LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - sql/include - sql_catalog.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 23 25 92.0 %
Date: 2024-12-20 21:24:02 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : #ifndef SQL_CATALOG_H
      14             : #define SQL_CATALOG_H
      15             : 
      16             : #include "sql_mem.h"
      17             : #include "sql_list.h"
      18             : #include "sql_hash.h"
      19             : #include "mapi_querytype.h"
      20             : #include "stream.h"
      21             : #include "matomic.h"
      22             : 
      23             : #define sql_shared_module_name "sql"
      24             : #define sql_private_module_name "user"
      25             : 
      26             : #define tr_none         1
      27             : #define tr_readonly     2
      28             : #define tr_writable     4
      29             : #define tr_append       8
      30             : #define tr_snapshot 16
      31             : #define tr_serializable 32
      32             : 
      33             : #define ACT_NO_ACTION 0
      34             : #define ACT_CASCADE 1
      35             : #define ACT_RESTRICT 2
      36             : #define ACT_SET_NULL 3
      37             : #define ACT_SET_DEFAULT 4
      38             : 
      39             : #define DROP_RESTRICT 0
      40             : #define DROP_CASCADE 1
      41             : #define DROP_CASCADE_START 2
      42             : 
      43             : #define PRIV_SELECT 1
      44             : #define PRIV_UPDATE 2
      45             : #define PRIV_INSERT 4
      46             : #define PRIV_DELETE 8
      47             : #define PRIV_EXECUTE 16
      48             : #define PRIV_GRANT 32
      49             : #define PRIV_TRUNCATE 64
      50             : /* global privs */
      51             : #define PRIV_COPYFROMFILE 1
      52             : #define PRIV_COPYINTOFILE 2
      53             : 
      54             : typedef enum sql_dependency {
      55             :         SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY = 1,
      56             :         TABLE_DEPENDENCY = 2,
      57             :         COLUMN_DEPENDENCY = 3,
      58             :         KEY_DEPENDENCY = 4,
      59             :         VIEW_DEPENDENCY = 5,
      60             :         USER_DEPENDENCY = 6,
      61             :         FUNC_DEPENDENCY = 7,
      62             :         TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY = 8,
      63             :         OWNER_DEPENDENCY = 9,
      64             :         INDEX_DEPENDENCY = 10,
      65             :         FKEY_DEPENDENCY = 11,
      66             :         SEQ_DEPENDENCY = 12,
      67             :         PROC_DEPENDENCY = 13,
      68             :         BEDROPPED_DEPENDENCY = 14, /*The object must be dropped when the dependent object is dropped independently of the DROP type.*/
      69             :         TYPE_DEPENDENCY = 15
      70             : } sql_dependency;
      71             : 
      72             : #define NO_DEPENDENCY 0
      73             : #define HAS_DEPENDENCY 1
      74             : #define CICLE_DEPENDENCY 2
      75             : #define DEPENDENCY_CHECK_ERROR 3
      76             : #define DEPENDENCY_CHECK_OK 0
      77             : 
      78             : #define ROLE_PUBLIC   1
      79             : #define ROLE_SYSADMIN 2
      80             : #define USER_MONETDB  3
      81             : 
      82             : #define SCALE_NONE      0
      83             : #define SCALE_FIX       1       /* many numerical functions require equal
      84             :                                                    scales/precision for all their inputs */
      85             : #define MAX_BITS        2
      86             : #define SCALE_MUL       3       /* multiplication gives the sum of scales */
      87             : #define SCALE_DIV       4       /* div on the other hand reduces the scales */
      88             : #define DIGITS_ADD      5       /* some types grow under functions (concat) */
      89             : #define INOUT           6       /* output type equals input type (of first input) */
      90             : #define SCALE_EQ        7       /* user defined functions need equal scales */
      91             : 
      92             : #define RDONLY 0
      93             : #define RD_INS 1
      94             : #define RD_UPD_ID 2
      95             : #define RD_UPD_VAL 3
      96             : #define QUICK  4
      97             : #define RD_EXT 5
      98             : 
      99             : /* the following list of macros are used by rel_rankop function */
     100             : #define UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING_BOUND 0
     101             : #define UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING_BOUND 1
     102             : #define CURRENT_ROW_BOUND         2
     103             : 
     104             : #define FRAME_ROWS  0           /* number of rows (preceding/following) */
     105             : #define FRAME_RANGE 1           /* logical range (based on the ordering column).
