LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - monetdb5/modules/mal - mat.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 98 153 64.1 %
Date: 2024-12-20 20:06:10 Functions: 5 5 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
       5             :  * License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
       6             :  * file, You can obtain one at
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Copyright 2024 MonetDB Foundation;
       9             :  * Copyright August 2008 - 2023 MonetDB B.V.;
      10             :  * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI.
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : /*
      14             :  * Martin Kersten
      15             :  * Multiple association tables
      16             :  * A MAT is a convenient way to deal represent horizontal fragmented
      17             :  * tables. It combines the definitions of several, type compatible
      18             :  * BATs under a single name.
      19             :  * It is produced by the mitosis optimizer and the operations
      20             :  * are the target of the mergetable optimizer.
      21             :  *
      22             :  * The MAT is materialized when the operations
      23             :  * can not deal with the components individually,
      24             :  * or the incremental operation is not supported.
      25             :  * Normally all operations are removed by the
      26             :  * mergetable optimizer.
      27             :  * In case a is retained in the code, then it will
      28             :  * behave as a mat.pack();
      29             :  *
      30             :  * The primitives below are chosen to accommodate the SQL
      31             :  * front-end to produce reasonable efficient code.
      32             :  */
      33             : #include "monetdb_config.h"
      34             : #include "mal_resolve.h"
      35             : #include "mal_exception.h"
      36             : #include "mal_interpreter.h"
      37             : 
      38             : /*
      39             :  * The pack is an ordinary multi BAT insert. Oid synchronistion
      40             :  * between pieces should be ensured by the code generators.
      41             :  * The pack operation could be quite expensive, because it
      42             :  * may create a really large BAT.
      43             :  * The slice over a mat helps to avoid constructing intermediates
      44             :  * that are subsequently reduced.
      45             :  * Contrary to most operations, NIL arguments are skipped and
      46             :  * do not produce RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING.
      47             :  */
      48             : static str
      49       96934 : MATpackInternal(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p)
      50             : {
      51       96934 :         int i;
      52       96934 :         bat *ret = getArgReference_bat(stk, p, 0);
      53       96934 :         BAT *b, *bn = NULL;
      54       96934 :         BUN cap = 0;
      55       96934 :         int tt = TYPE_any;
      56       96934 :         int rt = getArgType(mb, p, 0), unmask = 0;
      57       96934 :         (void) cntxt;
      58             : 
      59      484314 :         for (i = 1; i < p->argc; i++) {
      60      387402 :                 bat bid = stk->stk[getArg(p, i)].val.bval;
      61      387402 :                 b = BBPquickdesc(bid);
      62      387380 :                 if (b) {
      63      387380 :                         if (tt == TYPE_any)
      64       96929 :                                 tt = b->ttype;
      65      387380 :                         if ((tt != TYPE_void && b->ttype != TYPE_void
      66      322548 :                                  && b->ttype != TYPE_msk) && tt != b->ttype)
      67           0 :                                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", "incompatible arguments");
      68      387380 :                         cap += BATcount(b);
      69             :                 }
      70             :         }
      71       96912 :         if (tt == TYPE_any) {
      72           0 :                 *ret = bat_nil;
      73           0 :                 return MAL_SUCCEED;
      74             :         }
      75             : 
      76       96912 :         if (tt == TYPE_msk && rt == newBatType(TYPE_oid)) {
      77           0 :                 tt = TYPE_oid;
      78           0 :                 unmask = 1;
      79             :         }
      80       96912 :         bn = COLnew(0, tt, cap, TRANSIENT);
      81       96930 :         if (bn == NULL)
      82           0 :                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
      83             : 
      84      484507 :         for (i = 1; i < p->argc; i++) {
      85      387575 :                 if (!(b = BATdescriptor(stk->stk[getArg(p, i)].val.ival))) {
      86           0 :                         BBPreclaim(bn);
      87           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
      88             :                 }
      89      387336 :                 if ((unmask && b->ttype == TYPE_msk) || mask_cand(b)) {
      90        5647 :                         BAT *ob = b;
      91        5647 :                         b = BATunmask(b);
      92        5647 :                         BBPunfix(ob->batCacheid);
      93        5647 :                         if (!b) {
      94           0 :                                 BBPreclaim(bn);
      95           0 :                                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
      96             :                         }
      97             :                 }
      98      387336 :                 if (BATcount(bn) == 0) {
      99       97640 :                         BAThseqbase(bn, b->hseqbase);
     100       97648 :                         BATtseqbase(bn, b->tseqbase);
     101             :                 }
     102      387336 :                 if (BATappend(bn, b, NULL, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     103           0 :                         BBPreclaim(bn);
     104           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     105           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     106             :                 }
     107      387411 :                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     108             :         }
     109       96932 :         if (bn->tnil && bn->tnonil) {
     110           0 :                 BBPreclaim(bn);
     111           0 :                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack",
     112             :                           "INTERNAL ERROR" "bn->tnil or  bn->tnonil fails ");
     113             :         }
     114       96932 :         *ret = bn->batCacheid;
     115       96932 :         BBPkeepref(bn);
     116       96932 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     117             : }
     118             : 
     119             : /*
     120             :  * Enable incremental packing. The SQL front-end requires
     121             :  * fixed oid sequences.
