Hi all – I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast. Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding. I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing. I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied? Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands? Thanks - Lynn

BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list

Hi Lynn Carol, COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk. To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have? Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem. (NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...) In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing). You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat. Best, Stefan ----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) |

HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"

Hi Lynn, I understood and understand that your machine exclusively used by MonetDB. My question was more to investigate (using iostat & top) what CPU and/or IO load MonetDB creates while loading the data, in other words trying to understand whether the experienced performace degradiation can be realted to either increased I/O or CPU activity. Afterall, copying 726 GB does cost some time, expecially since this does not fit into RAM (and thus into file system caches) ... I also understood and understand that you're loading into empty tables. The resaons for us to discontinue the "move feature" include that (a) it only worked if both to be loaded data and dbfarm are on the same filesystem, (b) and it only worked when loading into empty tables. While both seem yo (must) hold for you to get the fast performance, they do not hold in many other cases. Moreover, people ded not like the fact the (some of) the files they loaded from "were gone" after the load, even if the load did not succeed ... You could consider downgrading (well, most probabaly you'd then first have to dump your entire DB(s) and then re-load them after the downgrade), but it's very unlikely, that we revive the move feature. hence, you'd never be able to upgrade again. I'd prefer that we could understand where the significant degrading comes from, and whether it's something we could fix ... Best, Stefan ps: you dbfarm is not necesarily where your monetdb installation (program) is, but rather where you find the merovingian.log ----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn Carol,
COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk.
To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have?
Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem.
(NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...)
In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing).
You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat.
Best, Stefan
----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) |

Hi Stephen –
Here is a snapshot from “top” while the COPY INTO command is running this morning. A little difficult to read with the copy/paste, but you can see only 1 running process, and monetdb is takin 252.5 %cpy and 62.0 %mem.
Tasks: 500 total, 1 running, 499 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 0.0 us, 10.7 sy, 0.0 ni, 89.3 id, 0.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem : 26386425+total, 669848 free, 21478892 used, 24171552+buff/cache
KiB Swap: 4194300 total, 4119876 free, 74424 used. 23973100+avail Mem
20389 root 20 0 0.225t 0.152t 0.139t S 252.5 62.0 31:49.40 mserver5
189 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 1.7 0.0 8:11.46 kswapd1
188 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.7 0.0 11:44.18 kswapd0
870 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.3 0.0 1:42.00 xfsaild/sdb1
952 root 20 0 560084 17356 5732 S 0.3 0.0 0:32.46 tuned
2825 root 20 0 191852 11388 2156 S 0.3 0.0 57:12.90 lsi_mrdsnmpagen
3686 root 20 0 15.960g 3.981g 13748 S 0.3 1.6 18:29.34 java
14506 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.3 0.0 0:09.91 kworker/u49:1
29094 lcj34 20 0 150720 2556 1492 R 0.3 0.0 0:00.20 top
1 root 20 0 190308 5384 2376 S 0.0 0.0 0:49.53 systemd
What other data can I provide?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 7:41 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"

Hi Stefan, Lynn One way to move forward is to move the old functionality into the DataVault. There a directory of MonetDB compliant binary data can potentially be handled without the overhead incurred by copying. On 09/03/2017 13:41, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Hi Lynn,
I understood and understand that your machine exclusively used by MonetDB.
My question was more to investigate (using iostat & top) what CPU and/or IO load MonetDB creates while loading the data, in other words trying to understand whether the experienced performace degradiation can be realted to either increased I/O or CPU activity. Afterall, copying 726 GB does cost some time, expecially since this does not fit into RAM (and thus into file system caches) ...
I also understood and understand that you're loading into empty tables. The resaons for us to discontinue the "move feature" include that (a) it only worked if both to be loaded data and dbfarm are on the same filesystem, (b) and it only worked when loading into empty tables. While both seem yo (must) hold for you to get the fast performance, they do not hold in many other cases. Moreover, people ded not like the fact the (some of) the files they loaded from "were gone" after the load, even if the load did not succeed ...
You could consider downgrading (well, most probabaly you'd then first have to dump your entire DB(s) and then re-load them after the downgrade), but it's very unlikely, that we revive the move feature. hence, you'd never be able to upgrade again.
I'd prefer that we could understand where the significant degrading comes from, and whether it's something we could fix ...
Best, Stefan
ps: you dbfarm is not necesarily where your monetdb installation (program) is, but rather where you find the merovingian.log
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn Carol,
COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk.
To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have?
Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem.
(NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...)
In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing).
You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat.
Best, Stefan
----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list