     106             :                                    Example:
     107             :                                    RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL '1' MONTH PRECEDING
     108             :                                              AND INTERVAL '1' MONTH FOLLOWING */
     109             : #define FRAME_GROUPS 2
     110             : #define FRAME_UNBOUNDED_TILL_CURRENT_ROW 3
     111             : #define FRAME_CURRENT_ROW_TILL_UNBOUNDED 4
     112             : #define FRAME_ALL 5
     113             : #define FRAME_CURRENT_ROW 6
     114             : 
     115             : /* the following list of macros are used by SQLwindow_bound function */
     116             : #define BOUND_FIRST_HALF_PRECEDING  0
     117             : #define BOUND_FIRST_HALF_FOLLOWING  1
     118             : #define BOUND_SECOND_HALF_PRECEDING 2
     119             : #define BOUND_SECOND_HALF_FOLLOWING 3
     120             : #define CURRENT_ROW_PRECEDING       4
     121             : #define CURRENT_ROW_FOLLOWING       5
     122             : 
     123             : #define EXCLUDE_NONE 0          /* nothing excluded (also the default) */
     124             : #define EXCLUDE_CURRENT_ROW 1   /* exclude the current row */
     125             : #define EXCLUDE_GROUP 2         /* exclude group */
     126             : #define EXCLUDE_TIES 3          /* exclude group but not the current row */
     127             : 
     128             : /* The following macros are used in properties field of sql_table */
     129             : #define PARTITION_RANGE       1
     130             : #define PARTITION_LIST        2
     131             : #define PARTITION_COLUMN      4
     132             : #define PARTITION_EXPRESSION  8
     133             : 
     134             : #define STORAGE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH 2048
     135             : 
     136             : #define cur_user 1
     137             : #define cur_role 2
     138             : 
     139             : #define sql_max(i1,i2) ((i1)<(i2))?(i2):(i1)
     140             : 
     141             : #define dt_schema       "%dt%"
     142             : #define isDeclaredSchema(s)     (strcmp(s->, dt_schema) == 0)
     143             : 
     144             : extern const char *TID;
     145             : 
     146             : typedef enum temp_t {
     147             :         SQL_PERSIST = 0,
     148             :         SQL_LOCAL_TEMP = 1,
     149             :         SQL_GLOBAL_TEMP = 2,
     150             :         SQL_DECLARED_TABLE = 3, /* variable inside a stored procedure */
     151             :         SQL_MERGE_TABLE = 4,
     152             :         /* SQL_STREAM = 5, stream tables are not used anymore */
     153             :         SQL_REMOTE = 6,
     154             :         SQL_REPLICA_TABLE = 7,
     155             :         SQL_UNLOGGED_TABLE = 8
     156             : } temp_t;
     157             : 
     158             : typedef enum comp_type {
     159             :         cmp_gt = 0,
     160             :         cmp_gte = 1,
     161             :         cmp_lte = 2,
     162             :         cmp_lt = 3,
     163             :         cmp_equal = 4,
     164             :         cmp_notequal = 5,
     165             : 
     166             :         cmp_filter = 6,
     167             :         cmp_or = 7,
     168             :         cmp_in = 8,                     /* in value list */
     169             :         cmp_notin = 9,                  /* not in value list */
     170             : 
     171             :         /* The following cmp_* are only used within stmt (not sql_exp) */
     172             :         cmp_all = 12,                   /* special case for crossproducts */
     173             :         cmp_project = 13,               /* special case for projection joins */
     174             :         cmp_joined = 14,                /* special case already joined */
     175             :         cmp_left_project = 15   /* last step of outer join */
     176             : } comp_type;
     177             : 
     178             : #define is_theta_exp(e) ((e) == cmp_gt || (e) == cmp_gte || (e) == cmp_lte ||\
     179             :                                                  (e) == cmp_lt || (e) == cmp_equal || (e) == cmp_notequal)
     180             : 
     181             : #define is_complex_exp(et) ((et) == cmp_or || (et) == cmp_in || (et) == cmp_notin || (et) == cmp_filter)
     182             : 
     183             : #define is_equality_or_inequality_exp(et) ((et) == cmp_equal || (et) == cmp_notequal || (et) == cmp_in || (et) == cmp_notin)
     184             : 
     185             : typedef enum commit_action_t {
     186             :         CA_COMMIT,      /* commit rows, only for persistent tables */
     187             :         CA_DELETE,      /* delete rows */
     188             :         CA_PRESERVE,    /* preserve rows */
     189             :         CA_DROP         /* drop table */
     190             : } ca_t;
     191             : 
     192             : typedef int sqlid;
     193             : 
     194             : typedef struct sql_ref {
     195             :         int refcnt;
     196             : } sql_ref;
     197             : 
     198             : extern sql_ref *sql_ref_init(sql_ref *r);
     199             : extern int sql_ref_inc(sql_ref *r);
     200             : extern int sql_ref_dec(sql_ref *r);
     201             : 
     202             : typedef void *sql_store;
     203             : 
     204             : typedef struct sql_base {
     205             :         unsigned int
     206             :                 new:1,
     207             :                 deleted:1;
     208             :         ATOMIC_TYPE refcnt;
     209             :         sqlid id;
     210             :         char *name;
     211             : } sql_base;
     212             : 
     213             : #define isNew(x)          ((x)->
     214             : #define isDeleted(x)      ((x)->base.deleted)
     215             : 
     216             : extern void base_init(allocator *sa, sql_base * b, sqlid id, bool isnew, const char *name);
     217             : 
     218             : typedef struct changeset {
     219             :         allocator *sa;
     220             :         fdestroy destroy;
     221             :         fkeyvalue fkeyvalue;
     222             :         struct list *set;
     223             :         struct list *dset;
     224             :         node *nelm;
     225             : } changeset;
     226             : 
     227             : typedef struct objlist {
     228             :         list *l;
     229             :         sql_hash *h;
     230             :         sql_store store;
     231             : } objlist;
     232             : 
     233             : struct sql_trans;
     234             : struct sql_change;
     235             : struct objectset;
     236             : struct versionhead;
     237             : struct os_iter {
     238             :         struct objectset *os;
     239             :         struct sql_trans *tr;
     240             :         struct versionhead *n;
     241             :         struct sql_hash_e *e;
     242             :         const char *name;
     243             : };
     244             : 
     245             : /* transaction changes */
     246             : typedef int (*tc_valid_fptr) (struct sql_trans *tr, struct sql_change *c/*, ulng commit_ts, ulng oldest*/);
     247             : typedef int (*tc_log_fptr) (struct sql_trans *tr, struct sql_change *c);                                                                /* write changes to the log */