     122             :  */
     123             : static str
     124      643080 : MATpackIncrement(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p)
     125             : {
     126      643080 :         bat *ret = getArgReference_bat(stk, p, 0);
     127      643080 :         int pieces;
     128      643080 :         BAT *b, *bb, *bn;
     129      643080 :         size_t newsize;
     130             : 
     131      643080 :         (void) cntxt;
     132      643080 :         b = BATdescriptor(stk->stk[getArg(p, 1)].val.ival);
     133      643064 :         if (b == NULL)
     134           0 :                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
     135             : 
     136      643064 :         if (getArgType(mb, p, 2) == TYPE_int) {
     137             :                 /* first step, estimate with some slack */
     138      165707 :                 pieces = stk->stk[getArg(p, 2)].val.ival;
     139      165707 :                 int tt = ATOMtype(b->ttype);
     140      165707 :                 if (b->ttype == TYPE_msk)
     141           0 :                         tt = TYPE_oid;
     142      165707 :                 bn = COLnew(b->hseqbase, tt, (BUN) (1.2 * BATcount(b) * pieces),
     143             :                                         TRANSIENT);
     144      165700 :                 if (bn == NULL) {
     145           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     146           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     147             :                 }
     148             :                 /* allocate enough space for the vheap, but not for strings,
     149             :                  * since BATappend does clever things for strings, and not for
     150             :                  * vheap views since they may well get shared */
     151      165700 :                 if (b->tvheap && b->tvheap->parentid == b->batCacheid && bn->tvheap
     152       64087 :                         && ATOMstorage(b->ttype) != TYPE_str) {
     153          46 :                         newsize = b->tvheap->size * pieces;
     154          46 :                         if (HEAPextend(bn->tvheap, newsize, true) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     155           0 :                                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     156           0 :                                 BBPreclaim(bn);
     157           0 :                                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     158             :                         }
     159             :                 }
     160      165700 :                 BATtseqbase(bn, b->tseqbase);
     161      165705 :                 if (b->ttype == TYPE_msk || mask_cand(b)) {
     162           0 :                         BAT *ob = b;
     163           0 :                         b = BATunmask(b);
     164           0 :                         BBPunfix(ob->batCacheid);
     165           0 :                         if (!b) {
     166           0 :                                 BBPreclaim(bn);
     167           0 :                                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     168             :                         }
     169             :                 }
     170      165705 :                 if (BATappend(bn, b, NULL, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     171           0 :                         BBPreclaim(bn);
     172           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     173           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     174             :                 }
     175      165700 :                 bn->unused = (pieces - 1);   /* misuse "unused" field */
     176      165700 :                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     177      165700 :                 if (bn->tnil && bn->tnonil) {
     178           0 :                         BBPreclaim(bn);
     179           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack",
     180           0 :                                   "INTERNAL ERROR" " bn->tnil %d bn->tnonil %d", bn->tnil,
     181           0 :                                   bn->tnonil);
     182             :                 }
     183      165700 :                 *ret = bn->batCacheid;
     184      165700 :                 BBPretain(bn->batCacheid);
     185      165698 :                 BBPunfix(bn->batCacheid);
     186             :         } else {
     187             :                 /* remaining steps */
     188      477357 :                 if (!(bb = BATdescriptor(stk->stk[getArg(p, 2)].val.ival))) {
     189           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     190           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", SQLSTATE(HY002) RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
     191             :                 }
     192      477238 :                 if (bb->ttype == TYPE_msk || mask_cand(bb)) {
     193           0 :                         BAT *obb = bb;
     194           0 :                         bb = BATunmask(bb);
     195           0 :                         BBPunfix(obb->batCacheid);
     196           0 :                         if (!bb) {
     197           0 :                                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     198           0 :                                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     199             :                         }