HI Stefan, Martin –
We are open to any suggestions.
Stephan, I understand your reasons for making the change from “steal” to “copy”. Is it possible to have both options? Before loading the new tables I do a “copy *.bin” from the “saved” directory to the “loading” directory. This takes less than an hour. Are there multiple steps involved in the monetdb copy that results in it not finishing overnight?
From the perspective of a user that deals with very large data, a big selling point of monetdb is the ability to create data a column at a time and load using the COPY BINARY command. I have often bragged on monetdb’s ability to reload the entire table of 2 billion rows, 100+ columns in 3-4 minutes. I would still brag if it took an hour.
Our data base contains a row for each of the 2 billion positions on the maize genome. Each row has a chromosome and position column as well as many other traits scored for this position. We expect to continue to add columns as more data is curated. The data is then used for genomic analysis. While I’m not presented with new data every week, I generally gather data once a month that needs to be added. Having the db down for several days to reload can be problematic.
Let me know if there is other data I can collect to help analyze this problem.
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 7:49 AM, "users-list on behalf of Martin Kersten"

Hi Lynn, see my comments inlined below ----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 5:50 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stefan, Martin –
We are open to any suggestions.
Stephan, I understand your reasons for making the change from “steal” to “copy”. Is it possible to have both options?
We might consider that ...
Before loading the new tables I do a “copy *.bin” from the “saved” directory to the “loading” directory. This takes less than an hour. Are there multiple steps involved in the monetdb copy that results in it not finishing overnight?
are your "saved" and "loading" directories on different file systems (or even different I/O sub systems / disks/ raids? Could you try loading directly from the "Saved" rather than copying to the "loading" and loading from there? That might help (a lot?) in case "saved" is on another i/o subsystem than you dbfarm. while "loading" is on the same as your dbfarm ...
From the perspective of a user that deals with very large data, a big selling point of monetdb is the ability to create data a column at a time and load using the COPY BINARY command. I have often bragged on monetdb’s ability to reload the entire table of 2 billion rows, 100+ columns in 3-4 minutes. I would still brag if it took an hour.
Our data base contains a row for each of the 2 billion positions on the maize genome. Each row has a chromosome and position column as well as many other traits scored for this position. We expect to continue to add columns as more data is curated. The data is then used for genomic analysis. While I’m not presented with new data every week, I generally gather data once a month that needs to be added. Having the db down for several days to reload can be problematic.
In fact, I recently made the case in the group that we need (more) efficient way(s) to extend a table by one (or more) column(s) an load extra data in that column(s) efficiently (i.e., without for loading into a new table and that copying into the extended table using a "alter table" with a join ...). Your senario confirms that we should increase the priority to pursue this direction; now only find the time / manpower to implement it ...
Let me know if there is other data I can collect to help analyze this problem.
I might / will, but need some more time (I'm "on the road" as we speak ...) Best, Stefan
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 7:49 AM, "users-list on behalf of Martin Kersten"
wrote: Hi Stefan, Lynn
One way to move forward is to move the old functionality into the DataVault. There a directory of MonetDB compliant binary data can potentially be handled without the overhead incurred by copying.
On 09/03/2017 13:41, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Hi Lynn,
I understood and understand that your machine exclusively used by MonetDB.
My question was more to investigate (using iostat & top) what CPU and/or IO load MonetDB creates while loading the data, in other words trying to understand whether the experienced performace degradiation can be realted to either increased I/O or CPU activity. Afterall, copying 726 GB does cost some time, expecially since this does not fit into RAM (and thus into file system caches) ...
I also understood and understand that you're loading into empty tables. The resaons for us to discontinue the "move feature" include that (a) it only worked if both to be loaded data and dbfarm are on the same filesystem, (b) and it only worked when loading into empty tables. While both seem yo (must) hold for you to get the fast performance, they do not hold in many other cases. Moreover, people ded not like the fact the (some of) the files they loaded from "were gone" after the load, even if the load did not succeed ...
You could consider downgrading (well, most probabaly you'd then first have to dump your entire DB(s) and then re-load them after the downgrade), but it's very unlikely, that we revive the move feature. hence, you'd never be able to upgrade again.
I'd prefer that we could understand where the significant degrading comes from, and whether it's something we could fix ...
Best, Stefan
ps: you dbfarm is not necesarily where your monetdb installation (program) is, but rather where you find the merovingian.log
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn Carol,
COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk.
To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have?
Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem.
(NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...)
In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing).
You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat.
Best, Stefan
----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) |