     248             : typedef int (*tc_commit_fptr) (struct sql_trans *tr, struct sql_change *c, ulng commit_ts, ulng oldest);/* commit/rollback changes */
     249             : typedef int (*tc_cleanup_fptr) (sql_store store, struct sql_change *c, ulng oldest);    /* garbage collection, ie cleanup structures when possible */
     250             : typedef void (*destroy_fptr)(sql_store store, sql_base *b);
     251             : typedef int (*validate_fptr)(struct sql_trans *tr, sql_base *b, int delete);
     252             : 
     253             : extern struct objectset *os_new(allocator *sa, destroy_fptr destroy, bool temporary, bool unique, bool concurrent, bool nested, sql_store store);
     254             : extern struct objectset *os_dup(struct objectset *os);
     255             : extern void os_destroy(struct objectset *os, sql_store store);
     256             : extern int /*ok, error (name existed) and conflict (added before) */ os_add(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, const char *name, sql_base *b);
     257             : extern int os_del(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, const char *name, sql_base *b);
     258             : extern int os_size(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr);
     259             : extern int os_empty(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr);
     260             : extern int os_remove(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, const char *name);
     261             : extern sql_base *os_find_name(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, const char *name);
     262             : extern sql_base *os_find_id(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, sqlid id);
     263             : /* iterating (for example for location functions) */
     264             : extern void os_iterator(struct os_iter *oi, struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, const char *name /*optional*/);
     265             : extern sql_base *oi_next(struct os_iter *oi);
     266             : extern bool os_obj_intransaction(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr, sql_base *b);
     267             : extern bool os_has_changes(struct objectset *os, struct sql_trans *tr);
     268             : 
     269             : extern objlist *ol_new(allocator *sa, destroy_fptr destroy, sql_store store);
     270             : extern void ol_destroy(objlist *ol, sql_store store);
     271             : extern int ol_add(objlist *ol, sql_base *data);
     272             : extern void ol_del(objlist *ol, sql_store store, node *data);
     273             : extern node *ol_find_name(objlist *ol, const char *name);
     274             : extern node *ol_find_id(objlist *ol, sqlid id);
     275             : extern node *ol_rehash(objlist *ol, const char *oldname, node *n);
     276             : #define ol_length(ol) (list_length(ol->l))
     277             : #define ol_first_node(ol) (ol->l->h)
     278             : #define ol_last_node(ol) (ol->l->t)
     279             : #define ol_fetch(ol,nr) (list_fetch(ol->l, nr))
     280             : 
     281             : extern void cs_new(changeset * cs, allocator *sa, fdestroy destroy, fkeyvalue hfunc);
     282             : extern void cs_destroy(changeset * cs, void *data);
     283             : extern changeset *cs_add(changeset * cs, void *elm, bool isnew);
     284             : extern changeset *cs_del(changeset * cs, void *gdata, node *n, bool force);
     285             : extern int cs_size(changeset * cs);
     286             : extern node *cs_find_id(changeset * cs, sqlid id);
     287             : 
     288             : typedef void *backend_code;
     289             : typedef size_t backend_stack;
     290             : 
     291             : typedef struct sql_schema {
     292             :         sql_base base;
     293             :         sqlid auth_id;
     294             :         sqlid owner;
     295             :         bit system;             /* system or user schema */
     296             :         // TODO? int type;      /* persistent, session local, transaction local */
     297             : 
     298             :         struct objectset *tables;
     299             :         struct objectset *types;
     300             :         struct objectset *funcs;
     301             :         struct objectset *seqs;
     302             :         struct objectset *keys;         /* Names for keys, idxs, and triggers and parts are */
     303             :         struct objectset *idxs;         /* global, but these objects are only */
     304             :         struct objectset *triggers;     /* useful within a table */
     305             :         struct objectset *parts;
     306             : 
     307             :         char *internal;         /* optional internal module name */
     308             :         sql_store store;
     309             : } sql_schema;
     310             : 
     311             : typedef struct sql_catalog {
     312             :         ATOMIC_TYPE schema_version;
     313             : 
     314             :         struct objectset *schemas;
     315             :         struct objectset *objects;
     316             : } sql_catalog;
     317             : 
     318             : typedef struct sql_trans {
     319             :         char *name;
     320             : 
     321             :         ulng ts;                        /* transaction start timestamp */
     322             :         ulng tid;                       /* transaction id */
     323             : 
     324             :         sql_store store;        /* keep link into the global store */
     325             :         MT_Lock lock;           /* lock protecting concurrent writes to the changes list */
     326             :         list *changes;          /* list of changes */
     327             : 
     328             :         list *dropped;          /* protection against recursive cascade action*/
     329             :         list *predicates;       /* list of read predicates logged during update transactions */
     330             :         list *dependencies;     /* list of dependencies created (list of sqlids from the objects) */
     331             :         list *depchanges;       /* list of dependencies changed (it would be tested for conflicts at the end of the transaction) */
     332             : 
     333             :         lng logchanges;         /* count number of changes to be applied to the wal */
     334             :         int active;                     /* is active transaction */
     335             :         int status;                     /* status of the last query */
     336             : 
     337             :         sql_catalog *cat;
     338             :         sql_schema *tmp;        /* each session has its own tmp schema */
     339             :         struct objectset* localtmps;
     340             : 
     341             :         struct sql_trans *parent;       /* multilevel transaction support */
     342             : } sql_trans;
     343             : 
     344             : typedef enum sql_class {
     345             :         EC_ANY,
     346             :         EC_TABLE,
     347             :         EC_BIT,
     348             :         EC_CHAR,
     349             :         EC_STRING,
     350             :         EC_BLOB,
     351             :         EC_POS,
     352             :         EC_NUM,
     353             :         EC_MONTH,
     354             :         EC_SEC,
     355             :         EC_DEC,
     356             :         EC_FLT,
     357             :         EC_TIME,
     358             :         EC_TIME_TZ,
     359             :         EC_DATE,
     360             :         EC_TIMESTAMP,
     361             :         EC_TIMESTAMP_TZ,
