :                  return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE;
     436             : 
     437          10 :         clearStmtErrors(stmt);
     438             : 
     439          10 :         return MNDBSpecialColumns(stmt,
     440             :                                   IdentifierType,
     441             :                                   CatalogName, NameLength1,
     442             :                                   SchemaName, NameLength2,
     443             :                                   TableName, NameLength3,
     444             :                                   Scope,
     445             :                                   Nullable);
     446             : }
     447             : 
     448             : SQLRETURN SQL_API
     449             : SQLSpecialColumnsA(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
     450             :                    SQLUSMALLINT IdentifierType,
     451             :                    SQLCHAR *CatalogName,
     452             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
     453             :                    SQLCHAR *SchemaName,
     454             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
     455             :                    SQLCHAR *TableName,
     456             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength3,
     457             :                    SQLUSMALLINT Scope,
     458             :                    SQLUSMALLINT Nullable)
     459             : {
     460           0 :         return SQLSpecialColumns(StatementHandle,
     461             :                                  IdentifierType,
     462             :                                  CatalogName, NameLength1,
     463             :                                  SchemaName, NameLength2,
     464             :                                  TableName, NameLength3,
     465             :                                  Scope,
     466             :                                  Nullable);
     467             : }
     468             : 
     469             : SQLRETURN SQL_API
     470             : SQLSpecialColumnsW(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
     471             :                    SQLUSMALLINT IdentifierType,
     472             :                    SQLWCHAR *CatalogName,
     473             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength1,
     474             :                    SQLWCHAR *SchemaName,
     475             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength2,
     476             :                    SQLWCHAR *TableName,
     477             :                    SQLSMALLINT NameLength3,
     478             :                    SQLUSMALLINT Scope,
     479             :                    SQLUSMALLINT Nullable)
     480             : {
     481           0 :         ODBCStmt *stmt = (ODBCStmt *) StatementHandle;
     482           0 :         SQLRETURN rc = SQL_ERROR;
     483           0 :         SQLCHAR *catalog = NULL, *schema = NULL, *table = NULL;
     484             : 
     485             : #ifdef ODBCDEBUG
     486           0 :         ODBCLOG("SQLSpecialColumnsW %p %s ",
     487             :                 StatementHandle,
     488             :                 translateIdentifierType(IdentifierType));
     489             : #endif
     490             : 
     491           0 :         if (!isValidStmt(stmt))
     492             :                  return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE;
     493             : 
     494           0 :         clearStmtErrors(stmt);
     495             : 
     496           0 :         fixWcharIn(CatalogName, NameLength1, SQLCHAR, catalog,
     497             :                    addStmtError, stmt, goto bailout);
     498           0 :         fixWcharIn(SchemaName, NameLength2, SQLCHAR, schema,
     499             :                    addStmtError, stmt, goto bailout);
     500           0 :         fixWcharIn(TableName, NameLength3, SQLCHAR, table,
     501             :                    addStmtError, stmt, goto bailout);
     502             : 
     503           0 :         rc = MNDBSpecialColumns(stmt,
     504             :                                 IdentifierType,
     505             :                                 catalog, SQL_NTS,
     506             :                                 schema, SQL_NTS,
     507             :                                 table, SQL_NTS,
     508             :                                 Scope,
     509             :                                 Nullable);
     510             : 
     511           0 :       bailout:
     512           0 :         if (catalog)
     513           0 :                 free(catalog);
     514           0 :         if (schema)
     515           0 :                 free(schema);
     516           0 :         if (table)
     517           0 :                 free(table);
     518             : 
     519             :         return rc;
     520             : }

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