Regarding the “copy” suggesiont. I have a folder /workdir/lcj34/monetdb/savedBinaries_fullGenome and a folder /workdir/lcj34/monetdb/fullGenome_binariesToLoad.
There are 2 folders because monetdb used to delete (steal) the binaries when it was done copying. Because I always drop the table and reload it, the “saved” dir has all the previously working binaries. I add the new ones to it, copy everything to the folder from which they will be loaded, and copy from there. There are no differences in the files, and they are on the same file system, same disk, etc.
I appreciate your help with this.
On 3/9/17, 12:00 PM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"

Hi Lynn, to understand your problem in more detail, could you possibly share the schema of your table (i.e., the types of all columns), as well as the output of the following two commands on your machine: df -h ps auxwwwf | grep mserver5 These would help me/us to understand where your data and dbfarm are located. Feel free to send these info by private to me in case you think this list is "too public" --- I'd appreciate, though, if you'd to keep the general discussion on this list for others to jump in and/or benefit. Best, Stefan ----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 6:15 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
Regarding the “copy” suggesiont. I have a folder /workdir/lcj34/monetdb/savedBinaries_fullGenome and a folder /workdir/lcj34/monetdb/fullGenome_binariesToLoad.
There are 2 folders because monetdb used to delete (steal) the binaries when it was done copying. Because I always drop the table and reload it, the “saved” dir has all the previously working binaries. I add the new ones to it, copy everything to the folder from which they will be loaded, and copy from there. There are no differences in the files, and they are on the same file system, same disk, etc.
I appreciate your help with this.
On 3/9/17, 12:00 PM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn,
see my comments inlined below
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 5:50 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stefan, Martin –
We are open to any suggestions.
Stephan, I understand your reasons for making the change from “steal” to “copy”. Is it possible to have both options?
We might consider that ...
Before loading the new tables I do a “copy *.bin” from the “saved” directory to the “loading” directory. This takes less than an hour. Are there multiple steps involved in the monetdb copy that results in it not finishing overnight?
are your "saved" and "loading" directories on different file systems (or even different I/O sub systems / disks/ raids? Could you try loading directly from the "Saved" rather than copying to the "loading" and loading from there? That might help (a lot?) in case "saved" is on another i/o subsystem than you dbfarm. while "loading" is on the same as your dbfarm ...
From the perspective of a user that deals with very large data, a big selling point of monetdb is the ability to create data a column at a time and load using the COPY BINARY command. I have often bragged on monetdb’s ability to reload the entire table of 2 billion rows, 100+ columns in 3-4 minutes. I would still brag if it took an hour.
Our data base contains a row for each of the 2 billion positions on the maize genome. Each row has a chromosome and position column as well as many other traits scored for this position. We expect to continue to add columns as more data is curated. The data is then used for genomic analysis. While I’m not presented with new data every week, I generally gather data once a month that needs to be added. Having the db down for several days to reload can be problematic.
In fact, I recently made the case in the group that we need (more) efficient way(s) to extend a table by one (or more) column(s) an load extra data in that column(s) efficiently (i.e., without for loading into a new table and that copying into the extended table using a "alter table" with a join ...). Your senario confirms that we should increase the priority to pursue this direction; now only find the time / manpower to implement it ...
Let me know if there is other data I can collect to help analyze this problem.
I might / will, but need some more time (I'm "on the road" as we speak ...)
Best, Stefan
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 7:49 AM, "users-list on behalf of Martin Kersten"
wrote: Hi Stefan, Lynn
One way to move forward is to move the old functionality into the DataVault. There a directory of MonetDB compliant binary data can potentially be handled without the overhead incurred by copying.
On 09/03/2017 13:41, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Hi Lynn,
I understood and understand that your machine exclusively used by MonetDB.
My question was more to investigate (using iostat & top) what CPU and/or IO load MonetDB creates while loading the data, in other words trying to understand whether the experienced performace degradiation can be realted to either increased I/O or CPU activity. Afterall, copying 726 GB does cost some time, expecially since this does not fit into RAM (and thus into file system caches) ...
I also understood and understand that you're loading into empty tables. The resaons for us to discontinue the "move feature" include that (a) it only worked if both to be loaded data and dbfarm are on the same filesystem, (b) and it only worked when loading into empty tables. While both seem yo (must) hold for you to get the fast performance, they do not hold in many other cases. Moreover, people ded not like the fact the (some of) the files they loaded from "were gone" after the load, even if the load did not succeed ...
You could consider downgrading (well, most probabaly you'd then first have to dump your entire DB(s) and then re-load them after the downgrade), but it's very unlikely, that we revive the move feature. hence, you'd never be able to upgrade again.
I'd prefer that we could understand where the significant degrading comes from, and whether it's something we could fix ...
Best, Stefan
ps: you dbfarm is not necesarily where your monetdb installation (program) is, but rather where you find the merovingian.log
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn Carol,
COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk.
To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have?
Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem.
(NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...)
In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing).
You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat.
Best, Stefan
----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) |