     200             :                 }
     201      477238 :                 if (BATcount(b) == 0) {
     202      292119 :                         BAThseqbase(b, bb->hseqbase);
     203      292196 :                         BATtseqbase(b, bb->tseqbase);
     204             :                 }
     205      477294 :                 if (BATappend(b, bb, NULL, false) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
     206           0 :                         BBPunfix(bb->batCacheid);
     207           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     208           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     209             :                 }
     210      477357 :                 BBPunfix(bb->batCacheid);
     211      477331 :                 b->unused--;
     212      477331 :                 if (b->unused == 0 && (b = BATsetaccess(b, BAT_READ)) == NULL)
     213           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     214      477332 :                 if (b->tnil && b->tnonil) {
     215           0 :                         BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     216           0 :                         throw(MAL, "mat.pack",
     217             :                                   "INTERNAL ERROR" " b->tnil or  b->tnonil fails ");
     218             :                 }
     219      477332 :                 *ret = b->batCacheid;
     220      477332 :                 BBPretain(b->batCacheid);
     221      477321 :                 BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
     222             :         }
     223             :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     224             : }
     225             : 
     226             : static str
     227       96934 : MATpack(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p)
     228             : {
     229       96934 :         return MATpackInternal(cntxt, mb, stk, p);
     230             : }
     231             : 
     232             : static str
     233      324725 : MATpackValues(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p)
     234             : {
     235      324725 :         int i, type, first = 1;
     236      324725 :         bat *ret;
     237      324725 :         BAT *bn;
     238             : 
     239      324725 :         (void) cntxt;
     240      324725 :         type = getArgType(mb, p, first);
     241      324725 :         bn = COLnew(0, type, p->argc, TRANSIENT);
     242      324642 :         if (bn == NULL)
     243           0 :                 throw(MAL, "mat.pack", SQLSTATE(HY013) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
     244             : 
     245      324642 :         if (ATOMextern(type)) {
     246     1019821 :                 for (i = first; i < p->argc; i++)
     247      826201 :                         if (BUNappend(bn, stk->stk[getArg(p, i)].val.pval, false) != GDK_SUCCEED)
     248           0 :                                 goto bailout;
     249             :         } else {
     250      692493 :                 for (i = first; i < p->argc; i++)
     251      561652 :                         if (BUNappend(bn, getArgReference(stk, p, i), false) != GDK_SUCCEED)
     252           0 :                                 goto bailout;
     253             :         }
     254      324461 :         ret = getArgReference_bat(stk, p, 0);
     255      324461 :         *ret = bn->batCacheid;
     256      324461 :         BBPkeepref(bn);
     257      324461 :         return MAL_SUCCEED;
     258           0 :   bailout:
     259           0 :         BBPreclaim(bn);
     260           0 :         throw(MAL, "mat.pack", GDK_EXCEPTION);
     261             : }
     262             : 
     263             : #include "mel.h"
     264             : mel_func mat_init_funcs[] = {
     265             :  pattern("mat", "new", MATpack, false, "Define a Merge Association Table (MAT). Fall back to the pack operation\nwhen this is called ", args(1,2, batargany("",1),batvarargany("b",1))),
     266             :  pattern("bat", "pack", MATpackValues, false, "Materialize the values into a BAT. Avoiding a clash with mat.pack() in mergetable", args(1,2, batargany("",1),varargany("",1))),
     267             :  pattern("mat", "pack", MATpackValues, false, "Materialize the MAT (of values) into a BAT", args(1,2, batargany("",1),varargany("",1))),
     268             :  pattern("mat", "pack", MATpack, false, "Materialize the MAT into a BAT", args(1,2, batargany("",1),batvarargany("b",1))),
     269             :  pattern("mat", "packIncrement", MATpackIncrement, false, "Prepare incremental mat pack", args(1,3, batargany("",1),batargany("b",1),arg("pieces",int))),
     270             :  pattern("mat", "packIncrement", MATpackIncrement, false, "Prepare incremental mat pack", args(1,3, batargany("",1),batargany("b",1),batargany("c",1))),
     271             :  { .imp=NULL }
     272             : };
     273             : #include "mal_import.h"
     274             : #ifdef _MSC_VER
     275             : #undef read
     276             : #pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read)
     277             : #endif
     278         325 : LIB_STARTUP_FUNC(init_mat_mal)
     279         325 : { mal_module("mat", NULL, mat_init_funcs); }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14