     362             :         EC_GEOM,
     363             :         EC_EXTERNAL,
     364             :         EC_MAX /* evaluated to the max value, should be always kept at the bottom */
     365             : } sql_class;
     366             : 
     367             : #define has_tz(e)                       (EC_TEMP_TZ(e))
     368             : #define type_has_tz(t)          has_tz((t)->type->eclass)
     369             : #define EC_VARCHAR(e)           ((e)==EC_CHAR||(e)==EC_STRING)
     370             : #define EC_INTERVAL(e)          ((e)==EC_MONTH||(e)==EC_SEC)
     371             : #define EC_NUMBER(e)            ((e)==EC_POS||(e)==EC_NUM||EC_INTERVAL(e)||(e)==EC_DEC||(e)==EC_FLT)
     372             : #define EC_EXACTNUM(e)          ((e)==EC_NUM||(e)==EC_DEC)
     373             : #define EC_APPNUM(e)            ((e)==EC_FLT)
     374             : #define EC_COMPUTE(e)           ((e)==EC_NUM||(e)==EC_FLT)
     375             : #define EC_TEMP_TZ(e)           ((e)==EC_TIME_TZ||(e)==EC_TIMESTAMP_TZ)
     376             : #define EC_TEMP(e)                      ((e)==EC_TIME||(e)==EC_DATE||(e)==EC_TIMESTAMP||EC_TEMP_TZ(e))
     377             : #define EC_TEMP_FRAC(e)         ((e)==EC_TIME||(e)==EC_TIMESTAMP||EC_TEMP_TZ(e))
     378             : #define EC_TEMP_NOFRAC(e)       ((e)==EC_TIME||(e)==EC_TIMESTAMP)
     379             : #define EC_SCALE(e)                     ((e)==EC_DEC||EC_TEMP_FRAC(e)||(e)==EC_SEC)
     380             : 
     381             : typedef struct sql_type {
     382             :         sql_base base;
     383             : 
     384             :         char *impl; /* backend correspondent type */
     385             :         unsigned int digits;
     386             :         unsigned int scale;     /* indicates how scale is used in functions */
     387             :         int localtype;          /* localtype, need for coersions */
     388             :         unsigned char radix;
     389             :         sql_class eclass;       /* types are grouped into equivalence classes */
     390             :         sql_schema *s;
     391             : } sql_type;
     392             : 
     393             : typedef struct sql_alias {
     394             :         char *name;
     395             :         char *alias;
     396             : } sql_alias;
     397             : 
     398             : #define ARG_IN 1
     399             : #define ARG_OUT 0
     400             : 
     401             : typedef struct sql_subtype {
     402             :         sql_type *type;
     403             :         unsigned int digits;
     404             :         unsigned int scale;
     405             : } sql_subtype;
     406             : 
     407             : /* sql_func need type transform rules types are equal if underlying
     408             :  * types are equal + scale is equal if types do not mach we try type
     409             :  * conversions which means for simple 1 arg functions
     410             :  */
     411             : 
     412             : typedef struct sql_arg {
     413             :         char *name;
     414             :         bte inout;
     415             :         sql_subtype type;
     416             : } sql_arg;
     417             : 
     418             : typedef enum sql_ftype {
     419             :         F_FUNC = 1,
     420             :         F_PROC = 2,
     421             :         F_AGGR = 3,
     422             :         F_FILT = 4,
     423             :         F_UNION = 5,
     424             :         F_ANALYTIC = 6,
     425             :         F_LOADER = 7
     426             : } sql_ftype;
     427             : 
     428             : #define IS_FUNC(f)     ((f)->type == F_FUNC)
     429             : #define IS_PROC(f)     ((f)->type == F_PROC)
     430             : #define IS_AGGR(f)     ((f)->type == F_AGGR)
     431             : #define IS_FILT(f)     ((f)->type == F_FILT)
     432             : #define IS_UNION(f)    ((f)->type == F_UNION)
     433             : #define IS_ANALYTIC(f) ((f)->type == F_ANALYTIC)
     434             : #define IS_LOADER(f)   ((f)->type == F_LOADER)
     435             : 
     436             : #define FUNC_TYPE_STR(type, F, fn) \
     437             :         switch (type) { \
     438             :                 case F_FUNC: \
     439             :                         F = "FUNCTION"; \
     440             :                         fn = "function"; \
     441             :                         break; \
     442             :                 case F_PROC: \
     443             :                         F = "PROCEDURE"; \
     444             :                         fn = "procedure"; \
     445             :                         break; \
     446             :                 case F_AGGR: \
     447             :                         F = "AGGREGATE"; \
     448             :                         fn = "aggregate"; \
     449             :                         break; \
     450             :                 case F_FILT: \
     451             :                         F = "FILTER FUNCTION"; \
     452             :                         fn = "filter function"; \
     453             :                         break; \
     454             :                 case F_UNION: \
     455             :                         F = "UNION FUNCTION"; \
     456             :                         fn = "table returning function"; \
     457             :                         break; \
     458             :                 case F_ANALYTIC: \
     459             :                         F = "WINDOW FUNCTION"; \
     460             :                         fn = "window function"; \
     461             :                         break; \
     462             :                 case F_LOADER: \
     463             :                         F = "LOADER FUNCTION"; \
     464             :                         fn = "loader function"; \
     465             :                         break; \
     466             :                 default: \
     467             :                         assert(0); \
     468             :         }
     469             : 
     470             : typedef enum sql_flang {
     471             :         FUNC_LANG_INT = 0, /* internal */
     472             :         FUNC_LANG_MAL = 1, /* create sql external mod.func */
     473             :         FUNC_LANG_SQL = 2, /* create ... sql function/procedure */
     474             :         FUNC_LANG_R = 3,   /* create .. language R */
     475             :         FUNC_LANG_C = 4,   /* create .. language C */
     476             :         FUNC_LANG_J = 5,   /* create .. language JAVASCRIPT (not implemented) */
     477             :         /* this should probably be done in a better way */
     478             :         FUNC_LANG_PY = 6,       /* create .. language PYTHON */
     479             :         /* values 8 and 9 were for Python 2 */
     480             :         FUNC_LANG_PY3 = 10,     /* create .. language PYTHON3 */
     481             :         /* values 7 and 11 where old map python code */
     482             :         FUNC_LANG_CPP = 12      /* create .. language CPP */
     483             : } sql_flang;
     484             : 
     485             : #define LANG_EXT(l)  ((l)>FUNC_LANG_SQL)
     486             : #define UDF_LANG(l)  ((l)!=FUNC_LANG_INT)
     487             : 
     488             : typedef struct sql_func {
     489             :         sql_base base;
     490             : 
     491             :         char *mod;
     492             :         char *imp;
     493             :                 /*
     494             :                 Backend implementation function after it gets instantiated.