Hi Stefan:
The load is still running (the one started at 8:52 am yesterday, I am in the US in the Eastern time zone, it is currently 7:15am).
Requested ommand results:
[lcj34@cbsudc01 ~]$ df -h
df: ‘/home/mm2842/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/lustre1/home/mm2842/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/home/zrm22/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/lustre1/home/zrm22/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/home/esb33/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/lustre1/home/esb33/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/home/kls283/.gvfs’: Permission denied
df: ‘/lustre1/home/kls283/.gvfs’: Permission denied
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 500G 40G 435G 9% /
devtmpfs 126G 0 126G 0% /dev
tmpfs 126G 560K 126G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 126G 42M 126G 1% /run
tmpfs 126G 0 126G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 488M 100M 353M 23% /boot
/dev/md0 939G 687G 205G 78% /SSD
/dev/sdb1 15T 9.7T 4.4T 70% /local
tmpfs 26G 12K 26G 1% /run/user/42 702T 428T 275T 61% /home
cbsugfs1:/home 313T 234T 71T 77% /glusterfs/home
tmpfs 26G 0 26G 0% /run/user/0
//andersonii.maize.cornell.edu/admin 28T 24T 3.8T 87% /fs/andersonii.maize.cornell.edu/admin
tmpfs 26G 0 26G 0% /run/user/956
tmpfs 26G 0 26G 0% /run/user/1719
[lcj34@cbsudc01 ~]$
[lcj34@cbsudc01 ~]$ ps auxwwwf | grep mserver5
lcj34 1606 0.0 0.0 112644 960 pts/0 S+ 07:12 0:00 \_ grep --color=auto mserver5
root 14623 230 88.4 760728724 233261332 ? Ssl Mar09 3096:54 \_ /usr/bin/mserver5 --dbpath=/local/monetdb/dbfarmBL/maizeFullGenomeDB --set merovingian_uri mapi:monetdb://cbsudc01:50000/maizeFullGenomeDB --set mapi_open false --set mapi_port 0 --set mapi_usock /local/monetdb/dbfarmBL/maizeFullGenomeDB/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key /local/monetdb/dbfarmBL/maizeFullGenomeDB/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads 24 --set max_clients 64 --set sql_optimizer default_pipe --set monet_daemon yes
[lcj34@cbsudc01 ~]$
I create the table using this command from a .sql file:
CREATE TABLE fullGenomeStable (chr int, pos int, ref_allele tinyint,two_bp_upstream int, two_bp_downstream int, three_bp_upstream int, three_bp_center int, three_bp_downstream int, four_bp_upstream int, four_bp_downstream int, five_bp_upstream int,five_bp_center int, five_bp_downstream int,gc_content tinyint,gerp_neutral_tree_length real, gerp_score real, gerp_non_negative_score real, gerp_conserved boolean, cMethylation real, cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average real, chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average real, chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average real, mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots real, mnase_bayes_factor_shoots real, mnase_hotspot_shoots boolean, mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots real, mnase_bayes_factor_roots real, mnase_hotspot_roots boolean, allele_total_depth int, site_presence int, conservedgene_presence boolean, minor_allele tinyint, maf real, combined_site_uniqueness_score real, site_uniqueness_score_sd real,expected_invariant_site boolean,codon_position tinyint,within_cds boolean, within_gene boolean, within_transcript boolean, within_exon boolean, within_five_prime_utr