Hi all, Last week we find a strange case with chinese character and VARCHAR size. We have in our database a field defined with VARCHAR(5) and a chinese string "不要让早把" to be inserted. If we insert the string with SQL insert everything works find, but if we try to insert via BULK monet throw an error. I made several test and i need to extend the varchar from 5 to 10 to get the bulk insert working. It looks like BULK somehow counts bits and not characters ? I give you some infos if you want to reproduce the case: create table test.varcharsize4 ( id int, varchar105 varchar(4), primary key (id) ); create table test.varcharsize5 ( id int, varchar106 varchar(5), primary key (id) ); create table test.varcharsize9 ( id int, varchar200 varchar(8), primary key (id) ); create table test.varcharsize10 ( id int, varchar200 varchar(10), primary key (id) ); *Insert SQL :* insert into test.varcharsize4 values (1,'不要让早把'); insert into test.varcharsize5 values (1,'不要让早把'); insert into test.varcharsize9 values (1,'不要让早把'); insert into test.varcharsize10 values (1,'不要让早把'); *BULK Line to insert :* "1","不要让早把" *BULK executions :* COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize4 FROM '/root/test_varchar_chinois' USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS '\\N' ; Result : Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'varchar(4)' expected in '不要让早把' ------ COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize5 FROM '/root/test_varchar_chinois' USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS '\\N' ; Result : Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'varchar(5)' expected in '不要让早把' ------- COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize89 FROM '/root/test_varchar_chinois' USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS '\\N' ; Result : Failed to import table line 1 field 2 'varchar(9)' expected in '不要让早把' ------- COPY 10 RECORDS INTO test.varcharsize10 FROM '/root/test_varchar_chinois' USING DELIMITERS ',','\n','\"' NULL AS '\\N' ; OK Regards Mathieu