     495             :                 During instantiation 'imp' will be set, but look for the 'instantiated' value to check if it's done or not.
     496             :                 Note that functions other than SQL and MAL, don't require instantiation and 'imp' is always set.
     497             :                 */
     498             :         sql_ftype type;
     499             :         list *ops;      /* param list */
     500             :         list *res;      /* list of results */
     501             :         sql_flang lang;
     502             :         char *query;    /* sql code */
     503             :         bool
     504             :         semantics:1, /* When set to true, function incorporates some kind of null semantics */
     505             :         side_effect:1, /* if the function has side-effects */
     506             :         varres:1,       /* variable output result */
     507             :         vararg:1,       /* variable input arguments */
     508             :         system:1,       /* system function */
     509             :         instantiated:1, /* if the function is instantiated */
     510             :         private:1,      /* certain functions cannot be bound from user queries */
     511             :         order_required:1,       /* some aggregate functions require an order */
     512             :         opt_order:1;    /* some aggregate functions could have the inputs sorted */
     513             : 
     514             :         short fix_scale;
     515             :                         /*
     516             :                            SCALE_NONE => nothing
     517             :                            SCALE_FIX => input scale fixing,
     518             :                            SCALE_ADD => leave inputs as is and do add scales
     519             :                            example numerical multiplication
     520             :                            SCALE_SUB => first input scale, fix with second scale
     521             :                            result scale is equal to first input
     522             :                            example numerical division
     523             :                            DIGITS_ADD => result digits, sum of args
     524             :                            example string concat
     525             :                         */
     526             :         sql_schema *s;
     527             :         allocator *sa;
     528             : } sql_func;
     529             : 
     530             : typedef struct sql_subfunc {
     531             :         sql_func *func;
     532             :         list *res;
     533             :         list *coltypes; /* we need this for copy into from loader */
     534             :         list *colnames; /* we need this for copy into from loader */
     535             :         char *sname, *tname; /* we need this for create table from loader */
     536             : } sql_subfunc;
     537             : 
     538             : typedef enum key_type {
     539             :         pkey,
     540             :         ukey, /* default behavior is that NULLS are distinct, e.g. there can be multiple null values in a column with regular UNIQUE constraint */
     541             :         fkey,
     542             :         unndkey, /* NULLS are not distinct, i.e. NULLS act as regular values for uniqueness checks */
     543             :         ckey     /* CHECK constraint behaves as a key type*/
     544             : } key_type;
     545             : 
     546             : typedef struct sql_kc {
     547             :         struct sql_column *c;
     548             :         int trunc;              /* 0 not truncated, >0 column is truncated */
     549             : } sql_kc;
     550             : 
     551             : typedef enum idx_type {
     552             :         hash_idx,
     553             :         join_idx,
     554             :         oph_idx,                /* order preserving hash */
     555             :         no_idx,                 /* no idx, ie no storage */
     556             :         imprints_idx,
     557             :         ordered_idx,
     558             :         new_idx_types
     559             : } idx_type;
     560             : 
     561             : #define hash_index(t)           ((t) == hash_idx || (t) == oph_idx)
     562             : #define idx_has_column(t)       (hash_index(t) || (t) == join_idx)
     563             : #define oid_index(t)            ((t) == join_idx)
     564             : #define non_updatable_index(t) ((t) == ordered_idx || (t) == no_idx || !idx_has_column(t))
     565             : 
     566             : typedef struct sql_idx {
     567             :         sql_base base;
     568             :         idx_type type;          /* unique */
     569             :         struct list *columns;   /* list of sql_kc */
     570             :         struct sql_table *t;
     571             :         struct sql_key *key;    /* key */
     572             :         ATOMIC_PTR_TYPE data;
     573             : } sql_idx;
     574             : 
     575             : /* fkey consists of two of these */
     576             : typedef struct sql_key {        /* pkey, ukey, fkey */
     577             :         sql_base base;
     578             :         key_type type;          /* pkey, ukey, fkey */
     579             :         sql_idx *idx;           /* idx to accelerate key check */
     580             :         char *check; /* check condition*/
     581             : 
     582             :         struct list *columns;   /* list of sql_kc */
     583             :         struct sql_table *t;
     584             :         int drop_action;        /* only needed for alter drop key */
     585             : } sql_key;
     586             : 
     587             : typedef struct sql_ukey {       /* pkey, ukey */
     588             :         sql_key k;
     589             :         //list *keys;
     590             : } sql_ukey;
     591             : 
     592             : typedef struct sql_fkey {       /* fkey */
     593             :         sql_key k;
     594             :         /* 0=no action, 1=cascade, 2=restrict (default setting), 3=set null, 4=set default */
     595             :         int on_delete;
     596             :         int on_update;
     597             :         sqlid rkey;
     598             : } sql_fkey;
     599             : 
     600             : typedef struct sql_trigger {
     601             :         sql_base base;
     602             :         sht time;               /* before or after */
     603             :         sht orientation;        /* row or statement */
     604             :         sht event;              /* insert, delete, update, truncate */
     605             :         /* int action_order;     TODO, order within the set of triggers */
     606             :         struct list *columns;   /* update trigger on list of (sql_kc) columns */