boolean, within_three_prime_utr boolean, within_mirna boolean, line_family int, sine_family int, ltr_family int, helitron boolean, carot_common_support_interval tinyint, toco_common_support_interval tinyint,B73_uniqueness_score real, CML247_uniqueness_score real, PH207_uniqueness_score real, W22_uniqueness_score real,Coelorachis_anc tinyint, Vossia_anc tinyint, Sorghum_anc tinyint, Oryza_anc tinyint, Setaria_anc tinyint, Brachypodium_anc tinyint, Hordeum_anc tinyint, Musa_anc tinyint, populus_anc tinyint, vitis_anc tinyint, arabidopsis_anc tinyint, panicum_anc tinyint,hmp32CDS_alt_allele tinyint, hmp32CDS_minor_allele tinyint, hmp32CDS_maf real, hmp32CDS_site_depth int, hmp32CDS_hetCount int, hmp32CDS_mutation_class tinyint, hmp32CDS_sift real, eli_nam_xo_mean real, eli_nam_xo_corrected real, Ames_BLUP_DTA_cand50kbp_top79_add_p smallint,Ames_BLUP_DTA_cand50kbp_top918_add_p smallint,Ames_BLUP_DTS_cand50kbp_top79_add_p smallint,Ames_BLUP_DTS_cand50kbp_top918_add_p smallint,Ames_QOnly_DTA_cand50kbp_top79_add_p smallint,Ames_QOnly_DTA_cand50kbp_top918_add_p smallint,Ames_QOnly_DTS_cand50kbp_top79_add_p smallint, Ames_QOnly_DTS_cand50kbp_top918_add_p smallint, cand_Yongxiang_add_p smallint,cand_DongPlusZCN_add_p smallint,H3K27me2_DevEars_peak boolean,
H3K27me2_DevEars_rpm real,
H3K27me2_DevEars_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K27me3_Root_peak boolean,
H3K27me3_Root_rpm real,
H3K27me3_Root_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K27me3_Shoot_highconf_peak boolean,
H3K27me3_Shoot_highconf_peaks_rpm real,
H3K27me3_Shoot_highconf_peak_qvalue real,
H3K36me3_Shoot_peak boolean,
H3K36me3_Shoot_rpm real,
H3K36me3_Shoot_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K4me3_Base_peak boolean,
H3K4me3_Base_rpm real,
H3K4me3_Base_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K4me3_Maturing_peak boolean,
H3K4me3_Maturing_rpm real,
H3K4me3_Maturing_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K4me3_Root_peak boolean,
H3K4me3_Root_rpm real,
H3K4me3_Root_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K4me3_Shoot_peak boolean,
H3K4me3_Shoot_rpm real,
H3K4me3_Shoot_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K9ac_Base_peak boolean,
H3K9ac_Base_rpm real,
H3K9ac_Base_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K9ac_Maturing_peak boolean,
H3K9ac_Maturing_rpm real,
H3K9ac_Maturing_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K9ac_Root_peak boolean,
H3K9ac_Root_rpm real,
H3K9ac_Root_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K9ac_Shoot_peak boolean,
H3K9ac_Shoot_rpm real,
H3K9ac_Shoot_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K9me2_DevEars_peak boolean,
H3K9me2_DevEars_rpm real,
H3K9me2_DevEars_minuslog10qvalue real,
H3K9me2_Seedlings_peak boolean,
H3K9me2_Seedlings_rpm real,
H3K9me2_Seedlings_minuslog10qvalue real,
SW_maxScore_sorghum real,
SW_meanScore_sorghum real,
SW_maxScore_rice real,
SW_meanScore_rice real,
SW_NumberOfAlign_sorghum int,
SW_NumberOfAlign_rice int,
ZmAGPv3_highconf_tss boolean,
ZmAGPv3_highconf_tss_strand int);
And copy using this from a .sql file:
COPY binary into fullGenomeStable from ('/workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles/fullGenome_binariesToLoad/chrFile.bin', (etc) )
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 5:35 PM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"

FYI – the load finally finished. It took 30 hours for the 726G to be copied and loaded.
Stephan, I’ll try loading from /SSD next week (to a testDB – won’t mess with the real one) and see if it matters when on a different device.
Thanks for your support - Lynn
On 3/10/17, 7:15 AM, "users-list on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson"

HI Stefan –
I followed your suggestion to load from a different device. Performed this test over the weekend. It did not help. It still took 30+ hours to load this large table.
Do you have any further thoughts on how to improve the performance? Will your team consider making both loading options (“steal” or “copy”) available in a future release? As I expected, my boss has requested we roll back to the June-2016 SP-2 release. I have argued against this and we remain on the Dec2016-SP2 load, hoping there will be a solution in a future release.
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/10/17, 3:46 PM, "users-list on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson"

Hi there, Are you sure there is no bug in how "new" binary bulk load is loading data in parallel?
From my tests it was at least 5x speedup [when loading data from TXT to MonetDB] with respect to binary bulk load.
And I observed that only 1 CPU was used during BINARY bulk load. And ~16 CPUs (all available) were used during CSV loading. Thanks, Anton

Martin et al., I guess I'd perfer an option / switch to CPOY BINAY INTO than a data vault ... Stefan ----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:49 PM, Martin Kersten martin@monetdb.org wrote:
Hi Stefan, Lynn
One way to move forward is to move the old functionality into the DataVault. There a directory of MonetDB compliant binary data can potentially be handled without the overhead incurred by copying.
On 09/03/2017 13:41, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Hi Lynn,
I understood and understand that your machine exclusively used by MonetDB.
My question was more to investigate (using iostat & top) what CPU and/or IO load MonetDB creates while loading the data, in other words trying to understand whether the experienced performace degradiation can be realted to either increased I/O or CPU activity. Afterall, copying 726 GB does cost some time, expecially since this does not fit into RAM (and thus into file system caches) ...
I also understood and understand that you're loading into empty tables. The resaons for us to discontinue the "move feature" include that (a) it only worked if both to be loaded data and dbfarm are on the same filesystem, (b) and it only worked when loading into empty tables. While both seem yo (must) hold for you to get the fast performance, they do not hold in many other cases. Moreover, people ded not like the fact the (some of) the files they loaded from "were gone" after the load, even if the load did not succeed ...
You could consider downgrading (well, most probabaly you'd then first have to dump your entire DB(s) and then re-load them after the downgrade), but it's very unlikely, that we revive the move feature. hence, you'd never be able to upgrade again.
I'd prefer that we could understand where the significant degrading comes from, and whether it's something we could fix ...
Best, Stefan
ps: you dbfarm is not necesarily where your monetdb installation (program) is, but rather where you find the merovingian.log
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn Carol,
COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk.
To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have?
Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem.
(NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...)
In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing).
You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat.
Best, Stefan
----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
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-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) |