     607             : 
     608             :         struct sql_table *t;
     609             :         char *old_name;         /* name referencing the old values */
     610             :         char *new_name;         /* name referencing the new values */
     611             : 
     612             :         char *condition;        /* when search condition, ie query */
     613             :         char *statement;        /* action, ie list of sql statements */
     614             : } sql_trigger;
     615             : 
     616             : typedef struct sql_sequence {
     617             :         sql_base base;
     618             :         lng start;
     619             :         lng minvalue;
     620             :         lng maxvalue;
     621             :         lng increment;
     622             :         lng cacheinc;
     623             :         bit cycle;
     624             :         bit bedropped;          /*Drop the SEQUENCE if you are dropping the column, e.g., SERIAL COLUMN".*/
     625             :         sql_schema *s;
     626             : } sql_sequence;
     627             : 
     628             : typedef struct sql_column {
     629             :         sql_base base;
     630             :         sql_subtype type;
     631             :         int colnr;
     632             :         bit null;
     633             :         char *def;
     634             :         char unique;            /* 0 NOT UNIQUE, 1 SUB_UNIQUE, 2 UNIQUE */
     635             :         int drop_action;        /* only used for alter statements */
     636             :         char *storage_type;
     637             :         size_t dcount;
     638             :         void *min;
     639             :         void *max;
     640             : 
     641             :         struct sql_table *t;
     642             :         ATOMIC_PTR_TYPE data;
     643             : } sql_column;
     644             : 
     645             : typedef enum table_types {
     646             :         tt_table = 0,           /* table */
     647             :         tt_view = 1,            /* view */
     648             :         tt_merge_table = 3,     /* multiple tables form one table */
     649             :         /* tt_stream = 4, stream tables are not used anymore */
     650             :         tt_remote = 5,          /* stored on a remote server */
     651             :         tt_replica_table = 6,   /* multiple replica of the same table */
     652             :         tt_unlogged_table = 7
     653             : } table_types;
     654             : 
     655             : #define TABLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION(tt, properties)                                                                                           \
     656             :         ((tt) == tt_table) ? "TABLE" : ((tt) == tt_view)                                                                                                                 ? "VIEW"                  \
     657             :                                                            : ((tt) == tt_merge_table && !(properties))                                                                     ? "MERGE TABLE"           \
     658             :                                                            : ((tt) == tt_remote)                                                                                                                   ? "REMOTE TABLE"          \
     659             :                                                            : ((tt) == tt_merge_table && ((properties)&PARTITION_LIST) == PARTITION_LIST)   ? "LIST PARTITION TABLE"  \
     660             :                                                            : ((tt) == tt_merge_table && ((properties)&PARTITION_RANGE) == PARTITION_RANGE) ? "RANGE PARTITION TABLE" \
     661             :                                                            : ((tt) == tt_unlogged_table)                                                                                                   ? "UNLOGGED TABLE"        \
     662             :                                                                                                                                                                                                                            : "REPLICA TABLE"
     663             : 
     664             : #define isTable(x)                        ((x)->type==tt_table || (x)->type==tt_unlogged_table)
     665             : #define isView(x)                         ((x)->type==tt_view)
     666             : #define isNonPartitionedTable(x)          ((x)->type==tt_merge_table && !(x)->properties)
     667             : #define isRangePartitionTable(x)          ((x)->type==tt_merge_table && ((x)->properties & PARTITION_RANGE) == PARTITION_RANGE)
     668             : #define isListPartitionTable(x)           ((x)->type==tt_merge_table && ((x)->properties & PARTITION_LIST) == PARTITION_LIST)
     669             : #define isPartitionedByColumnTable(x)     ((x)->type==tt_merge_table && ((x)->properties & PARTITION_COLUMN) == PARTITION_COLUMN)
     670             : #define isPartitionedByExpressionTable(x) ((x)->type==tt_merge_table && ((x)->properties & PARTITION_EXPRESSION) == PARTITION_EXPRESSION)
     671             : #define isMergeTable(x)                   ((x)->type==tt_merge_table)
     672             : #define isRemote(x)                       ((x)->type==tt_remote)
     673             : #define isReplicaTable(x)                 ((x)->type==tt_replica_table)
     674             : #define isUnloggedTable(x)                                ((x)->type==tt_unlogged_table)
     675             : #define isKindOfTable(x)                  (isTable(x) || isMergeTable(x) || isRemote(x) || isReplicaTable(x) || isUnloggedTable(x))
     676             : 
     677             : #define TABLE_WRITABLE  0
     678             : #define TABLE_READONLY  1
     679             : #define TABLE_APPENDONLY        2
     680             : 
     681             : typedef struct sql_part_value {
     682             :         ptr value;
     683             :         size_t length;
     684             : } sql_part_value;
     685             : 
     686             : typedef struct sql_part {
     687             :         sql_base base;
     688             :         struct sql_table *t;    /* the merge table */
     689             :         sqlid member;                   /* the member of the merge table */
     690             :         bit with_nills;                 /* 0 no nills, 1 holds nills, NULL holds all values -> range FROM MINVALUE TO MAXVALUE WITH NULL */
     691             :         union {
     692             :                 list *values;       /* partition by values/list */
     693             :                 struct sql_range {  /* partition by range */
     694             :                         ptr minvalue;