Hi Stefan, If I may drop in, the end goal of the data vaults is to be able to do something like the following: sql> CALL vault_register(<vault name>); sql> COPY INTO <table> FROM VAULT <vault name> DATA /path/to/file; We still need to do some work before this is feasible, and not all the details are there yet. Panos. Stefan Manegold @ 2017-03-09 17:02 GMT:
Martin et al.,
I guess I'd perfer an option / switch to CPOY BINAY INTO than a data vault ...
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:49 PM, Martin Kersten martin@monetdb.org wrote:
Hi Stefan, Lynn
One way to move forward is to move the old functionality into the DataVault. There a directory of MonetDB compliant binary data can potentially be handled without the overhead incurred by copying.
On 09/03/2017 13:41, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Hi Lynn,
I understood and understand that your machine exclusively used by MonetDB.
My question was more to investigate (using iostat & top) what CPU and/or IO load MonetDB creates while loading the data, in other words trying to understand whether the experienced performace degradiation can be realted to either increased I/O or CPU activity. Afterall, copying 726 GB does cost some time, expecially since this does not fit into RAM (and thus into file system caches) ...
I also understood and understand that you're loading into empty tables. The resaons for us to discontinue the "move feature" include that (a) it only worked if both to be loaded data and dbfarm are on the same filesystem, (b) and it only worked when loading into empty tables. While both seem yo (must) hold for you to get the fast performance, they do not hold in many other cases. Moreover, people ded not like the fact the (some of) the files they loaded from "were gone" after the load, even if the load did not succeed ...
You could consider downgrading (well, most probabaly you'd then first have to dump your entire DB(s) and then re-load them after the downgrade), but it's very unlikely, that we revive the move feature. hence, you'd never be able to upgrade again.
I'd prefer that we could understand where the significant degrading comes from, and whether it's something we could fix ...
Best, Stefan
ps: you dbfarm is not necesarily where your monetdb installation (program) is, but rather where you find the merovingian.log
----- On Mar 9, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
HI Stephen -
Copying the machine administrators on this email.
The machine on which monetdb lives has 256GB RAM, 24 fast cores, 16TB of RAID10 storage and 1TB of SSD scratch space. This machine is used mostly for monetdb. When I run “top” I see nothing little else running on it. No other IO going on. The access to this machine is limited and I generally know who other than myself is on it.
Before loading new columns I ALWAYs do a “drop table”. Then I run “create table …” with the new columns added to the list. Follow this with a “COPY BINARY INTO …” . So I monetdb is always loading into an empty table.
On disk, the binary files take up 726G of space.
Jarek – I load from a directory in /workdir/lcj34/monetdbFiles. Monetdb lives in /local/monetdb. Are these the same file system?
Stephen: I the last load command around 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it was still not complete this morning. We’ve been very happy with monetdb, but this is quite troubling. Is it a problem to downgrade the monetdb load from dec2016-SP2 back to jun2016-sp2?
Thanks - Lynn
On 3/9/17, 2:00 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi Lynn Carol,
COPY BINARY INTO now indeed copies the data, and that can add some cost to it, in particular in case your data is large and your dbfarm is on the same I/O system, or even the same (single) disk.
To better understand your situation, could you possibly share how big your (binary) data is that you load (i.e., how much diskspace do the 135 files with 2 billions values each occupy), and whether you I/O system is a single hard disk, or a RAID system, or an SSD? Also, how much RAM does you machine have?
Given that you used to exploit the old COPY BINARY INTO's "move feature", I assume your data and your dbfarm are on the same filesystem.
(NB. in the old version, we could do the "move trick" only when bulk-loading into an empty table; when loading more data into a non-empty table, we also had to copy the data ...)
In case your machine has more than one filesystem, each on a different hard disk / SSD / RAID, you coudl try to have your to-be-loaded data on one and your dbfarm on the other, spreading the I/O load over both (one mostly reading, the other mostly writing).
You can also inspect you systems I/O activity during the load, e.g., using iostat.
Best, Stefan
----- On Mar 8, 2017, at 10:12 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
BTW, my 135 binary files together are 726G. I note the dec2016 release says:
BATattach now copies the input file instead of "stealing" it.
Could this be why it’s gone from 3 minutes to over 3 hours to load this data? My files and monetdb are on the same machine – no network access. And “top” shows nothing of significance running on the machine except mserver5.
I loved the speed with which I could add new columns to my table by dropping it, re-create the table, COPY BINARY INTO table. Hoping you have ideas to get this back, or an idea on what could be wrong.
Thanks - Lynn
From: users-list
on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:19 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: DEC2016-SP2 and BINARY bulk load Hi all –
I have always used the COPY BINARY INTO … commands to load my 2.0 Billion row genetic data into a monetdb table. With 135 columns, it has been blindingly fast.
Last week I moved from the June2016-SP2 release to dec2016-SP2. My binary loads are taking WAY longer. I killed one after 3 hours (via “call sys.stop(pid)” so it could clean up properly). I then started the load again, thinking perhaps the problem was related to the new columns I was adding.
I have since dropped the table and remade it using the same data and scripts that worked in just over 3 minutes in February on the jun2016-SP2 load. It is really chugging along – I’m up to 30 minutes and counting. I don’t have access to the sql log files, but the Merovingian.log shows nothing.
I do notice that previously the binary files, once loaded, were removed from the loading directly. This does not happen now. Were these files previously “moved” and now they are copied?
Has anyone see this performance issue with Dec2016-SP2 COPY BINARY INTO …. Commands?
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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Oh – and here is iostat:
[lcj34@cbsudc01 monetdb_problems]$ iostat
Linux 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64 (cbsudc01) 03/09/2017 _x86_64_ (24 CPU)
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
0.82 0.00 1.31 0.11 0.00 97.76
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.57 4.96 5.16 2499854 2600556
sdb 51.16 7272.50 4965.66 3663544367 2501465522
sdc 0.00 0.01 0.03 5919 16872
sdd 0.00 0.01 0.03 2582 15404
md0 0.00 0.01 0.06 5489 32276
dm-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1472 0
[lcj34@cbsudc01 monetdb_problems]$
On 3/9/17, 7:41 AM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
participants (5)
Anton Kravchenko
Lynn Carol Johnson
Martin Kersten
Panagiotis Koutsourakis
Stefan Manegold