     695             :                         ptr maxvalue;
     696             :                         size_t minlength;
     697             :                         size_t maxlength;
     698             :                 } range;
     699             :         } part;
     700             : } sql_part;
     701             : 
     702             : typedef struct sql_expression {
     703             :         sql_subtype type; /* the returning sql_subtype of the expression */
     704             :         char *exp;        /* the expression itself */
     705             :         list *cols;       /* list of colnr of the columns of the table used in the expression */
     706             : } sql_expression;
     707             : 
     708             : typedef struct sql_table {
     709             :         sql_base base;
     710             :         sht type;               /* table, view, etc */
     711             :         sht access;             /* writable, readonly, appendonly */
     712             :         bit system;             /* system or user table */
     713             :         bit bootstrap;          /* system table created during bootstrap */
     714             :         bte properties;         /* used for merge_tables */
     715             :         temp_t persistence;     /* persistent, global or local temporary */
     716             :         ca_t commit_action;     /* on commit action */
     717             :         char *query;            /* views may require some query */
     718             :         int  sz;
     719             : 
     720             :         sql_ukey *pkey;
     721             :         objlist *columns;
     722             :         objlist *idxs;
     723             :         objlist *keys;
     724             :         objlist *triggers;
     725             :         list *members;          /* member tables of merge/replica tables */
     726             :         int drop_action;        /* only needed for alter drop table */
     727             : 
     728             :         ATOMIC_PTR_TYPE data;
     729             :         sql_schema *s;
     730             : 
     731             :         union {
     732             :                 struct sql_column *pcol; /* If it is partitioned on a column */
     733             :                 struct sql_expression *pexp; /* If it is partitioned by an expression */
     734             :         } part;
     735             : } sql_table;
     736             : 
     737             : typedef struct res_col {
     738             :         char *tn;
     739             :         char *name;
     740             :         sql_subtype type;
     741             :         bat b;
     742             :         char mtype;
     743             :         bool cached;
     744             :         ptr *p;
     745             : } res_col;
     746             : 
     747             : typedef struct res_table {
     748             :         int id;
     749             :         oid query_id;
     750             :         mapi_query_t query_type;
     751             :         int nr_cols;
     752             :         BUN nr_rows;
     753             :         BUN cur_row;
     754             :         int cur_col;
     755             :         const char *tsep;
     756             :         const char *rsep;
     757             :         const char *ssep;
     758             :         const char *ns;
     759             :         res_col *cols;
     760             :         struct res_table *next;
     761             : } res_table;
     762             : 
     763             : typedef struct sql_session {
     764             :         allocator *sa;
     765             :         sql_trans *tr;          /* active transaction */
     766             : 
     767             :         char *def_schema_name; /* users default schema name */
     768             :         char *schema_name; /* transaction's schema name */
     769             :         sql_schema *schema;
     770             :         ATOMIC_TYPE schema_version;
     771             : 
     772             :         char ac_on_commit;      /* if 1, auto_commit should be enabled on
     773             :                                    commit, rollback, etc. */
     774             :         char auto_commit;
     775             :         int level;              /* TRANSACTION isolation level */
     776             :         int status;             /* status, ok/error */
     777             :         backend_stack stk;
     778             : } sql_session;
     779             : 
     780             : #define sql_base_loop(l, n) for (n=l->h; n; n=n->next)
     781             : 
     782             : extern int base_key(sql_base *b);
     783             : extern node *list_find_name(list *l, const char *name);
     784             : extern node *list_find_id(list *l, sqlid id);
     785             : extern node *list_find_base_id(list *l, sqlid id);
     786             : 
     787             : extern sql_key *find_sql_key(sql_table *t, const char *kname);
     788             : extern sql_key *sql_trans_find_key(sql_trans *tr, sqlid id);
     789             : extern sql_key *schema_find_key(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, const char *name);
     790             : 
     791             : extern sql_idx *find_sql_idx(sql_table *t, const char *kname);
     792             : extern sql_idx *sql_trans_find_idx(sql_trans *tr, sqlid id);
     793             : extern sql_idx *schema_find_idx(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, const char *name);
     794             : extern sql_idx *schema_find_idx_id(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, sqlid id);
     795             : 
     796             : extern sql_column *find_sql_column(sql_table *t, const char *cname);
     797             : 
     798             : extern sql_table *find_sys_table(sql_trans *tr, const char *tname);
     799             : extern sql_table *find_sql_table(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, const char *tname);
     800             : extern sql_table *find_sql_table_id(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, sqlid id);
     801             : extern sql_table *sql_trans_find_table(sql_trans *tr, sqlid id);
     802             : 
     803             : extern sql_sequence *find_sql_sequence(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, const char *sname);
     804             : 
     805             : extern sql_schema *find_sql_schema(sql_trans *t, const char *sname);
     806             : extern sql_schema *find_sql_schema_id(sql_trans *t, sqlid id);
     807             : 
     808             : extern sql_type *find_sql_type(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema * s, const char *tname);
     809             : extern sql_type *sql_trans_bind_type(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, const char *name);
     810             : extern sql_type *sql_trans_find_type(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s /*optional */, sqlid id);
     811             : extern sql_func *sql_trans_find_func(sql_trans *tr, sqlid id);
     812             : extern sql_trigger *sql_trans_find_trigger(sql_trans *tr, sqlid id);
     813             : extern sql_trigger *schema_find_trigger(sql_trans *tr, sql_schema *s, const char *name);
     814             : 
     815             : extern void find_partition_type(sql_subtype *tpe, sql_table *mt);
     816             : extern void *sql_values_list_element_validate_and_insert(void *v1, void *v2, void *tpe, int* res);
     817             : extern void *sql_range_part_validate_and_insert(void *v1, void *v2, void *tpe);
     818             : extern void *sql_values_part_validate_and_insert(void *v1, void *v2, void *tpe);
     819             : 
     820             : typedef struct {
     821             :         BAT *b;
     822             :         char* name;
     823             :         void* def;
     824             : } sql_emit_col;
     825             : 
     826             : extern int nested_mergetable(sql_trans *tr, sql_table *t, const char *sname, const char *tname);
     827             : extern bool is_column_unique(sql_column *c);
     828             : sql_export sql_part *partition_find_part(sql_trans *tr, sql_table *pt, sql_part *pp);
     829             : extern node *members_find_child_id(list *l, sqlid id);
     830             : 
     831             : #define outside_str 1
     832             : #define inside_str 2
     833             : 
     834             : #define extracting_schema 1
     835             : #define extracting_sequence 2
     836             : 
     837             : static inline void
     838         166 : extract_schema_and_sequence_name(allocator *sa, char *default_value, char **schema, char **sequence)
     839             : {
     840         166 :         int status = outside_str, identifier = extracting_schema;
     841         166 :         char next_identifier[1024]; /* needs one extra character for null terminator */
     842         166 :         size_t bp = 0;
     843             : 
     844        2640 :         for (size_t i = 0; default_value[i]; i++) {
     845        2640 :                 char next = default_value[i];
     846             : 
     847        2640 :                 if (next == '"') {
     848         499 :                         if (status == inside_str && default_value[i + 1] == '"') {
     849           1 :                                 next_identifier[bp++] = '"';
     850           1 :                                 i++; /* has to advance two positions */
     851         332 :                         } else if (status == inside_str) {
     852         332 :                                 next_identifier[bp++] = '\0';
     853         332 :                                 if (identifier == extracting_schema) {
     854         166 :                                         *schema = SA_STRDUP(sa, next_identifier);
     855         166 :                                         identifier = extracting_sequence;
     856         166 :                                 } else if (identifier == extracting_sequence) {
     857         166 :                                         *sequence = SA_STRDUP(sa, next_identifier);
     858         166 :                                         break; /* done extracting */
     859             :                                 }
     860             :                                 bp = 0;
     861             :                                 status = outside_str;
     862             :                         } else {
     863             :                                 assert(status == outside_str);
     864             :                                 status = inside_str;
     865             :                         }
     866        2141 :                 } else if (next == '.') {
     867         166 :                         if (status == outside_str && default_value[i + 1] == '"') {
     868             :                                 status = inside_str;
     869             :                                 i++; /* has to advance two positions */
     870             :                         } else {
     871           0 :                                 assert(status == inside_str);
     872           0 :                                 next_identifier[bp++] = '.'; /* used inside an identifier name */
     873             :                         }
     874        1975 :                 } else if (status == inside_str) {
     875        1975 :                         next_identifier[bp++] = next;
     876             :                 } else {
     877             :                         assert(status == outside_str);
     878             :                 }
     879             :         }
     880         166 : }
     881             : 
     882             : #define isTempTable(x)   ((x)->persistence!=SQL_PERSIST)
     883             : #define isGlobal(x)      ((x)->persistence!=SQL_LOCAL_TEMP && (x)->persistence!=SQL_DECLARED_TABLE)
     884             : #define isGlobalTemp(x)  ((x)->persistence==SQL_GLOBAL_TEMP)
     885             : #define isLocalTemp(x)   ((x)->persistence==SQL_LOCAL_TEMP)
     886             : #define isTempSchema(x)  (strcmp((x)->, "tmp") == 0)
     887             : #define isDeclaredTable(x)  ((x)->persistence==SQL_DECLARED_TABLE)
     888             : 
     889             : typedef enum store_type {
     890             :         store_bat,      /* delta bats, ie multi user read/write */
     891             :         store_tst,
     892             :         store_mem
     893             : } store_type;
     894             : 
     895             : extern void arg_destroy(sql_store store, sql_arg *a);
     896             : extern void part_value_destroy(sql_store store, sql_part_value *pv);
     897             : 
     898             : typedef struct atom {
     899             :         int isnull;
     900             :         sql_subtype tpe;
     901             :         ValRecord data;
     902             : } atom;
     903             : 
     904             : /* duplicate atom */
     905             : extern ValPtr SA_VALcopy(allocator *sa, ValPtr d, const ValRecord *s);
     906             : extern atom *atom_copy(allocator *sa, atom *a);
     907             : 
     908             : typedef struct pl {
     909             :         sql_column *c;
     910             :         unsigned int cmp;
     911             :         atom *r; /* if r is NULL then a full match is required */
     912             :         atom *f; /* make it match range expressions */
     913             :         uint8_t
     914             :          anti:1,
     915             :          semantics:1;
     916             : } pl;
     917             : 
     918             : #endif /* SQL_CATALOG_H */

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